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"Good Morning Xiao!", shouted Hu Tao grabbing the attention of the entire class much to Xiao's liking

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"Good Morning Xiao!", shouted Hu Tao grabbing the attention of the entire class much to Xiao's liking.

"Hu Tao!? How did it go in the office?", asked Aether immediately on seeing her.

Hu Tao simply showed a thumbs up with a grin showing straight white teeth.

"Everything went well", assured Kazuha. Ganyu took a breath of relief as well.

"If the principal had suspended you I would have never been able to forgive myself", said Ganyu quietly so that no one could hear her.

But Xiao's keen ears did.

"None of it was your fault", he said just loudly enough for her to hear.
Ganyu looked at Xiao with her bright eyes.
"That boy deserved it", Xiao muttered very subtlety. But Ganyu could read his lips and ended up smiling at his remark.

"Hey, Mr.kaeya is on his way!"

All the students quickly assembled themselves in their seats.

"Good morning Xiao", said Kazuha as he sat down on his seat.

"Oh...good morning", Xiao replied.

"Did you bring-", before Venti could ask his question Xiao answered, "I have brought everything "

"I see", Venti smiled.

Venti's pov:

As soon as Mr.kaeya came in, he started making silly remarks. He seems to be in a good mood.

Maybe we will not have to do a lot of equations today?

I slightly glanced at Xiao. He seems quite engrossed... oh... what are those red marks on his neck?

I did not notice them at first. But now that I am sitting right beside him, they are quite visible.
I slightly pulled his sleeve. He looked at me.

"What is it?", he asked.

"Oh, Xiao, what ar-"

Wait a min...
Is it really alright for me to ask that to him?

"Xiao... You want to know more about me. But I don't want to know anything about you"

"You see... it would be unfair for me to know more about you and not tell you anything about me in return. But I don't think I can ever tell you anything about me... afterall...I don't even know myself"

Thats right... I of all people don't have the right to ask him that...

"Hmm? What were you going to say?", Xiao asked me as the silence between us grew more.

I simply let go of his sleeve.

"Nothing.", I said.

"Nothing? But you were definitely about to ask me something"

UNNOTICED 🌖 (Xiao×Venti)||Genshin ImpactWhere stories live. Discover now