Rage and Burn

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Venti slowly opened his eyes

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Venti slowly opened his eyes. Everything around him appeared blurred. He got up and held his head which was hurting him.
"Qiqi... Paimon...I have to bring them back from school... where is... Xiao... "

He somehow got off from the bed and walked into the dining where he saw Ganyu in the kitchen.

"Lord Barba-... Venti! You're awake", Ganyu exclaimed.

"Ganyu... why are you... oh wait... you came with Xiao when he went out to call the others... where is Nahida?...", Venti asked as he struggled to breath.

"Everyone left alreday. I brought back Qiqi and Paimon from school so don't worry. You don't look too good yet... plesse rest more", Ganyu replied. "I will bring you something to eat later. Please have some rest until then"

"... where is Xiao?", Venti asked.

"Xiao... went out. He will be back. Until then, stay asleep" Ganyu said as she made Venti again lie down on his bed.

Venti could not think or process anything. The moment he laid down on the bed, he lost all senses yet again. Ganyu looked at his current state with sad eyes. "The dendro archon was correct... Lord Barbatos is not in any state to learn the truth... at least not right now"


For how long was Venti asleep?

He got up yet again, this time feeling better than before. And this time Nahida was sitting right beside him and Xiao stood at the edge of the room with his arms crossed.

"Where had you two gone to?", Venti asked them.

"Just out... for some air you can say. Are you feeling better now?", Nahida asked.

"I am... but what happened? How did I end up collapsing... wait- who were the people who came here again?... why can't I remember?"

"Its alright... have some rest.", Nahida said.

"No. Have some rest. That's all everyone is telling me... why do I suddenly need so much rest? What is happening to me?" , Venti asked. Then his eyes feel on Xiao who avoided eye contact.

"Xiao...? Did something happen? Why are you... not saying anything...?"

"... Nothing happened", Xiao replied but still did not look at Venti. This made Venti suspicious. Something was definitely the matter.

Nahida got up and walked out of the room leaving the two alone. As she went out she gazed over at Xiao.

"Xiao, what are you hiding from me?", Venti asked and got out of the bed.

Xiao still refrefused to look at Venti.

"Why won't you say anything...?" Venti's eyes searched for Xiao's. He held Xiao's hand and spoke yet again,

"Look at me Xiao"

Xiao looked at Venti's eyes. But with no emotions. Venti could not see it anymore... that endless love.

"Xiao... did I do something wrong...?", Venti's entire body shook. His hands shivered. His eyes looked with desperation.

"Answer me Xiao!"

Xiao opened his mouth and spoke,

"Why... did you bring me back to life?"

The moment Xiao said that, Venti suddenly felt a tsunami of waves hitting his head. Nahida immediately ran into the room and casted her spell, sending him to the Irminsul and Venti's body simply fell down on the ground which Xiao caught carefully with shaking arms.

"You did good... Xiao", Nahida said.

"Was this.. necessary to do?", Ganyu asked as she came inside the room followed by Raiden, Murata and Zhongli. She looked at Venti amd then Xiao with sympathy.

"Yes it was. Unlike everyone here... Barbatos is the one person I cannot send to Irminsul unless his mind is exposed to me. I can't see through his consciousness... but Xiao did exactly what he needed to do- to make his mind weak enough for me to do my work."

Xiao laid down Venti's body and looked at his hands which would not stop shaking.

"Xiao, do not regret what you did. Remeber, the reason why we're doing this is because we need to save everyone here and-"

"I know.", Xiao interrupted Nahida and spoke as he turned around with no hint of emotion in his eyes,"Emotions for a Yaksha bear no significance. The moment we become vulnerable, our karma takes over and makes us mad. With the little time I have I will fulfill my contract with Rex Lapis. Thats my sworn duty."

Ganyu looked ever sadder. Xiao was clearly lying. There was no way he was not hurt as he watched Venti suffer.

"So... is he not here?", Raiden asked as he looked at Venti's body.

"He is not. This is simply his body. His consciousness is not here. But he should be back any moment now", Nahida replied.

And the moment she did, Venti opened his eyes.

The room became all silent as he sat up on the bed with his head held down.

"Barbatos... did you...", Raiden was about to say something but she stopped.

"I did see it all Professor Raiden", Venti replied and looked up at everyone. "Or should I say Ei?"

Suddenly Murata walked towards Venti and grabbed him by his collar and their heads touched as Murata shouted at him,
"This is all your fault! How much of a fool were you Barbatos to have let your emotions get the better out of you!? Your actions were not befitting of a god. Of all things... love!? Even this Yaksha whom you brought back to life knows better than you. Was one life more sacred to you than million lives!? How, How will you fix this you-", Murata's eyes glowed a bright red as his fists were slowly engulfed in fire.

"Murata! Stop! ", Nahida shouted.

But he was too overcome by his anger to listen to anything.

"Reply me or else I wil burn you- you who are the very cause of this!", Murata roared.

"Burn... burn with flames so bright ... no one dares to question your might", Venti suddenly said. Then he slowly spoke, "This is indeed all my fault. And the only way to make things right is by fighting against Istaroth. But burning me here won't solve anything. The moment i die, the next samsara will start and we will loose all our memories yet again."

Murata gritted his teeth and aggressively let go of Venti. His face burned in flames.

"Calm down Murata", Zhongli said. "This is our battle. And hopefully the final one. We must not bear any grudges against each other but fight alongside everyone."

"But... how will we get hold of Istaroth?", Raiden asked.

"That is where I come in", Venti said.

"I will bring her here."


UNNOTICED 🌖 (Xiao×Venti)||Genshin ImpactWhere stories live. Discover now