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"What is it, Xiao?"

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"What is it, Xiao?"

Xiao looked up at Zhongli sitting in front of him as he was writing some documents.

"Uncertainty is the best way to say it I guess", Xiao replied. He had been spacing out very often and staring out of the windows with a worried look on his face. Zhongli was quick to notice that.

"Uncertainty?", Zhongli questioned as he kept his documents away and took a sip of the osmanthus wine kept beside him.

Xiao was not hesistant to say ," There is someone I like... but I can't tell if he likes me back at all. Sometimes it feels like he does while sometimes it feels like I am bothering him."

"Oh you mean Venti!?"

Suddenly Hu Tao jumped out from behind Zhongli's chair with a mischievous look on her face.

"When did you come in here!?", Xiao yelled.

"Heheheh... That's a s-e-c-r-e-t", Hu Tao replied.

Xiao sideeyed her and sighed.

"So you like Venti?", Zhongli asked Xiao.

"You know him?"

Zhongli became a bit silent and spoke after a while, "I do know him. And probably more than any of you two do"

"Huh!? You know him more that we do?" Hu Tao said with confusion.

"Xiao... do you know what Mondstad is known as?", Zhongli asked all of a sudden.

"The nation of Freedom... blessed by lord Barbatos and Celestia", Xiao replied.

"You are not wrong. But very wrong", Zhongli said.

This made Xiao confused but Hu Tao slightly frowned.

"Are you perhaps talking about port Danzig...?" She asked and sat down beside Xiao.

"Port Danzig?", Xiao said.

"Port Danzig used to be the port city of Mondstad around 500 years ago. Back when the knights of favonius still existed... back when people with visions still existed", Zhongli said.

Xiao had more questions than answers at this point.

"Knights of favonius? Isn't that just an old folktale?", Hu Tao asked. "Visions are fantastical objects, aren't they?"

"That's what everyone says. The history from that time has almost been erased. Even I myslef only know what I was told by my grandfather.",said Zhongli.

"Your grandfather?"

"He once told me that Knights of Favonius really did exist. Something he himself had learned from his own grandmother."

"Wow wow... that's a very old tale!", Hu Tao exclaimed.

Zhongli stood up and went to the book shelf nearby. He took out an old dusted book which looked almost ancient enough to be called a manuscript. He brought it back with him and handed it over to Xiao.

"See inside. It is the dairy my great-great grandfather had left behind."

Xiao very slowly and carefully opened the dairy. It had so many words which were not at all readable. But some still were.

"The gods goad us on with the promise of their seven treasures. Rewards for the worthy. The doorway to divinity."

"What does this mean?", Hu Tao asked.

"Something that is given by the god. It implies the Vision", Zhongli said. "Are there any other parts still readable Xiao?"

"a gift bestowed upon those who dwell in Teyvat, recognized by the gods. Wind, earth, water, fire... Nature and Ice... I can't read anything else from this page", Xiao said.

"Does this mean... visions really did exist!?", Hu Tao asked.

"Certainly. I don't have any doubts in that.", said Zhongli. He continued with after another sip of his wine. "The port of Danzig is a part of Mondstad that's not shown in the map of Teyvat. People living there are not considered to be people from Teyvat because they don't believe in the gods. They believe that God has abonden them. Xiao, do you know why Mondstad is bounded by walls?"

Xiao nooded as a sign of no.

"To isolate Danzig from Mondstad. It is a city full of misery and torment. To ensure that Freedom exists in one part of Mondstad ,another part is neglected."

"What kind of torment...?", asked Xiao.

"That is something even I am not aware of", Zhongli replied.

"Its so sad... to think that just beyond the walls people are dying and crying for help", suddenly said Hu Tao. "After all, how are they wrong for thinking that the god has abonden them? If Visions really did exist then why does no one have one? Uncle Zhongli, you just said that visions are given to us by the gods. But no one has received a vision since 500 years ago. Does that not mean that the gods have truly abonden them!?"

Zhongli listened to Hu Tao but did not reply directly. Instead he got up and went to get his empty cup of wine filled once again.

"But how... is Venti connected to everything you just said?", asked Xiao.

"Why don't you ask him yourself?", Zhongli asked as he poured the wine.

"That... that is because he refuses to tell me anything about him...", Xiao said with a sad look on his face. "On the day of our graduation ceremony... I was thinking of confessing my feelings to him. But... I don't know if that is a good idea anymore. I can't even tell what he thinks about me..."

"Don't worry Xiao! You need to be brave and tell him!", said Hu Tao.

"That's right Xiao", Zhongli said as he once again sat down on his chair with his glass filled with fresh wine. "You won't know unless you tell him how you feel. If he trusts you enough, he will definitely tell you everything."

"Uncle, how do you know about him?" Asked Hu Tao. Even Xiao was curious to know this. Venti who refuses to tell him anything actually told everything tp Zhongli?

"He never told me anything about himself. It was Ayato who told me about him. Not everything about him. Just one single thing that is unknown to you two"


"That's Kazuha's brother", said Hu Tao.

"He has a brother?"

"Aiya, don't you remember seeing him during the Windblume festival?"


"Huh... just how fixed were you on searching for Venti that day that you completely forgot Ayato!?"

"Is he someone memorable?"

"Is that even a question!? Do you know how good looking he is!?"

"Calm down you two", said Zhongli.

The two turned their faces away for a while as Zhongli sighed.

"Xiao, don't hesitate to tell Venti everything. There are things that love is capable of achieving." He said one last time to Xiao after Hu Tao left.


A/N: a double drop after so long! This sunday my results were out and I scored very well. So to celebrate that I decided to write 2 chapters.

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