Unusual Encounter

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"You are leaving? So early?

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"You are leaving? So early?...", Venti asked Xiao as he could barely see anything with his sleepy eyes. "Its not even 6 a.m."

"Its early in the morning. And I have some work to do. So I will take my leave right now", Xiao said.

"Hmm... Okay... be careful", Venti said as he rubbed his eyes.

"You should go back to sleep. You still look so tired", Xiao said with a worried tone in his voice.

"That's strange honestly... I wonder why I am feeling so tired"

"Hmm... maybe you can go see Ayaka once? "

"I might do that if this continues. Anyways, see you in Class",Venti said and slowly closed the door.

Xiao looked at the closed door for a few moments and turned around to walk off. He walked all the way to Mrs. Faruzan's home.

Knock knock

"Strange...she did tell me to come to her early in the morning today... is she not home?"

He was about to knock again when suddenly the door opened and Faruzan came out looking like an absolute mess. Her hair was all over the place and her eyes were swollen. But she had a smile over her face as she looked at Xiao.

"Come inside", she said to him before he could say anything else.

Xiao went inside. Her room was even more messy. Faruzan started searching for something within a huge pile of papers.

"Umm... ma'am... I think you should rest for a while"

"Before that!", She almost jump scared Xiao and continued, "here, Take a nice look at this" She handed over two pieces of papers stapled together to Xiao.

"This... is rather thin", he said as he took the pages from her.

"Jeez, You youngsters have no sense of respect. What did you expect? A dictionary? I already told you that what you are asking for is not something recorded in history."

"Then... did you not find anything useful?"

"*tsk* Don't underestimate my capabilities. Read those pages first. Then talk to me"

Xiao went through the pages. His expression changed with almost each and every line.


"Hehe~ Surprising right?", Faruzan said with a smug look.

"How... no... where did you get this information from!?"

"Let's just say... a certain someone helped me get hold of the books from the restricted section of Mondstad's Library "

"A certain someone?", Xiao asked.

"Hmm. You know that boy probably. Heizou... ever heard of him?"

"Heizou!? He helped you get these!?"

"Hmm. All he did was manage to get these books for me. Nothing else. I did all the work by myself. That boy has some ties with the Mondstad's goverment and certain influential nobel families. Not that it was a piece of cake for him to get these for me-"

Xiao was fairly startled. But what he held in his hand was a huge step. A huge discovery!

"So Visions... do exist"

"Hmm. Well they definitely do. And apparently the knights of Favonius consisted of many of them vision bearers. Yet in today's world, not even a single person is known to own a vision.", Faruzan sat on her chair and talked with a more serious tone, "The history of the past 500 years... its gone. I could not find anything on it. There were no records of how all these vision bearers just suddenly went into extinction. A portion of Teyvat's history... is missing. Based on my thinking, it could be that a great war broke out between all the nations. But that's very unlikely considering that there are no remains of such a deadly war. Other than that... I can't say much"

Xiao was still more than enough satisfied. This conformed that visions really did exist. Uncle Zhongli was indeed correct.

He left Faruzan's house. As he continued to walk back home the same sentence continued to echo through his mind.
"The gods goad us on with the promise of their seven treasures. Rewards for the worthy. The doorway to divinity."

"How does everything connect?... There must be something that I am still missing. Just one mo-", He was so busy thinking that he did not realize how he ended up bumping into a little girl in the middle of the street.

"I am so sorry! Are you alright!?", he immediately asked the little girl. The girl nooded. Xiao helped her stand up. She did not look much older than Paimon. Probably even younger than that. The girl looked at Xiao with large green eyes and her hair which had green ends. The streets were empty. No one anywhere.

"Umm... are you perhaps... lost?", Xiao asked.

The little girl did not reply back.

"Ah... can I at least know your name?"

"... Nahida...", the girl said as she looked at Xiao.

"So Nahida it is..."

"Do you know... me?", she asked Xiao all of a sudden.

"Huh? No. I don't think we've ever met before. ", Xiao replied rather confused.

"I see... so you don't remeber either..."

"I don't remember either...? What are you saying...?", Xiao was getting this unusual feeling all of a sudden.

"You have not yet figured it out either. But that is fine. I can still wait. But we don't have much time. But there's nothing I can do... other than waiting."

Xiao was suddenly having a pain in his head.

"You... what are you-"

"The true nature of this world... you don't know yet. You have not... woken up yet"

As soon as Nahida finished her words she disappeared from In front of Xiao. Xiao's head was killing him. He looked all around but she was gone! But she was right there. How could she just simply vanish into thin air?

"Maybe... I am hallucinating. I should get back home fast", he said and walked back home quickly. The entire way back, his head continued to hurt.


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