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Venti's pov:

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Venti's pov:

I walked back to the little house which principal Yae Miko had provided us with Paimon on my back and Qiqi's hand in mine.
"We are here Paimon. Now get down. I need to open the lock"
Paimon obediently climbed down and I opened the door.
Both the girls ran inside.
"Paimon! Don't drag Qiqi around so much. She will get hurt. Jeez--"
I quickly went inside and properly locked the door.

"Brother, I am hungry!", shouted Paimon.
"Hmm? Wait. I will make dinner for us. And did you not say that you had pudding?", I asked. It always surprised me to know how much Paimon gets hungry.
"But I am hungry!"
"Paimon, I have leftover bread in my lunch box. Eat it", said Qiqi.
"Really!?", Paimon ran and grabbed Qiqi's bag and took out her lunch box.
Paimon munched the piece of bread with delight.

"Qiqi, I have told you to eat your lunch everyday. Why do you have leftovers?", I asked. It always worried me. What if Qiqi is not getting enough nutrients to grow?

"I was full after eating half of it."
"That won't do. Tomorrow eat it all."

Both the gurld turned on the T.V and started playing among themselves. Meanwhile, I went into the kitchen and started preparing for dinner.

I don't remember since when, but I have always been able to cook. But when I opened the fridge, I realized that we had run out of almost everything. I looked at the clock. It was still evening and the sun was just starting to set.

"Qiqi, Paimon, I think I will have to go out for some groceries. I will back soon. Wanna come?"

"But the show just started! Paimon wants to watch it..."
"Okay. Qiqi, stay with Paimon okay. I am locking the door from outside and going so don't worry. And don't answer if any stranger knocks on the door. If its me, I will call out to you both. Unless its not my voice, don't answer"
"Okay." Said Qiqi with her eyes glued to the T.V.

Third person pov:

Venti walked out of the house after properly locking the door with his key.

The supermarket was near the house. He walked fast but on his way came across an old woman trying to cross the road. He immediately went to her and took the heavy bags from her hand.
"Oh my... who are you my dear girl?", the old woman said in a shaky voice.
"Oh, I am Venti. And... A boy"
"Oh my! Please forgive this old soul. My eyes cannot see clearly anymore"
"Please don't worry. Here, I'll help you cross the road."
"Oh... Thank you so much dear"
Venti held the old granny's hand and helped her cross the road.
"Here we are. Umm... are these bags too heavy for you? Shall I carry them for you?"
"No no. Give them to me. You've already done enough my dear boy. You must be busy and yet you helped this old soul. Bless you my child. May lord Barbatos bless you"

As Venti once again started walking for the supermarket, he saw a a little girl crying because her balloon was stuck in a tree.
"Oh? Do you want me to get that balloon for you?", Venti asked with a smile.
The little girl stopped crying and nodded. Venti climbed up the tree with ease and got the balloon for the girl.
"Here you go"
The girl's face beamed with joy. "Thank you!", she said with gratitude mixed with happiness in her voice as she took the balloon from Venti.

Next Venti helped a flower seller whose flowers had dropped on the ground. In return, he got a beautiful lily from the flower seller which he tucked in beside his left ear.

He realized that the sun had already gone down. His home was not that far away from the supermarket but it took him half an hour to finally reach the mart.

He gave a long deep sigh as he looked at the price of apples.
"Looks like I can't get them... but Paimon loves them... what should I do? Also, Qiqi probably does not like this sweet bread. She has been bringing back leftovers everyday. Should I buy this bread instead? Hmm... Strawberry puff? Sounds good. Ah! Pudding! Ever since Paimon mentioned them, I have been craving for some. Let me get them. As for today's dinner... let me get some fish.", as soon as Venti turned around and started walking with his eyes fixed on the price of the apples, he bumped into someone in front of him.

"Oh! I am sorry! Huh? ... Xiao?"

Xiao looked at Venti and was equally stunned. "Venti...?"

"I was not expecting to run into you here", Venti said with a smile.
"Me neither", said Xiao a bit awkwardly. He continued, " Are you here to get your groceries?"
"Hmm. That and also some fish and vegetables. What about you?"
"I am here to get some milk. And also eggs"
"Oh! Eggs! I should get them as well. Since we ran into each other, let's shop together "

Xiao follow Venti all around as Venti took a big pineapple, some bananas, fish, green vegetables and lastly eggs. Xiao tooks his eggs as well and had already taken the milk before bumping into Venti.

They both paid for their stuff and Venti realized that it was really late.
"Oh Xiao... I think I'll have to hurry back home now. I've left Paimon and Qiqi all alone at home."
"Ya...see you tomorrow "

As venti walked a bit further away, Xiao suddenly ran after him and caught him by his hand.
"Huh? Xiao? That surprised me a bit."
"Oh...umm... I did not mean to shock you ", Xiao said as his cheeks became more red. He immediately let go of Venti's hand.
"Do you need anything from me?"
"Oh... I... I was wondering... can I... give you my number?..."
"Oh! But I left my phone at home. I'll give you mine instead. Will that work?"

Venti took Xiao's phone from him and gave him his number. "Here you go", he said as he handed over the phone to Xiao. But he saw that Xiao was staring at him with a certain intensity which also made Venti feel a bit awkward.
"Umm... is there something on my face..?"
"Oh... that Lily..."
"Oh? This lily? I got it from a flower seller for helping him. Do you like it? Shall I give it to you?"
"No... it looks g- no.. nothing. You said you left both your sisters alone at home. You should go now. Sorry for taking up your time"
"Don't worry. I'll meet you Tomorrow!", Venti replied with a smile and left.

Xiao could almost hear his heart pounding.
"What the hell is wrong with me today... I've been doing all these weird things...", Xiao said to himself as he looked at the number which Venti just gave him.

UNNOTICED 🌖 (Xiao×Venti)||Genshin ImpactWhere stories live. Discover now