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Xiao stood on the Starsnatch Cliff all alone

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Xiao stood on the Starsnatch Cliff all alone. A beautiful view and the cool breeze gave him a little company.

Ganyu had told him that he might have found Venti in here.

But Venti was not there. Xiao had been searching for him all day every where only to face disappointment each time.
Xiao stood there as took in the clean air. Should he give up on finding Venti for the day? It was already 10 p.m.


A familiar voice called his name from behind. A soothing and beautiful voice which was like honey to his ears.

He turned around and stood facing Venti. Venti looked different than usual. His braids were undone and his hair blew everywhere with the wind. The clothes he wore were also neater.

Xiao felt his heart skip a beat at the beautiful sight. To him nothing was more beautiful in comparison to Venti. The sun? The moon? The sea? The stars?


Nothing could compare to the boy standing in front of him.

"Xiao... i heard from everyone that you had been looking for me... i... i am sorry for giving you such a hard time..."

How should Xiao reply? He knew that Venti had been avoiding him a lot. And even now, he refused to look directly into Xiao's eyes. But if he was going to mention that, he should do it after they have talked a bit more. But was there even anything to talk about?

Without saying anything, he walked near the edge of the cliff and plucked a Cecilia flower from the ground. He walked back to Venti and placed the Cecilia beside his ear. Venti did not move as Xiao did that. He was blushing but that was not very noticeable in the night.

"Happy Windblume Venti... Its not a Windblume flower though. I hope you don't mind Cecilias.", Xiao said with a weak smile on his face.

"Don't say that! I live Cecilias!", Venti yelled immediately. Xiao's smile grew just a little bit more before completely fading away. Venti looked at Xiao walk away just like that.

Wait... why is he walking away?

Venti turned around and watched Xiao leave. His heart felt so heavy all of a sudden. He could feel his breath getting heavier and his vision getting blur. It hurted so bad...

It hurted beacuse he wanted Xiao to stay.

He... wants Xiao.. to stay?

*in an unknown voice*
"Venti, if you really want a person to stay in your life... you have got to be honest with yourself and your feelings."

Venti ran after Xiao and held his hand. Xiao stopped walking and stood face to face with Venti who had this horrified expression on his face.

"Xiao... I am sorry! I promise you that I have not been porpously avoiding you! I... I was just-"

"Venti... what is it that you keep on hiding from me?"

The moment Xiao asked that question, Venti felt his chest tighten even more.

"I... I can not tell you... "

Xiao kept quite when Venti said that.

A wall still existed in between them.
No matter how hard Xiao tried to, he alone by himself could not break it.

He had realized by now,

He loves Venti.

And he really wanted them to grow closer to each other. But each day,they seemed to become more and more distant. The more Xiao openly showed his feelings for Venti, the more Venti denied them and overlooked them.

And he refused to tell him the reason.

How will things turn out if he just told Venti that he loved him right now? Would Venti regect him? Will they continue to be friends? Or will they simply become like strangers to each other?

What will happen if he continues to love someone who does not love him back?
Will he also end up like his so called mother?

"Venti... has anyone ever told you how cruel you are?", he asked.

"Huh?...", Venti looked at Xiao with sad eyes.

"Do you want me to stay?", Xiao asked with a faded smile.

Venti nooded.

"I'll stay... Don't worry", he replied with a chuckle.

Venti suddenly felt at ease. His anxiety was gone. He felt at ease with Xiao.

Xiao held Venti's hand and together they sat a bit away from the edge of the Cliff.

They did not speak. But in each other's presence, they could feel a warmth.

A breeze that blew against them and the smell if the flowers that still lingered in the air-

Xiao really was in love with Venti.

"I will tell you about my feelings... that is, after I've discovered your feelings for me. Do you love me just as much as I do? If you do then... you are really cruel Venti...", He said to himself as he closed his eyes and listened to the insects and the night owl.


A/N: I hate the fact that I am hardly getting enough time to write this ff! I want to post everyday but school is getting me... please bear with me😭

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