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"Xiao, You must be the most perfect boy out there"

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"Xiao, You must be the most perfect boy out there"

"You must not get anything less than 100"

"Xiao, Do you understand?"

"Yes...mother", replied the 11 year old boy with darkness in his eyes.


"Xiao... why have you got 96 in this test?"

"It was a difficult paper... and 96 is the highest marks in th-"

"Unacceptable! How dare you disobey me!?"
She threw a big chair at the 12 year old boy infront of her. It hit him hard enough to make him teary and fall down.

"Next time, it won't end with just one hit. Remember that. Be grateful That I am still keeping you alive and feeding you everyday. "


"Don't come near me with that fucking face!", She said as she slapped the 13 year old boy and made him bleed from him lips.


"You are a demon child!", she said with rage as she gulped the bottle of alcohol and threw the empty bottle at the 14 year old kid.


"You... have the face of that bastard... you demon...", she mumbled as she cried in front of her 15 year old son.



"I am not your mother! Don't you dare call me your mother! Why are you even alive huh!? How did you not die on that night? Why... why did you have to return back here to haunt me!?", she yelled as she beat the 16 year old boy with her bare hands.


"That's it. You got in a fight in school... I told you not be anything less than a 100. And yet you go down with every passing day. We are leaving Liyue. And you better not do anything else to cause me trouble after this! You are the reason why I cannot die peacefully!"

She said to Xiao who listened with quitness.


Xiao's pov:

Thats right... because I look like my father... and because I am not her son.

She hates me.

Ever since I was a little kid, I've always seen my parents quarreling with each other.

"You! Why do you have to always fool around with other women!? I let that bastard god knows whose child live here! And yet you go and fool around everyday!"

My mother would often say these words to him. So I always knew, she was not my real mother.

But I was my father's son. I knew that because I looked exactly like him. But I don't remember him talking to me... not even once. Once in a while I used to peep inside his room. He would always be sitting on the couch while smoking.

Although strict, the only one who talked to me everyday, even if it was just a loveless scolding, was her. And so I used to call her my mother.

She never used to hit me. That was until my father died.
Mother loved father blindly.

She would suffer and hurt inside, she would look at him taking other women inside his room, and she often saw him not caring about her existence. And she even decided to keep me and raise me even though I was not her child.

And yet, she lived beside him. She thought someday she would be loved by him just as much as she had loved him.

But it took her his death to understand, she had destroyed her entire future and her present and created for herself an unforgettable past.

My father died- Probably due to his unhealthy habits of over consumption of alcohol and smoking. I was 11 back then. That was the day from when mother's sufferings became immensely heavy on her soul.

And I was the one and still am the one who haunts her present with my existence. And so she hates me. And she takes out her anger and sorrow by hitting me. And I let her do that. Her weak malnourished body; I am afraid that if I try to stop her, I might end up hurting her.

She hates that she cannot kill me.
She hates that she cannot kill herself.

I kept my father's photograph on the table and sat down with my books.
Memories flood into my mind everyday.
And it hurts to think about them.

That was when I heard my phone's notification.

For some reason, all the jumbled up thoughts inside my head suddenly cleared up as I saw a message from Venti. I opened the app and read it immediately.

"Hi! Umm... This is Venti! Wait... you already know that I am Venti😐... ahem😓, what I meant to say is, I added you to my "Chat-us"!🙃 I am really bad at starting conversations, aren't I?🥴Ehe~😅"

I could not help but laugh at the text. I typed my reply with a little smirk on my face.

"What's with those emojis?"

"Eh? I use them a lot👀"

"Is that so? I see"

"What are you doing?"

"About to study"

"I see. Well,I'll talk with you later then. I was getting bored while waiting for my rice being cooked.😑 And now I gotta make Qiqi and Paimom sit down to study"

"And you? When do you study?"

"Usually at night. And i study while teaching Qiqi and Paimon too. Anyways, bye for now.👋"


The entire conversation made me feel lighter.
I realized that the entire time, I had been simply smiling like a fool. I vigorously shook my head and hit my own head and got to study.


If this chapter was confusing, here is what happened:

•Xiao is not the actual son of his mother with whom he currently lives.
•His so called mother loved his father so blindly that she agreed to overlook the fact that Xiao is not her son and decided to raise him since he was a baby.
•The father never cared for his wife,neglected her and never conversed with her. He used to bring other women along with him in her presence and had indulged himself in alcohol. This had made her desolate, self afflicting and she craved for attention from him.
•Xiao's father died when he was 11. That was the beginning of Xiao's miserable life.
•the woman regretted her decisions but it was too late for her to start a new beginning. The anger piled up within her were therefore directed towards Xiao who looks just like his father.
•Xiao does not hate her. No one has ever loved him and no one ever talked with him except her. Even though her words had no love or care for him, he could not bring himself to hate her. Instead, he pities her miserable state and believes that somewhere or the other it is his fault cause he looks just like his father

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