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Xiao's pov:

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Xiao's pov:

What even is this situation!?

I stood frozen as these people started surrounding me.

"Oh, aren't you Xiao? The new student? We haven't really talked much. But I am Helen"

I did not reply.

"I am Kate"

And I still did not reply.

"Seeing you in school dress is something but right now you look amazing"

How am I supposed to react to all this?
This has never happened to me before.

"But isn't it such a pity? On the very first day you got tangled up in the group of the worst possible students in the class"

Huh? Why would they say that?

"You don't know. But that group of 5 is a troublesome one. That girl Hu Tao's family apparently runs a funeral parlor. Such a nasty job. And she is so creepy."

"And that Aether? Isn't he like the worst idiot to hang out with? He has a foul mouth."

"Oh! No one is worse than that Ganyu. She probably thinks of herself as someone high and mighty. And then acts timidly in front of us."

"What about Kazuha? He is just so eerie. Celestia knows what he hides behind that smile of his"

"Oh and that... Venti?"

"Ah seriously. He is the weirdest of the bunch"

"I know right. I can never tell what he is up to. Apparently his father was some gangster."

"I bet he was. Why else would the Principal herself go out of her way and give that begger a house to live in?"

"Say Xiao, what about hanging out with us? It will be way more fun than that boring group."

I stood there in their midst.

And then glared at them which made them take a step back.

"People like you are there everywhere huh...", I continued with a furious tone,"Don't ever come and talk to me again. People like you only judge others and talk behind their backs."
And then I smiled as i said," Behind their back is where you people belong anyways"

I walked away avoiding all the whispers about me.

That was when I saw the teacher come in. She looked rather young.

"Good morning Miss.Nilou"

All the students started circling around her as I stood baffled.

Venti's pov:

Where is Xiao...?

Oh! there he is!

I went and grabbed his hand as he stood confused in the midst of everyone.

UNNOTICED 🌖 (Xiao×Venti)||Genshin ImpactWhere stories live. Discover now