
390 12 15

Note: This chapter will contain some demostic violence and mentions of death.

Note: This chapter will contain some demostic violence and mentions of death

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Xiao's pov:

In a while, the day ended just as abruptly as it had started. As we were walking out of the school, I looked at Venti.

I had not got the time to talk to him much that day. It was a busy day with not a single free period. And the entire day, he kept on staring into the space.

Was he tired?

Everyone just simply waved each other a goodbye. Ganyu left with Aether and Lumine.

Hu Tao went back home on her cycle.

Kazuha had to go home alone so he walked off for the bus stop.

Both Qiqi and Paimon came out of the class really fast.

As Paimon tried to climb on Venti, I saw his legs were shaking.

"Umm... Venti? Are you okay?", I asked a bit reluctantly but with a worried tone.

But he simple stood up straight and made sure to hold Paimon behind him so that she would not fall down. His legs stabilized and he replied to me with a smile while reaching out for Qiqi's hand," I am alright. Just a bit tired. I guess I will go home and take a nap... Ehe~ but I can't do that. Gotta make dinner you know. Don't worry! A good night's rest will be more than enough. Oh gotta leave now. Bye Xiao"


Once again I stared at Venti as he walked off with Qiqi and Paimon.
Then it hit me that he was already out of sight and I had been spacing out.
I walked off to the other direction.

In a while I reached home. As soon as I went inside, I heard the sounds of someone crying.

Of course I already knew who it was and was not looking forward to confronting her.

But it seemed like the sound of me closing the main door might've informed the person that I was back from school as she rushed out of her room with eyes that were red and a distorted expression on her face.

She was my mother...

She grabbed my hair and pulled me along with her into her room. I did not resist. Afterall, it was nothing new to me. She threw me against the wall and grabbed the vase.

"Don't throw that vase at me... it will break "

She did not like my words it seemed but she did keep the vase back. Instead, she came to me herself and slapped me.

"You... You demon child...If you had died that day...", before completing her sentence, she slapped me once again.

And yet again.

And the next time, I stopped her.

"I have school tomorrow... it will be swollen if you hit me on my face.", I said to her while looking into her red eyes.

She did stop slapping me. For one last time she pushed me away and out of her room and closed the door of her room.

I quietly went into the kitchen. It reeked of alcohol. I never was someone good at cooking. But I could make simple dishes. So I simply made myself some fried eggs and toasted a bread. I took some for my mother and kept it in front of her door.

"I have kept your food outside.", I said and went to my room.

The sound of her muffled cries were loud and clear even from my room.
I went to the shower.
I don't know for how long I was in there but when I came out, I could not hear the cries anymore.

I laid flat on my bed and let out a deep amd heavy sigh. I looked at the table beside my bed or more specifically, at the small photograph which was poorly framed and kept there.
I got up and cleared the dust which had accumulated over it.

It was my father's photograph. And I have the exact same physical features like him, totally identical to him.
That that is the major cause of grief for my mother.


A/N: sorry for the short chapter but I could not write anymore. I have exams coming up but will try to upload the next chapter as soon as I possibly can. The story is finally taking the dark turn so ya... gotta think and write cause English is not my 1st language >_<

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