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It was the graduation  ceremony of Mondstad's Freedom Academy

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It was the graduation  ceremony of Mondstad's Freedom Academy.

Boys and girls with their hopes and aspirations walked out of the school dressed in their signature green school outfits for one last time. From here on out, everyone was going to start walking on their own different paths.

"You are not going to college?"

"Nope", replied Hu Tao to Lumine. "I am the one who is next in line for the position of the director of the funeral parlor. It is my family business and I want to be the most capable person to whom the duty gets handed over to."

"I am sure you'll do well", said Aether.

"What about you two?", asked Hu Tao.

"How to say this... we are both actually leaving Mondstad...", said Lumine.


"We were planning on saying it after the graduation anyways... you are the only one who knows it for now. We never knew how hard it would be to actually say this", said Aether.

"Where are you two going?", asked Hu Tao with a sad face.

"To Natlan", said Lumine.

"That's so far away...", Hu Tao whined.

"Don't worry. We'll always come back to Mondstad every once in a while. We have our home and friends here afterall." , said Aether.

"I'll miss you two so much...", said Hu Tao.

"We will miss everyone as well..." said Lumine. "Where are the others? It would have been good if we could tell them everything as well... so that we all can enjoy this last week together. We'll be leaving for Natlan next Monday. Before then I wanted to go with everyone all around Mondstad"

"Ganyu's parents were here and she left with them a while ago. Kazuha was here just now. He is probably somewhere with Ayaka and Ayato. And about Venti and Xiao... they are at the Starsnatch Cliff", said Hu Tao.

"Starsnatch Cliff? Wait a minute... don't tell me-"

"Yup. Xiao has finally decided to confess his feelings to Venti ", replied Hu Tao to Lumine.

This was news to Aether and Lumine.

"I wonder how it will go..."  said Aether.

"It should go well right? Xiao had always been so open about liking Venti. He surely has noticed that I suppose."

"Also, hasn't Xiao grown so much taller? He literally came to school 5 months ago but his looks have been becoming crazy good day by day. Venti does not have any reason to reject him for his looks.", said Lumine with a smirk. "Unlike a certain someone who still looks like a kid". She slightly pushed Aether.

"Shut up! You have never had a boyfriend either"

"But no one has ever confessed to you either. I at least had some fanboys." Said Lumine with an even bolder smirk.

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