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"Buer... what is the meaning of all this... how in world were our memories sealed away in the Irminsul?" The first to break the silence was Murata.

"It is a long story Murata... But the memories you just got back are only fragments. You all are still unaware of what happened in all the past samsaras."

"Explain", said Zhongli.

Nahida looked at everyone and then continued, "This is... the 46th Samsara. Its a loop... we are all stuck in this loop. And this loop will reset everytime Barbatos dies. Something framed... by Istaroth."

"Istaroth... She... did this?", Raiden almost could not believe what she had just heard.

"We've been stuck in this loop for over 500 years... and each time a samsara resets... everyone of us forgets what happened in the last samsara. But since my consciousness is connected with the Irminsul itself... throughout all these samsaras... I've always retained my memories...", Nahida paused. Tears filled her eyes as she spoke,"Focalors... died... in the last samsara"

"... What do you mean Buer?", asked Raiden.

"You can feel it too... can you not? The fact that our powers... are almost gone ", Nahida looked at her with sorrowful eyes. Then she continued, "over the past samsaras, our bodies have started taking a huge toll. And our powers will become non existent by the time we enter the 60th samsara..."

"Buer... what you are saying makes no sense! If this is the 46th samsara...", Murata pointed at Kazuha, Hu Tao and Heizou, "How are they.. still alive? They are mere mortals!"

"Murata... calm down", Zhongli said. "Remember... the one pulling the strings here is Istaroth... time to her is like a string that she can bend and give any shape to. "

"That... is correct. Istaroth has framed these samsaras in such a way that everytime it resets, time itself resets for everyone... everyone but us. The only thing that resets for us is our memories. Time had never stopped for us. Focalors was alreday weak when she was trapped in these samsaras... and her body could no longer hold out."

"Then... What about Barbatos?", Murata asked as he looked at the unconscious boy lying on his bed. "The samsara rests everytime he dies? But he is definitely alive "

"Istaroth has been simply playing with time. And her reasons... are still unknown. But Focalors died... and in this samsara... her data has dissapeared. So I know for a fact, if we die in the samsaras, we will not be reborn ", Nahida said at last.

By now everything was quite clear to everyone.

But now what?

"Let's take on that Istaroth! We'll defeat her and-"

"Murata. Don't make hasty decisions. She can manipulate time itself. For all we know... she might simply reverse the time right away and prevent us from knowing the truth. For the samsara to truely end, we need Barbatos ", said Zhongli.

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