Seed of Time and Death

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Long ago, when the world was only just created, two little seeds fell from the heaven.

"The two of you will witness the growth of this world- one of time and the other of the divine-"

I too was just a seed. However, I never knew what my purpose was. Why was I always in front of a huge door?

Until one day, people started coming to me.

"Please open the door for us"

I did as they said.

I opened the door each time they came and once they left, they never returned.  I watched everyone come and go. I watched the time endlessly flow.

Maybe because back then I was but a child... a child so scared of darkness. I wanted to run away. Why must I watch these people leave? Each of them as they walked through my doors, had eyes which looked at me with hatred. Some refused to look at me.

Some cried as they questioned me-

"Why must you be so cruel lord of death? Why must you-"

Lord of death?

Who is that?

Where is he?


Who... am I?

But of course, no one answered me.

With time, I realized myself what my true purpose was. To lead the dead to my realm of death. Once they passed through my door, they were gone both from this world and from the realm of death- to the place which I named the Neverwhere.

They hated me for doing so. Each of them... cursed me- despised me-

And all I could ever do was stare into the darkness that filled my world. What did I ever do to deserve such hate?

I was not the one killing them.

I was not harming them.

I was... never hoping to let them die.

I was but a child too. Did I not deserve love? Why the first emotion ever felt by me was Hatred towards me?

Slowly... I began to hate the world. I began to hate my confinement and felt jealous. Jealous of the other gods living in the outside realm where the rays of the sun reached them.

Why must I suffer?

That was when I became ambitious. I abonden my duty, and stepped out of that darkness for the first time. It was blindingly bright...

I was... free?... no I wasn't. But I knew I could be free. All I had to do was destroy all the other gods and take their powers from them. At the end, I would be standing as the only god and everyone will love me.

With these malicious intentions, I met Istaroth who was born alongside me. She had never known about the Realm of death. She welcomed me in as her friend with warmth. I deceived her naive self with sweet words and stole her freedom from her. I sealed her away in my Realm.

It was pure jealousy. I have suffered for all these centuries. Now you suffer, Istaroth.

I was... truly evil.

I had but one goal ,to be the one god worshipped by all.

That was until... I saw this one boy... this one Yaksha who selflessly worked for the safety of his gods and people.

Why... was he not ambitious?

His heart- so pure... so untainted, I fell in love with a soul which cared depply for everyone.

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