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"Ao- HuTao!"

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"Ao- HuTao!"

Hu Tao suddenly snapped out of her daze and looked at Venti who was tying her shoelace for her.

"Venti! You don't have to do it. I ca-"

"Its alright", Venti said as he smiled and got up from the groud. "You are still out of it. Don't overthink anything"

"But... How... how can i face uncle Zhongli after today's incident... I am too scared... too scared to go back home now"

Xiao quietly watched as Venti continued to ensure Hu Tao that everything was going to be fine.

"Venti, you should go now. Qiqi and Paimon are waiting for you at home. I can take Hu Tao back home on my own", Xiao said.

"But...", Venti looked at Xiao and then at Hu Tao who was shivering. A sad look took over his face. "Its alright. I'll go along with you two. We are alreday almost there. It should not take too long"

Xiao sighed but did not deny his request. Venti walked alongside Xiao and Hu Tao and as they were just a turn away from the funeral parlor, Hu Tao stood frozen.

"Hu Tao..? Lets go", Venti said softly.

"I... I can't... I...", Hu Tao was so scared that her face had turned pale.

"But-", Venti was about to say something when Xiao interrupted him.

"Hu Tao. Uncle Zhongli is waiting for us. Let's go back"

"What are you three doing outside the funeral parlor?"

It was a voice so familiar that Hu Tao did not dare to look up.

"Uncle Zhongli..."

Zhongli looked directly at Hu Tao who had her face held down. He approached her slowly slowly and her shivering grew more and more with each step of his.

"Hu Tao", he said. But she did not reply back.

"Let's go back home", he said as he put his hand on her head. Hu Tao's eyes widened as she stopped shivering. She looked up at Zhongli who smiled at her kindly.

"Uncle... Zhongli...", her eyes started tearing up. "I... I made a very big mistake today... am I... am I now unworthy to inherit the funeral parlor...?", he asked with a desperate tone.

"Not at all", Zhongli replied as he wiped off her tears. "Don't worry and don't cry. The mistake you made today, be sure to learn from it instead "

Hu Tao wiord the rest of her tears and replied back,"yes... I will be sure to never let you down again"

Both Venti and Xiao smiled at each other and then at Hu Tao. Zhongli was staring keenly at Venti. Venti noticed him and Zhongli then told Xiao to drop Venti off too.

"But I can go back home on my own", Venti said.

"No. Uncle Zhongli is right. Its alreday way too late. Its better for me to accompany you", Xiao said.

UNNOTICED 🌖 (Xiao×Venti)||Genshin ImpactWhere stories live. Discover now