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Xiao's pov:

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Xiao's pov:

After completing all my assignments,I stretched my legs which felt a bit numb.
Just the thought of having to eat a bowl of instant noodles once again for dinner made me groan a bit to myself.

But I got up and went to the kitchen. On my way I saw the plate of toast and eggs still lying in front of her room. I sighed and gave a slight knock on the door. The sounds of cries could not be heard anymore.

Third person pov:

She did not reply on the other side.
Xioa simply took the cold plate with him and warmed it up in the microwave.
"She has gotten worse ever since we arrived at Mondstad. If this continues she will end up-", Xiao was having these thoughts when he suddenly heard a very loud thud. He immediately turned off the oven and rushed to the room of his so called mother.

This time he loudly knocked on the door and pushed it hard. "Open the door! What was that sound!?", he shouted.

Xiao had to force open the door with all his strength. He managed to break the lock and went inside prepared for the worst.

There she was right in front of him. Unharmed.

But Xiao saw the broken mirror in the corner of the room.

"What are you-", before he could finish his words, the women glanced at Xiao and with a frantic bloodlust got up with her legs which barely looked strong enough to hold her weight.

"You... you dared to toy with my feelings..."

"Huh?", Xiao stared at her with both confusion and fear.

"You... you never looked at me... even though I did so much for you!", the woman almost ran to get a hold of one of the broken pieces of mirror lying on the floor. "I loved you so much... I let you fool around with those women! I let your illegitimate son live with us! And yet you... you never loved me... You never!"

Xiao immediately panicked. He backed down a bit as he saw her coming at him with a twisted smile on her face.

"Hahahah! HAHAHAH! You piece of shit! You ... all because of you!"
The woman was about to stab Xiao who easily dodged and grabbed her hand holding the piece of mirror. The woman's hand almost naturally let go of the mirror. Almost as if she had no strength left in her bony body.

But she immediately grabbed Xiao's neck with her other hand and then with the other as Xiao's grip had loosened on being caught off gaurd by her.

"You bastard!", she yelled as she grabbed his neck even more tightly.

Xiao felt himself cornered. What was he supposed to do? If he wished, he could've easily pushed her away from himself. He could've easily made her give up.

Yet he had some faint feelings of affection for the woman in front of her. No it was not affection.

He simply pitied the woman.

UNNOTICED 🌖 (Xiao×Venti)||Genshin ImpactWhere stories live. Discover now