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"Aiya! This is called life!", Hu Tao yelled as she slammed the empty glass on the table

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"Aiya! This is called life!", Hu Tao yelled as she slammed the empty glass on the table.

"This thing tastes bitter", Xiao said with disgust after one sip.

"Haiya! Don't say that! This is the celebration! Our first time having a drink together as adults!", Hu Tao said.

"Ah... but it does taste a bit bitter", said Ganyu.

All of them were at Angel's share. The place in Mondstad which in a day receives over a hundred customers.

"How did you even manage to get so many seats pre-booked in a place like angel's share!?", asked Venti.

"Hmm. Why of course it was with the help of Uncle Zhongli. He has his ties with the dawn winery itself you know", replied Hu Tao as she gulped down another glass.

" Go slow. You will get drunk if you drink too much", said Kazuha.

"Ahh... hehehe. Btw, why are you here?", Hu Tao said as her finger pointed at Heizou who was sitting right across her beside Kazuha.

"Me? Cause I am Kazuha's boyfriend ", Heizou replied with a sunshine smile.

"You have a boyfriend!? What the hell!? And you never told me!?", Hu Tao shouted and everyone at the tavern seemed to stare at them.

"He is not", Kazuha replied calmly.

"Ehh?", Hu Tao was more confused now. She looked at Venti who gave an awkward smile and whispered,"it's a little complicated."

But it did not bother anyone.


"And that's how I *hic* made the wooden coff *hic* in *hic*"

"Drink water", Xiao said and passed the glass to Hu Tao.

He seemed a little lost in thoughts and Venti could not help but wonder why.
Suddenly Xiao stood up in the middle and walked off. "I will be back in a min", he said as he walked off.

Immediately Venti got up and said with a hurried tone,"I need to use the washroom. I will be back soon". Then he left the table and headed off out of the tavern and behind it where he found Xiao leaning against the wall.


"Huh? Why are you here?", Xiao asked as he once again stood straight.

"Something is bothering you..."

Xiao paused for a moment before saying,"its not like that..."

Venti leaned a bit forward and asked again,"Don't hide it. I know you've been out of it for a while now."

Xiao sighed and stood with his back leaning against the wall. "It is just... a bad memory. A momeory I wish I could forget." Xiao continued as Venti stood right beside him. "My father... not Mr.Zhongli. i mean my real father. I think i told this to you before. But he died after going insane from indulging himself in drinking. He was so out of it- to the point where he couldn't even tell that I was his son. The night he died.. he attempted... to kill me"

UNNOTICED 🌖 (Xiao×Venti)||Genshin ImpactWhere stories live. Discover now