Hidden Horror

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"I know. Just throw him in that trash can by the road. That will surely wake him up", Xiao said menacingly.

"Umm... That will be going a bit too far", Ganyu said with a worried expression.

Were they all just going to keep on standing there until Heizou wakes up?

"Its you all. Here to have a drink?"

It was a very familiar voice. They all saw Albedo approaching them.

"Professor Albedo "

"Yes. Why are you all standing outside?", as he asked this question his eyes fell on Heizou. "Ahh... i can imagine what the situation is like. Unfortunately, I am currently attending a business so I cannot help you much. Although, I can tell you his address."

"Oh! That will be quite helpful", said Venti.

Albedo took out a small little pocket diary out from his coat and tore a piece of paper from it. Next he took out a pen that he had tucked beside his ear and wrote down the address of Heizou's house.

"This should do it", he said and handed the paper to Venti.

"Thank you professor ", Venti said.

Albedo gave a subtle smile. "Be sure to not leave him in a trash can or something ", he said as his eyes slided towards Xiao.

Xiao started coughing as he avoided Albedo's eyes.

"Umm... Ehe... of course we won't ", Venti said immediately.

"Good.", Albedo said and walked away just as abruptly as he had entered.

"It is already dinner time. I will have to go back home now", Ganyu said. "But Heizou..."

"As much as i want to, I cannot leave Heizou at home either. Both Qiqi and Paimon are alone at home waiting for me. But I don't just want to leave him here...", Venti was in contemplation.

Hu Tao herself was not feeling very well. Xiao was not going to leave her to go back all alone.

"Its alright everyone. I don't have much to take care of so I'll leave him home", Kazuha said as he took the piece of paper with the address from Venti. "All of you go back home. I'll take care of everything. "

Although everyone felt like they were simply dumping their responsibilities on Kazuha, Kazuha assured them that he did not mind it at all. And so everybody left leaving Kazuha behind with Heizou.

As they were all gone from sight, Kazuha properly read the address.

"Not very far away fortunately"

He had to carry Heizou on his back and after a few stairs of pain across Mondstad, he was standing right infront of Mr.Goth's grand hotel. Apparently Heizou lived there on rent.

The door was surprisingly open. He went inside and saw the messiest room he had ever seen. All around envelopes of different sorts were lying around. Even some important documents seemed to be kept recklessly everywhere.

Nothing dirty.

Just piles of paper everywhere.

"He does not have much here huh...", Kazuha wondered as he laid Heizou down on the bed. The room had a bed, A desk and a mini fridge. Nothing else.

"Well, I've done my job. No reason to stay here any longer", he said to himself. But just as he was about to leave Heizou's house, he was stopped by an interesting piece of paper lying on the floor.


He picked the paper up and read it carefully. "There's no doubt... its... a prescription written by mother..."

He was stunned to see something written by his mother lying on the floor. It had been 11 years since she had died and 8 years since Ayaka took over. A prescription written by his mother Mitsuko Kamisato had to be at least 12 years old. And the paper did seem old.


He heard coughs and turned around too see Heizou breathing unsteadily. He went closer to him and realized that Heizou's face was red with high fever. But he was completely fine just minutes ago. Heizou was still unconscious and his condition did not look good at all.

Kazuha looked at the clock.


Next he took out his phone and called Ayaka.

"Hello Kazuha. What is it?"

"Ayaka... Can I request you to let me stay out of home tonight..."

Ayaka did not question him back.

"Okay. Don't worry. I'll make sure to explain it to Ayato.", she said in a soft and comforting voice to her brother.

Kazuha felt relieved on hearing her. After keeping his phone he immediately went out of the house and came back with mint and a bunch of harra fruits. He made a kind of paste out of them in the kitchen and tried to wake up Heizou.

Heizou's eyes blinked. At first he could only see a blurry figure in front of him. And as his vision cleared he could see Kazuha.

"Heizou. Here, have this. It will make you feel better"

"Kazuha... what are you doing in my house...?"

"Ask questions later. First eat this."

Heizou surprisingly pushed Kazuha away from him. "This is... something that happens to me often...*cough* I don't need medication...*cough*"


"Go away... don't *cough* don't stay here any more... *cough* you will catch my sickness"

At this point Heizou seemed to be in sever pain. He could barely talk.

"Heizou, is it some kind of serious condition that you've been neglecting? You don't look good at all. Listen to me and have this herbal medicine. It will definitely make you feel better"

Heizou looked at Kazuha with eyes so red that suddenly an old memory flooded into his mind.

"I wish i could cure that boy", a soft and subtle voice spoke. The voice of Mitsuko Kamisato who had her three children surrounding her as she laid on her bed waiting for the undeniably outcome of her death.

"Cure? Cure who mother?", asked Ayaka as she held Mitsuko's hand tightly.

"A very unusual patient of mine... a boy of about your age... Kazuha", she said as she held Kazuha closer to her.

"What illness does he have?", asked Ayato, the only one standing a bit apart from his mother so that Ayaka and Kazuha could be closer to her.

"I don't know... i don't know if i can call it an illness. And if it is an illness, then I don't know what it is. I don't know the cure to it. All i could do was make his pain a bit less."

"What are his symptoms?", Ayato questioned again.

"Just go away!", Heizou yelled. He threw his pillow at Kazuha and immediately started coughing even more severely.

"Symptoms you ask... well... one that I never knew was humanly possible until now"

"Don't see... don't look at me!", Heizou yelled with his voice breaking apart.

"He is a little boy afterall... But i could not cure it... The boy-"

Kazuha stood frozen as he watched drops of red on the Blanket. Drops which fell from-

"The boy bleeds... from his-"

"Eyes...", Kazuha whispered as he finished his mother's past words. He looked at Heizou who was still coughing and the blood dripped out from his eyes.


UNNOTICED 🌖 (Xiao×Venti)||Genshin ImpactWhere stories live. Discover now