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Xiao was staring into the space

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Xiao was staring into the space. He could not pay any attention to Miss.Faruzan teaching the history of 'archons'.

"I am Not interested" is written all over your face', said Hu Tao with a cheeky voice.

"I know all about "Rex Lapis" and 'kushanali' already.... i was kind of looking forward to hearing more on "Barbatos " or 'Ei' maybe...", said Xiao to which Hu Tao stared at him with an 'what did you just say?' Expression on her face.

"Ehe~ we had them in our first semester already. The finals are gonna be tough for us... feels weird to think that in 5 months we'll all be graduating... How old are you Xiao?", said Venti.

"I am 17."

"Hmm... when is your birthday?"

"Its after 3 months... on the 19th. What about yours?"

"Me? Its on the 16th of next month. I will turn 18 before you ", he replied with a smirk.

Aether tapped on Xiao's back from behind and said," Mine is this month! On the 27th. I look forward to getting a niiicceee gift from you."
"Huh? I never asked you anything.", said Xiao with somewhat of a disappointment in his voice.

Suddenly a boy came in from the class beside. He walked upto the bench on which Aether, Ganyu and Kazuha were sitting and slammed his hand in front of Ganyu.
"Care to reconsider?", said the boy with a smug look.
"You... I already rejected you today... i can't date you."
"And why is that? Its not like you are in a relationship."
"But I-"
Before Ganyu could finish, the boy grabbed her hand. "Come with me once more", he said while holding her wrist tightly.

That was when Venti held the boys hand and Kazuha pulled Ganyu away from him. Aether stood up in front of Ganyu.

"Ganyu has already rejected you. Why are you bothering her?", asked Venti.
"Let go of my hand", said the boy who had no intention of making any friendly Conversations with Venti.

"You were just now clearly crossing your limits", said Aether.

"I can do whatever I want! All I want is Ganyu.", the boy said as he was becoming agitated.

"So then? Since she has already rejected you, are you gonna force her!?", asked Venti with anger.

Xiao had not seen Venti so angry before.

The boy shook Venti's hand off him, glared at him and Ganyu in anger and walked out of the class.

"That boy... he is a bothersome one", said Hu Tao.

"Ganyu... i think it will be better if you stay close by us. He won't come to bother you if you're with us.", said Kazuha.

"I will. This has never happened before so i was just a bit scared... but I won't be scared if it is with you all.", said Ganyu.

"Hmm... our Ganyu is a really sweet and kind girl. Boys like those deserve a 'extra 40% on all your coffin purchase' coupon.", said Hu Tao with annoyance.

But they all quickly settled down on their seats as Miss. Jean came inside.
Xiao whispered into Venti's ears," why don't we complain about these things to the teachers?"
"We can't do that. That boy has not done anything punishable yet. His morals are definitely questionable. But not yet punishable", said Venti.

"What is this discussion going on in my class?", asked Jean while starting at the soul of Venti. "In my presence?"

"Umm... mm..mi..miii...Miss.J..J...Jean..."
Xiao was visibly confused as he heard Venti's voice stuttering.

"Venti, you need to do 3 extra pages of classwork today. As for you, you are a new student. I will forgive you once. But remember, in my class, no one speaks behind my back. And no one speaks right in front of me. Speak only when spoken to by me. Xiao", she finished off by reading his name from his shirt.

The entire class, no one said anything and it seemed like the class was taking forever to end.

But when it finally ended and Jean left the class, all the kids heaved a sigh of relief.

"My hand hurts from writing so much...", said Venti.
"I am sorry...", said Xiao.
"Oh! Don't be."
"I remember you warning me about her earlier. I should have been more careful"
"Its okay. I am telling you, stuff like that happens every once in a while."

"Let's go to the cafeteria!", exclaimed Hu Tao.
"Ehe! Its finally time for lunch!", exclaimed Venti right after Hu Tao.

All the kids were collectively walking towards the cafeteria of the school.
"Hey Xiao! Now that we are very close friends, would you like to have this '30% off your first coffin purchase' coupon?", asked Hu Tao.
Xiao was surprisingly calm about her saying such absurd things already.
"I won't need it anytime soon. But I can have it", he said. "I was wondering... does your family run a coffin shop?"

"Hmm? Kind od. My father is Mondstad's one and only Funeral Parlor Director.", she replied as she handed over the coupon to Xiao.

"Those two are somewhat getting along", said Aether to Venti, Kazuha and Ganyu.
"Hu Tao can be really weird. But if one can become accustomed to that weirdness, well, she is really fun to hangout with", said Kazuha.

They went to the cafeteria.

Aether saw Lumine standing at the counter and went to her.
"She looks just like Aether right? She is his twin sister, Lumine. Wanna meet her?", asked Venti.
Xiao nodded. "I don't have enough energy to meet new people"

All of them laughed at his words.
They all ate their lunches with words of gossips about them befriending Xiao. Lumine and Aether joined them shortly afterwards. Xiao had to meet with someone new once again but it was not so hard to get along with Lumine. It was fun to have so many people together.

A/N: I Know! But I really need to establish the base of my story before heading off with the romance and dark twists. I don't want the story to abruptly start. So please stick with this beginning for a little longer. I promise I will make things twisted soon enough.

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