Never Run Away

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Venti's pov:

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Venti's pov:

"I wonder if Xiao was hurt because of my words... I don't want him to hate me... but I can never tell him about me... And he is such an honest boy... Its for the best that I told him what I did. But I really shouldn't have just walked away... I... am so pathetic at times..."

As all of these thoughts were circling around in my head, I bumped into someone in front of me.
"Oh... I am sorry fo-", I looked at the boy and stopped. He was the one who was after Ganyu. He had this sinister look on his face and there were no students around us. I felt uneasy.

I tried to walk past him quickly but he blocked my way.

"What do you want?", I asked him annoyingly.

"What I want? That would be Ganyu"

"Give up already. She has already rejected you. Also, blocking my way won't do you any good.", I did not want to agitate him when it was just us all alone right in front of the staircase.

There were no classrooms around us. So I spoke in a light tone of voice.
But he gave a smirk.
"You... really piss me off", he said, his expression changing into an evil one midway.

Without any warning, he held me by my collar and pushed me against the wall. "What are you doing!? You could be suspended for your act!", I yelled.

Hearing me, he let me go. He suddenly became all quite and just stared at the floor. Then I saw drops of water falling from his eyes.
"You can... never understand *sobs* How much I love Ganyu... you will never know what courage it took me to finally ask her out! And*sobs*.. she rejected me... what am I supposed to do now... give up? Move on? ... That's fucking Hard!"

Venti felt bad for him.

"If you truly love her... stop pursuing her in the wrong way. If you can't give up, then don't. But forcing her is not the correct answer.", I said.

"Stop saying as if you understand me and my Broken heart!", the boy said and slightly pushed me behind.

But I knew by the immediate horror on his face and the same hand which pushed me trying to reach for me to hold my hand.

I had slipped down the stairs.
I felt myself falling down. Suddenly a thought ran through my mind.
"Xiao... does he even consider me his friend anymore...?"

But to my surprise, I was not falling anymore. A hand had tightly wrapped itself around my waist from behind.
I could feel that other person's heart beating faster against my back.
I turned around and saw Xiao.

He helped me stand up properly.
"Are you alright!?", he asked me with almost a horrifying look on his face.

"I am."

Xiao gave an angry look at the tear stained face of the boy above.
"Xiao. He did not do anything. I slipped down the stairs by myself ", I said in a hurry. Just by the look on his face I could tell, he would've gotten himself into some serious trouble by messing with the boy.

He did not say anything and tightly held my wrist. He pulled me along with him.
"Xiao... It hurts..."
He stopped and let go of my hand.
But he would not look at me.
I put my hand on his shoulder which he angrily pushed away.
"I am sorry...", I said.

"Sorry? For what!? You won't tell me anything about yourself and you are not interested in knowing anything about me. You don't have to be sorry for that at all. I am the one who just naively thought of you as my friend. I should apologize for that"

"Xiao! Why are you-"

"You!", he turned around and looked at me in my eyes, this time his eyes looked at me with anger and hatred. "You are not my friend, are you? I suggest you stay away from me. I don't know what I might end up doing out of anger. Next time, i might be the one pushing you down those stairs instead of catching you. So you better stay away from me"

He was walking away from me. I tightly held his hand. "Xiao! I know you won't do that. So don't say such things. I... I shouldn't have just walked away after saying those things to you. I am the one at fault. Its only natural for you to be angry. ", I said desperately.

He continued to walk away after freeing his hand from mine. I suddenly felt a heaviness on my chest. It burnt. I once again chased him and held his hand.

This time he turned around with an even more furious look. "Let go of me!" He yelled. His other hand trying to push me away.
"Xiao... please... forgive me...",I felt my tears flowing and I could not stop them. "I am sorry for being someone who cannot tell you... tell you about myself... I can't do that... But I don't want to end our friendship just like this... I know you are angry because I chose to not face you and just walk away from you... I promise I won't do that anymore..."

Xiao did not reply. But I felt his hands wiping my tears. I looked up at him. His eyes were no longer angry. He almost pulled me close to him and kind of hugged me? But I did not think of that as my tears continued to flow.

"Xiao... I am sorry for walking away..." my voice was shaking as I spoke.

"Venti... Stop crying. Jeez... the way you are right now... its way too vulnerable. Stop crying. I... I get angry very easily at small things. I am sorry for that."

"You mean it?"
"I do."

Xiao wiped away any sign of tears from my face and looked at me. His eyes looked into mine with a brilliant gold.

I wonder what Xiao was thinking as he looked at me with such focused eyes.

But I flet a burden being lifted from my shoulders.
We walked back to class.
I realized that my friendship with Xiao was a precious one. Inside my mind I promised to never run away from him again.


A/n: The story is finally reaching a point where I think I can truely start it. Its actually really difficult to write a story now that I am an writing one. But with all your support, I think I can do this all day.

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