Around the school pt.2

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Third person pov:

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Third person pov:

"This is the school staff room. All our teachers stay here when they have no class so if you ever need to know anything from them, you can definitely hope to find them in here. Although, I would not suggest you to disturb them often. Mr.kaeya can be really strict at times but not as much as Miss.Jean. You better watch out for them. Miss faruzan is really knowledgeable so you may approach her anytime. Sir Althaitham though... he will definitely answer your questions... but something about him feels weird at times. You will know what I mean once you meet him! Mr. Diluc is really good. Just don't mention Mr.Kaeya in front of him and you will be good to go. We also have a dance teacher here! Miss Nilou! She is amazing but I doubt that you will have to approach her for any queries... but she will help you nonetheless!"

Venti said everything so fast that half of it flew past Xiao's understanding. But he nodded regardless.

"And this is the infamous school office...", he whispered into Xiao's ears,"Our principal is really weird at times so you better stay away from her"

Xioa gave a weird look to Venti. "Our principal is weird? How so?", he asked.

"She is known for writing light novels. The last novel she wrote was named "Bloody Lily". It was so graphic that the publisher refused to sell it or print it. So she went ahead and edited it and even published it herself. But I do not dare read it... I am not good with such stuff", Venti said with an awkward smile.

"The way you talk about her almost feels like you are really close ", said Xiao. To his words, Venti once again gave an awkward smile .
"Ehe... actually... Principal Yae Miko-"
"Hmm~ What about me?"

Venti quickly turned around to find Yae Miko standing right behind him with a smirk on her face.
"Why did you stop Venti? Were you not going to say something about me?", as she spoke, her eyes seemed to glow.

"Umm... I was about to tell Xiao that I live in the house you've provided for me and my family... cause he said that we both seemed close..."
"Hmm~ Is that so?", she looked at Xiao. "You are Xiao?"
"Ya... I am Xiao"
"I hope you will like your stay here at the Freedom Academy. Although-", she caressed a bit of his hair which was unevenly standing out," Be careful. Mondstad's Freedom is both a blessing and a curse."
Saying this, she went inside her office.

Venti immediately spoke with a cheerful voice to make the atmosphere lighter again.
"We don't have anything else on the ground floor! Umm... the nursery and classes 1 to 5 are also on this floor though. We do have a science lab in 1st floor! Wanna go!?"

Before Xiao could give an answer, the bell rang.
"Oh... free period is gone...", Venti murmured in a sad tone.

"I will go to the science lab with you... after this period is over that is "

"Really!?", Venti's shining eyes made Xioa run out of words.
But he gave a soft little smile and flicked Venti's forehead with his finger.
"Oww... what was that for?"
"Nothing really-", he said with a captivating smile, One from which Venti could not look away.

They walked back to class. But Venti felt his heart beat faster than usual.

"Venti! Xiao! Welcome back~", Hu Tao said on seeing them entering the class.
"Hu Tao! Where is Ganyu?", asked Venti.
"You know... just that daily stuff..."
"I see"

Xiao could not understand what they were conversing about. He asked Venti," What daily stuff?"
"Oh... you don't know... Actually-"
"Ganyu is getting her usual proposal!" ,Hu Tao jumped with enthusiasm as she interrupted Venti and spoke up.

"Proposal?", Xiao said in a confused tone.

"Yaa... its not a complicated thing... actually, the thing is, Ganyu is really Really REALLY popular in our school. So she gets these proposals from one or the other student in the school.", replied Venti.

"And she gets them everyday. This has almost become a ritual at this point.", said Hu Tao.

"I see...", although Xiao said that, digesting what he had just heard was hard for him. To him the entire thing felt kind of stupid.

Meanwhile, Kazuha came in the class along with Aether.
"Mr.Diluc is not here yet?", said Aether.
"Even I am shocked. He is never usually this late for class.", replied Venti.
"Ganyu is not back yet? Didn't she leave with that boy quite a while ago?", said Kazuha.
"Hmm... it has been a while", said Hu Tao. "Let's find her since Mr.Diluc is not here yet. And I will see if that boy is heartbroken enough after Ganyu's rejection! If he is, I can give him this 10% off on your first coffin purchase so that he can-"
"Hu Tao- I think its better to not talk about that stuff", said Venti with an awkward smile.

But they did not have to go look for Ganyu as she came in the class right at that moment.
"Ganyu! How was it today?", said Aether.
"You were outside the class for quite a while", said Kazuha.
"Umm... That boy was quite persistent today... i felt bad while rejecting him. And even after I did, he kept on following me..."
"Is he still outside the class?", asked Kazuha.
"Probably... But that's alright... he will be gone if he sees Mr.Diluc coming ", Ganyu said with a reassuring smile.

"Hey! Mr.Diluc is on his way!", a boy yelled. Immediately everyone in the class took their seats.

Diluc came inside the classroom with a dignified aura around him.

As the children stood up to greet him, he told them to sit down.

"Mr.Diluc! Can we have a break today!?", asked Hu Tao fearlessly and with a loud voice.

"That will not be possible I am afraid. And I am quite sure that You all just had a free period before this.", Diluc said with a calm but deepnees in his voice.


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