To Meet Xiao

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"Why are you here Venti?"

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"Why are you here Venti?"

Venti saw Kazuha standing beside him with a solemn face.

"Nothing...", Venti replied as he looked at the still water below the bridge build across lake Cider. It was already dark now.

The stage event of the Windblume was about to end. Venti got to perform with his lyre during the evening with the setting sun. All the left over flowers in his stall were already sold out. He had roamed all around Mondstad and now was out of the city, on an empty bridge.

"What about your shop?", asked Kazuha.

"I sold everything. You know what? Apparently, klee kreideprinz was my helper this year. You have also heard of the youngest daughter of the kreideprinz family right? The rumors about her were actually not far off from the reality. But she is a such a happy go lucky innocent child. Roaming all around Mondstad along with her was so much fun. A while ago, we ran into Albedo and she left with him. I really hope we can talk and meet again. She will make great friends with Paimon and Qiqi"


"And I really forgot to mention. But your opening dance along with Aether was so spectacular!"

"Venti "

"Did you visit everyone's shops? Lumine sold really well! Hu Tao... apparently her stall got banned halfway because she was selling toys which resembled coffins and skeletons. It was just utter Chaos"


Kazuha's loud call was followed by a deadening silence.

"Venti... come with me. Don't stay here", Kazuha said with eyes that looked sad.

Venti gave a slight smile to Kazuha. But his smile definitely hid a lot behind.

"Don't worry Kazuha... I will not do anything reckless. That was my past... I can't even imagine how I could think about doing it... Leaving behind Qiqi and Paimon in this hellish world all alone... I can not do something like that anymore. So don't worry. I am not here to end it all."

Kazuha continued to look at Venti as a cold breeze blew past them.

"Kazuha... you are the only person who knows... and you've always kept it hidden."

"I am not the only one who knows... Qiqi was worried about you. She saw me and asked to me bring you along with me. Even Xiao was searching for you. You've been avoiding him this entire day."

"Xiao was? ...", Venti paused for a while before proceeding to once again look at the sill water beneath.
"Venti... you realize that Xiao has feelings for you, don't you?", Kazuha asked.

"I would be a blind fool to not notice that ", replied Venti.

"Then why do you continue to avoid Xiao?"

"... you should know this better than anyone else. I am not someone who deserves to be beside anyone."

"Listen Venti. Whatever happened in the past is long gone. Why do you keep thinking that everything is your fault!? None of it was your fault!"

Venti did not reply back. Instead he walked past Kazuha with a soft smile. "I'll go see Qiqi and the rest.", he said as he walked away.

And Kazuha stood there on the bridge with the still water beneath.
"Whatever happened to you... was so cruel...", Kazuha looked up at the sky and continued with moisture in his eyes," Lord Barbatos... you know everything as well too... please don't make him suffer in agony. He... deserves happiness more than anyone "


Qiqi looked anxious as she stood by Lumine waiting for Venti. Kazuha had told her that he would go look for him.

And as soon as she spotted Venti approaching them, she ran to him and hugged him almost immediately. The impact of the hug nearly made Venti fall down. But Aether caught him from behind. "Don't worry bro. I've got your back", Aether said in a whisper. Venti gave a smile.

"Qiqi? Did I worry you so much?", he asked as he picked her up.

"Brother? Why are you picking me up!? I have become heavy..."

"Heavy? Don't worry about that. You are not heavy at all. And I hardly get to pick you up when Paimon's around.", he said as he slightly placed a kiss on her head. Qiqi's heart felt warm. Her anxiety was gone. Venti was with her. She did not care about anything else.

Aether and Lumine watched them and smiled at each other.

"Where's Kazuha?", asked Lumine.

"He will be back soon", Venti replied.

"Oh! That reminds me. Xiao was looking for you everywhere. I think you should go see him", said Aether.

"Ahh... ya... I will go and see him.", he said a bit hesitantly.

"Brother... I wanna go back home", suddenly said Qiqi.

"Home? Okay. Lumine-"

"Don't worry. We've already sold everything. You can take Qiqi home. She has been a really good girl the entire day and helped me with everything.", said Lumine.

And so Venti started walking back home. On his way he came across Paimon and Hu Tao eating a plate full of chicken skewers. From there, he picked up Paimon as well and waved Hu Tao goodbye for the day.

"I want ups as well!", yelled Paimon.

"Suss. Don't yell. Qiqi is asleep...", he said as he looked at her sleeping soundly on his back.

"Sister is sleeping?"

"She has worked hard today "

"Hmm... then sister deserves ups more than me I suppose..."

Once they reached home, it was already 9 p.m.

He laid Qiqi down on her bed and told Paimon to go to sleep as well. Soon both the girls were sound asleep and he walked out of their room very slowly.

"Should I go out and meet with Xiao once... I guess I should", he thought to himself. After locking the house properly, he walked out once again. The festival had ended. People were now mostly enjoying their dinner in different restaurants and the bustling city had become a lot quiter.

On his way he saw Ganyu.
"Hi Ganyu. Have you seen Xaio?"

"He just walked past me a while ago asking me where you were. I told him to go to the Starsnatch Cliff. You should go there as well", replied Ganyu.

"I see. By the way, your performance today was amazing "

"So was yours Venti "

"Ehe- bye then. Let's meet tomorrow in school"

"Bye Venti "

After his little conversation with Ganyu, Venti set forth towards the Starsnatch Cliff to meet Xiao.


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