Hidden Scars

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"Don't... please don't "

"I beg you..."

"Anything! Anything but that!"

"No.. no... dont! Don't!"

Venti sat up on his bed. His chest heaved as his ubstable breath disrupted his mind. A dream?

"Why... why did I have to dream about that today...", he said as he clenched his paining chest. It hurted him so much. He ran out of his room straight to the sink where he splashed his face with water again and again. He could feel it stinging deep within. As if all his organs were being torn out of him.

His groans were loud enough to wake up both Paimon and Qiqi. They came out of their room and saw Venti laying on the floor as he tightly held his chest.

"Brother!? What happened?", The two girls yelled with worry.

"I... I am alright... I'll be alright if I rest a bit more", he said in a low voice as he stood back up with his shaking legs and shivering body. He barely managed to walk back into his room.

"Sister... what happened to brother?", Paimon asked Qiqi with teary eyes.
But Qiqi simply patted her head.
"You stay here. I will go see if anything is wrong.", she said and quitely went into Venti's room.

Venti was on his bed still shivering. Qiqi went closer to him and pulled the blanket over him. She sat on the floor next to Venti's bed on her knees. "Brother... did you have that dream?", she asked as she tightly held his shaking hand.

"I did... i dont get it... why now? Why today?"

"Brother. Dont worry. You don't have to be scared of them anymore...", she said to him in a low but shaky voice. She could feel Venti slowly calming down. She sat right beside him until he was fully calm.

"If only... if only I never existed...", she said. That was when she felt a soft feeling of a hand on her head. She looked at Venti looking at her with sad eyes.
"Brother? You are no-"

"Don't ever say what you just said!"


"If you never existed... if you and Paimon never existed... I would not have been living here in this world",he said as his voice cracked.

Silence filled the room as all Qiqi could do was tightly hold his hand. After a while, she finally spoke.

"Brother... please stay at home today. I can do the work today! I really can! Please let me... just this once"

"But you have sch-"

"School is not more important to me than you brother! I'll send paimon to school and even go to pick her up later. Just let me stay home today and do all the work"


The resolute pair of eyes which Qiqi had were undoubtedly firm. Venti could not reject her.

UNNOTICED 🌖 (Xiao×Venti)||Genshin ImpactWhere stories live. Discover now