Qiqi and Paimon

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Venti and Xiao walked back into the class, together

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Venti and Xiao walked back into the class, together.
Ganyu looked at them come inside.
Xiao went to her with an apologetic look. But Ganyu smiled back at him.
"Don't say anything ", she whispered to Xiao.

The day passed away quickly after that. They had two classes with Mr.Alhaitham and one with Mr.kaeya.
In between they had a free period where they talked about Venti and Xiao's conversations.

"You were about to fall from the stairs!? You could've seriously injured yourself", said Aether as he heard Venti.
"I know. If it wasn't for Xiao, I would be lying on a bed with several broken bones", said Venti.

"But everything worked out at the end. That's all that matters", said Kazuha.

Xiao looked at Kazuha.
He was still a mystery to Xiao.
Everyone had pretty much opened up to him except kazuha. He wondered if it was his nature or his intention.

At the end of school, Hu Tao and Aether had to stay back.

Venti, Xiao, Ganyu and Kazuha left the school after waving them goodbye.

"You walk back home?", asked Xiao to Ganyu.
"I do. Usually along with Aether and Lumine. But today Aether has to stay back and Lumine said that she will wait for him at the library. I could've waited but I have work to do at home. So I am leaving. Bye everyone "

After Ganyu left Kazuha asked," What about you Xiao?"
"I will also walk back home. I live a bit further away but the distance is walkable. What about you and Venti?"
"I will go home with my elder sister. She has a bike.", replied Kazuha.
"You have an elder sister?"
"I do. And I see her coming"

Xiao looked in the direction where Kazuha pointed and saw a lady with the same silvery white hair as Kazuha. But she had grayish-black eyes.

The lady stopped her bike right in front of Kazuha.
"Oh, is that a new friend?", she asked while looking at Xiao.
"His name is Xiao ", Kazuha replied.
"Delighted to make your acquaintance. I am Ayaka.", she said to Xiao.
"Oh and hello there Venti. Is Paimon okay now? Her temperature was really high last time."
"She is all thanks to you."
"I see", she smiled at Venti who smiled back at her.

Kazuha hopped onto Ayaka's bike and waved both Xiao and Venti goodbye. In a while, they were out of sight.

"Who is Paimon?"

"Oh... she is my little sister. I've got two of them! Paimon and Qiqi. Someday, you can come to meet them. Sister Ayaka is a well learned doctor. She checked on Paimon last time when she was down with fever. ", replied Venti.

"Are you going to walk back home?"

"I am. But I am waiting for Qiqi and Paimon. Paimon's school ends after 6th period. She is a 2nd grader afterall. Since we are all orphans,  we don't have anyone to take us back home. Well, not like we have a home anyways. Principal Yae Miko is kind enough to let Paimon stay in her office until mine and Qiqi's class ends. But I don't see them anywhere..."

Xiao had not know that Venti had 2 little sisters and no parents.

"Hmm? Oh! Qiqi! I am here!"

Xiao looked at the direction at which Venti waved. He saw a girl approaching them with steps that were very silent. The girl had lavender colored hair and purple-pink eyes.
She did not say anything to Xiao and straight up went to Venti.

"Xiao, this is Qiqi, my sister. Come on Qiqi, introduce yourself to him. He is my new friend. You don't have to be afraid or ignore him. "

The little girl looked at Xiao and said a bit nervously, " I am Qiqi... I am in 6th grade...Nice to meet you."

"I am Xiao. Nice to meet you as well", Xiao had softened up his tone to not make Qiqi anymore nervous than she already was.

But Qiqi hid behind Venti.
"Ahh... Qiqi? Hmm... I am sorry Xiao. She is always like this with strangers. Don't mind her. She will open up to you if she sees you often."

That was when Venti felt someone almost made him fall down by leaping over him from behind.
"Woaaw! Oh! Paimon! How many times have I told you to not startle me like that? Jeezz_"

"Brother! Yae Miko gave Paimon pudding today!", she said with a laughing smile as she hung around Venti's neck.
Venti put his hands in between her knees and balanced himself while carrying her on his back.
"I see", he replied back to Paimon with a smile.

"Hmm? Who is this brother?", Paimon asked while looking at Xiao.
"He is Xiao. My new friend"
"New Friend!? Ohh! Nice to meet you! I am Paimon! Paimon loves new friends"

Xiao subtly smiled. He was quite taken aback by how strikingly different the personality of the two girls were.

"Xiao, I will get going now. As much as I would like to spend more time with you, I am afraid I have a lot of work left to do at home. Let's meet again tomorrow", Venti said with a smile.

"Ya... see you tomorrow..."

Xiao said his goodbye and watched as Venti walked away with the two girls. He carried Paimon on his back and did not let her down. Qiqi walked right beside him and Venti held her hand as well.

Suddenly a thought arised in his mind as he watched Venti walk away.
"He... is really pretty...Wait... what Am I even thinking? He is a boy... Xiao, get a hold of yourself", he slightly knocked his head and walked off in the opposite direction.


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