Things You Like

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The city of Mondstad-

The nation of Freedom.

Freedom that is bounded by walls.

Freedom that is bounded by walls

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"Venti...", Xiao spoke as he looked at Venti with his eyes intently fixed on him,"It is our graduation ceremony next week. There is something I want to... no... there is something that I have to tell you."

Venti replied with silence.

"Please wait for me... at the Starsnatch Cliff", Xiao said.

Venti still did not utter a single word. He kept on looking at the ground beneath.

"Xiao! Let's go home!", yelled Hu Tao from a distance. As soon as she spotted Venti she awkwardly turned around as if she never said anything. Xiao simply sighed and walked past Venti.

"Go back home Venti... its late at night", he said as he walked away.

But Venti did not move.
Not until he could not hear Xiao's footsteps anymore. Once it was all silent, he too turned around and went back home.

As Venti opened the door to his house he was greeted with a smiling Paimon making a mess around the house. And Qiqi yelling as she struggled to put everything back in place.

Both the girls could not understand why but Venti immediately hugged them tightly as soon as he came inside. His arms shivered a bit. But none of the two girls questioned him. Venti's hugs were the best afterall.

Later at night when Venti was all alone in his room trying to study, there was a knock on his door.

"Come inside"

The two girls peeped inside with starry eyes.

"You two are not asleep yet?"

"We... can we stay here... tonight?", asked Paimon with pleading eyes.

"... since you two are here alreday ", Venti continued with a sigh, "come inside"

With big bright smile Paimon went in followed by Qiqi. And of course, with their arrival there was no way Venti was gonna be able to study.

"Aren't your finals over? What are you studying brother?" Asked Paimon.

"For the college entrance examination. Although the acceptance rate is quite high in Mondstad's Dawn University, I think studying and preparing well will still be helpful", he replied.

"That reminds me brother! Today at school I got a lot of praise from my teacher!", yelled Paimon.

The three of them talked about a lot of things. Mostly Paimon.
School, friends and themselves.

When it was alreday past 11:30, Venti finally said, "Girls. You both need to sleep now. No school tomorrow but You both still need to wake up early."


The two really did not complain. They laid down on his bed with their eyes wide open. Venti covered them up with the blanket and laid down just beside Paimon. The bed was big enough for all of them.

After a few minutes of silence, Paimon fell asleep. Venti was still awake when Qiqi suddenly started speaking.

"What happened today brother?"

Venti immediately replied but with a bit of hesitancy, "n..nothing at all Qiqi."

Qiqi became silent for a while.

"Brother... is there someone you like?"

The sudden question made him blush. "Whh... where did that come from?", he asked all flustered.

Qiq giggled a bit at the way he suddenly panicked.

"Actually, a boy in my class asked me out on the last day of school", she suddenly said. Venti almost jumped up when he heard that.

"Don't worry brother. I rejected him"

Venti gave a sigh of relief. "Don't scare me like that", he said and Qiqi once again giggled

"Brother... why do you not do things for yourself?"


"You cook so that me and Paimon can eat. You clean the house so that we never get sick. You study hard so that you can teach us. But what is it that you do for yourself?"

Qiqi sat up and looked at Venti with a soft gaze.

"Brother... I don't want you to continue living like this. Neither does Paimon. We both want you to do things that you want to."

"I want to look after you and Paimon. There is nothing else that I care about", Venti replied.

"You can't be like that brother! I want you to have your own life... you looking after me and Paimon is what you do because we are family. But you have to do things that you want to!"

Why was Qiqi suddenly being like this? Venti knew why.

Qiqi once again laid down on the bed and covered herself up with the blanket. Venti looked at the ceiling above them as Qiqi's words echoed through his mind.

"Someone... I like..."

"Things... I want to do..."

"A life that's beyond just taking care of Paimon and Qiqi..."

Such thoughts continued to swim around in his mind even the next day and the following day.

The graduation ceremony grew closer with eaching passing day.


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