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The moment Heizou's eyes fell on kazuha, he had a delusion of seeing a prince on a white horse

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The moment Heizou's eyes fell on kazuha, he had a delusion of seeing a prince on a white horse. A prince whose looks were too perfect to be parried.

He immediately went to the seat beside Kazuha and sat down there without any warning.

"Can I know your name!?", Heizou asked with his bright shinning eyes fixed on Kazuha.

"Kazuha. Kaedehara Kazuha to be exact", Kazuha said unphased by Heizou.

"Kazuha is it! So then... are you single!?", Heizou almost jumped as he asked the question.

"His oddly weird nature reminds me of a certain someone", Xiao whispered to Venti as the two witnessed everything right in front of their eyes.

Kazuha kept quite for a while before answering,"I have no intentions of getting the certificate of relationship. So to answer your question, yes, I am single"

"Damn... Kazuha indirectly rejected the boy even before he was asked out", Xiao commented.

"Excellent! Be my boyfriend then!", Heizou yelled.

"Huh!? Did he not hear Kazuha just now?"

"I am afraid that I must reject you.", Kazuha said calmly.

"I see. Then be my boyfriend tomorrow, okay?", Heizou said 'calmly'. He turned to come face to face with Xiao and Venti. He smiled at the two. "Nice to meet you both! I am Heizou! Your friend Kazuha's future boyfriend!"

"Umm... I am Venti"

"I am Xiao. Also, Kazuha just rejected you so-"

"So I am not giving up!"

His words somehow touched Xiao's heart. But his personality was a bit too much for him to get used to so easily. So he simply avoided talking with Heizou. So did Kazuha.

The only person who managed him was Venti.

"Is he your boyfriend?", Heizou asked while pointing at Xiao.

Venti blushed a little. "He is...", he said.

Heizou cheerfully patted him. "Why so whispery!? Shout it out to the world! Ahh... maybe not while the lessons are ongoing...", Heizou stopped when Albedo suddenly raised his voice while teaching.  He never focused on what was being taught.

As soon as Albedo was out of the room, Venti, Xiao and Kazuha suddenly got up as if to leave.

"Where are you all going?"

"Ahh... to meet one of our friends ", Venti said.

Heizou followed them everywhere. Xiao and Kazuha were silent.

"Both of our boyfriends are the quite type I see"

"You like Kazuha a lot?", Venti asked.

"Hmm!? Yes! Love at first sight you can say!"

"I see..."

"But you-", He suddenly went super close to Venti's face. Venti got flustered a bit. "I knew it! Your face is really beautiful up close as well! A fragile beauty you know"


Xiao immediately went in and stood in front of Heizou, pushing back Venti.

Heizou gave a mischievous smirk and said, "A protective boyfriend huh? Appreciable i would say"

"And I would appreciate it if you stop following us around.", Xiao said with a stern voice.

"Aish- don't mind me. And I would suggest you to get along with me. I am Kazuha's future boyfriend afterall"


Heizou turned around on his name being called out by Albedo.

"Come with me for a second ", Albedo said, not sternly. But almost softly.
Heizou looked at Kazuha's back turned against him one last time before sighing and leaving with Albedo.

"Thank archons he is gone ", Xiao said. He immediately turned to Venti. "Did he do something to you!?"

" he did not"

"I see", Xiao said as he calmed down.

The three went to Ganyu's room and met with her.

"I was feeling so lonely. I am so glad thaf you three came here!", Ganyu said the moment she saw them. "But you three seem a bit tired today. Did something happen?", she asked as she saw Xiao in particular with a annoyed look on his face.

"Ah.. we have this boy named Heizou in our class. He is a bit hyperactive so it tired out Xiao and Kazuha", Venti said.

"Heizou? You don't mean Shikanoin Heizou do you?"

"I don't know his full name. But that is probably who he is. Its an unusual name that he has. I doubt anyone else has the same name."

Ganyu suddenly looked at the three boys in awe. "Have you all really never heard about the progidy detective?"

"Oh! I remember hearing something like that. But I don't know the details", Venti said.

"Shikanoin Heizou is a young professional detective who was the first ever minor to have been appointed for the job. I am talking about this from suppose 2 years ago. He was 16 back then. Apparently his skills were so excellent that the officials had no choice but to give him the job."

"The job of a detective given to a minor?", Xiao questioned the validity of what he just heard. But apparently, it was true.

"Considering how frankly he was talking with professor Albedo, he must be someone of importance.", said kazuha.

"That would also explain his cocky nature", said Xiao.

"To call me cocky behind my back is not a bad thing Xiao. But please consider saying it a bit quiter"

Heizou suddenly appeared behind Xiao amd startled everyone. He sniffed something on Xiao and gave a smirk. "Are cup noodles all you eat?"

"How... how did you know!?"

"How you ask? Cause its obvious"

On seeing Ganyu Heizou smiled at her. "May I know your name as well young lady?"

"I... I am Ganyu... are you perhaps, Shikanoin Heizou?"

Heizou's smile grew wider as he said with a satisfied look on his face,

" Yup. That's me. The sharpest and most successful detective of the Commission."


A/N: in the last chapter i could not mention this, but I am truely grateful to you guys! I got over 1k reads. That's like a dream come true.

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