The Start of something new

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"The picnic was amazing! Paimon had loads of fun!", yelled Paimon as Venti was opening the door to their house

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"The picnic was amazing! Paimon had loads of fun!", yelled Paimon as Venti was opening the door to their house.

"Is that so?", he asked with a smile and opened the door. Both the girls ran inside. He came inside after them and sat down on the couch.

"If you both wanted to go then why did you not leave with me in the morning?", he asked them.

"We wanted to surprise you!", said Paimon.

"I... I wanted to meet with brother Kazuha", said Qiqi. Venti's eyes immediately turned a bit dark.

"I see.", he said with a soft smile. A smile that hid a lot behind it.

"Oh! Brother! Let's go on this picnic again tomorrow! It is sunday!", said Paimon with the brightest smile.

Venti smiled back. "I will take you both to 'Good Hunter' tomorrow. Its been a while since we've gone to a restaurant."

"Oh!! Ya! Paimon loves the food there!", shouted Paimon.

"Paimon... you need to stop referring to yourself in third person. You are growing up now", said Venti with a sigh.

He looked out of the window at the night sky. "I wonder what Xiao is doing..."

Xiao's pov:

As I went inside the house, I directly went to my room and closed the door from inside.
I just could not get Hu Tao's words out of my head.

Do... do I like Venti?

There is no way... right...

I... I don't even know what it means to like someone!

I felt like my head could explode from overthinking. So to divert my attention, I sat down to study.

Like hell I can study!

I tried to. But my head had stopped working perhaps. Just sitting with the open book in front of me soon got annoying.

Now what?

This has never happened to me before
No matter what, my mind has never been such a mess.

Is Venti... feeling the same right now?

I wonder what he is doing...

Third Person Pov:

And just like that, over a month went by.

Windblume festival was in two days. Entire Mondstad was filled with the sweet smell of flowers. Every house,nook and corner of the city was decorated with flowers.

This was new to Xiao.
Lantern rite was a mainly nighttime event.
But Windblume festival was to be held from the very morning till late at night.

"So what are you doing this year?", asked Venti to Ganyu.

"I will be singing in the stage event.", replied Ganyu.

Venti knew what the rest were gonna do.

Both Kazuha and Aether had been selected to perform in the opening dance ceremony. Hu Tao was going to open a toy store. Xiao was going to open a store to sell ice cream. Lumine was setting up an accessories shop. And Venti himself was going to open a flower shop.
Because Mr.Diluc had insisted, he was also going to perform his lyre performance at evening on stage.

Everyone was busy making preparations.

And soon it was the very day of the festival!

Venti was starting to arrange his shop early in the morning.

All these temporary shops were opened by the students of Freedom Academy all over Mondstad. The small children upto classes seven were only allowed to help in the shops opened by their seniors. The funds for these were all afforded by the school itself. And the students were allowed to keep 20% of whatever they earned by selling in their shops. The rest was to be donated back to the school.

"Do you need help!?"

Venti turned around and saw Ganyu. He smiled on seeing her all dressed up early in the morning.

"Actually ya... some help will be great", he said. "Paimon and Qiqi are not going to be in my stall this year. Apparently a child named klee is supposed to be in my stall. But I don't see her anywhere and haven't met her before."

"Is that so?", Ganyu asked as she started helping Venti arrange all the flowers.

"I even forgot that grade she is in... what was it again...? 2nd or 3rd grade maybe. Could be more... anyways, you being here is a great help for me!"

And so both Venti and Ganyu started their work early in the morning.


A/N: I know! This is a tiny little chapter! But that's cause I am double dropping today after I select the cover for the next part.

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