Red Fountain

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"I love you", the girl said as she looked at the man in front of her

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"I love you", the girl said as she looked at the man in front of her. The man with a loving smile looking at the girl as if she meant everything to him.

The tale of long ago.

The tale of how two people fell in love.

One who loved blindly.

The one who loved but forgot to live.

The one who now lives in misery.

The same man who looked at her with love had started coming home late at night. He would come back home and sit in his room with his face buried in his hands. The girl who loved him would bring him everything he needed. She never questioned her love's decisions and went along with him.

That was until he brought home another women on a certain fateful night.
Seeing the man she loved with other women broke her heart.

But even with all the broken pieces of her heart, she continued to love him.

But all limits were crossed when that same man brought home a young crying infant in his arms. A young boy who looked just like him.

But love really is blind.

The woman accepted the child. Not as her own but as her husband's. She raised the infant without love but with care.

A tale still unheard of.

The tale of another fateful night in the life of the woman.

When the sun was gone and the stars were unseen, the cold and soulless body of the one she loved laid in front of her; the murderer Unnoticed.


"I can never bring myself to love Xiao like my son. I can not love anyone anymore. I've long forgotten what it even feels like."

Venti looked at the woman and softly made her sit back again on the bed. He sat right beside her and with a smile said, "You don't hate Xiao, do you?"

The woman did not reply. But her silence was enough of an answer for Venti.

The silence was interrupted when Venti heard the main door of the house opening and footsteps coming closer. The door of the room was already open and the one who came inside was Xiao.

Not unexpected. It was his own room afterall.

But he was definitely not expecting Venti to be there. And with his so called mother? That was beyond his wildest expectations.

The woman on seeing Xiao immediately turned her face away. That was a natural response.

"Umm... Xiao...", Venti tried to initiate a conversation in that awkward moment.

"Venti? Why are you here? How did you know where I live?", Xiao asked rather surprised.

"I am not a stalker!"

UNNOTICED 🌖 (Xiao×Venti)||Genshin ImpactWhere stories live. Discover now