After the war

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" she is really gone

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" she is really gone...", Venti said as he picked up the soil from the grounds. "The dendro archon... has no remains of herself left on Teyvat"

Xiao held Venti as he stood. The other archons shed tears.

"Its... its all my fault... After all those samsaras... her body had become weak...", Istaroth said as she cried. She regretted all her decisions. She regretted all her actions. She despised herself.

"She was always aware about the samsaras over the past 500 years... she knew she wouldn't live long. So she gave up her everything for the sake of this world. She died... as a true god" , Zhongli said.

Venti felt Xiao's hands still shaking as they held him. Venti tightly held his shaking hands. "Say... Everyone here but me... has become mortals... right?"

Istaroth spoke with a broken voice. "Yes... everyone of us... we are no longer gods... no one but you Barbatos. You still have... your genosis."

Venti gave a soft smile.

"Don't get us wrong! We did not sacrifice our godhood to simply bring back a drunkard like you!",Murata said but he seemed embarrassed.

"That's right Murata...", Venti said. "You wouldn't watch Hu Tao die as you live on eternally-"

"Istaroth... no one here will ever forget about what you've done. Just like how you will never forget what Venti did to you. But... because of what you did... we have found something we never had. Love... life... family- We may not forget your wrongs. But we will forever be grateful to you... for giving us those and making our misery less by making us mortals ", Zhongli said.

Istaroth still cried but was starting to calm down.

Venti saw everyone slowly becoming much calmer. "Xiao...", he looked at Xiao and continued, "Forgive me... for making you so worried "

Xiao did not say anything. He simply refused to let go of Venti's hand.

But Xiao's condition was not good. All his karmic debt had suddenly hit him as he had got back his memories. His body was withering away. And yet Venti gave a soft smile. He simply took out the genosis within him. It was... not a chess piece like everyone else. It was... a ball of light.

"Funny isn't it... for the God of Death to have a bright genosis like this", he said. "Xiao... will you forgive me one last time... for hurting you"

Xiao looked at Venti. "What are you going to do?..."

"... protect you", Venti whispered softly.

Xiao felt something pierce his chest.

It was a scythe... And the one piercing his heart... was Venti himself. Xiao immediately caughed up a ton of blood as he fell on the ground.

"You!- what are you doing!!!?", Murata yelled.

"Did he... kill... Xiao?", Raiden spoke with a horrifying look on her face.

Ganyu was too shocked to even speak.

Venti sat on his knees and took the scythe out of Xiao. He placed his own genosis within Xiao's heart. "Like I said... I am no God. I never was..."

The beams of light spread everywhere as Xiao's wounds healed. Xiao slowly opened his eyes

"You... did you bring the dead back to life again!?", Murata asked.

"No... I did not. I simply used every ounce of power left within me to clear Xiao's karmic debt", Venti replied.

Xiao sat up.

"Did that hurt...?", Venti asked with tears in his eyes.

Xiao immediately hugged him. "Of course it did not hurt-"

"So then... you... gave up your godhood too?", Ganyu asked.

"This world... never needed any god. The people here are more than capable enough to write their own destiny. They are strong enough to live. They never needed us to begin with. All they need is... to live"

Everyone remained silent as Venti said those words.

Venti got up with Xiao. "Come everyone... let's go back... to where we truly belong"

He tightly held Xiao's hand. Xiao tightened his grip as well.


Qiqi slowly opened her eyes as the rays of the sun fell on her face from the windows. She got out of bed and walked into the dining. "Brother is not awake yet?"  She thought.

She went in Venti's room to wake him up but he was not in his room. Qiqi became a little worried. She came out of the house and looked outside. "Where did he go?"

Then she noticed Venti walking from a distance. The moment he spotted Qiqi, he ran towards her and hugged her causing her to fall down on the ground. He made sure to hold her head.

"Brother?... where were you?", Qiqi asked as she was rather surprised.

"Nowhere... simply out to spend some time "  Venti answered as he held back all his tears. "But now I am back... Qiqi"

She noticed his voice break a bit.

She asked him no more questions and simply hugged him back. "Welcome home... brother"


"Dad! Uncle  Zhongli! You seriously gave  me a fright! Even Xiao was gone! I seriously thought that all of you left for a trip without me!", yelled Hu Tao.

Murata walked towards Hu Tao and patted her head.


"We did go on a trip without you.", he said with a grin and went inside. Hu Tao gave a smile. "As if-"

Zhongli also patted Hu Tao's head and went inside.

"Jeez- welcome back you two. I wonder where Xiao is-"


Xiao stood on top of the Starsnatch Cliff.

Venti came up and stood beside him.

"Took me a while to catch up with Paimon and Qiqi"

"You could've taken longer"

"No its alright..."

Then the two looked silently at the view in front of them.

"Xaio,Let's grow old together...", Venti said as tears fell from his eyes. "I can finally say that... I... have finally become a human Xiao "

Xiao held Venti's face in his hands and wiped his tears. "You've cried enough for my sake Venti... you've given up enough for me. But I won't try to pay you back for anything. I will live for you... with you."

"Thats what I want "  Venti replied. "To live with you..."

Xiao pushed Venti against the soft grass and kissed his neck.

Venti was still tearing up. Xiao kissed his crying eyes and his parted lips.
"Don't  cry."  He said and embraced Venti.

The two remained still for a long time. After Venti had become stable, they walked back to Mondstad.


UNNOTICED 🌖 (Xiao×Venti)||Genshin ImpactWhere stories live. Discover now