The Past Untold

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"Venti... forgive me for bringing you into this cruel world... please... forgive me"


The port City of Mondstad, Danzig.

Peole say that if hell exists on earth, Port Danzig would be the perfect defination of it.

A place so full of misery, no one dares to step foot in that place.

And in such a place, Venti was born to his Mother, In the midst of A full moon night.
"forgive me for bringing you into this cruel world"
These were the first words which his mother had said to him the moment he was born.

Years went by. Venti grew up slowly. The moment he was old enough to walk and talk, he was already hoping to die.

Why you might ask.

The answer was simple.

Freedom did not exist.

"Do you job properly you wrench!", the man shouted at Venti's mother. She helplessly continued to lick the man's boots.

"That's right. Lick them clean", he said with a twisted smile. All while 4 year old Venti watched.

They did not live in a house. Simply on the side of the streets. So did everyone else at Danzing. Everyone was treated as mere objects of inhuman experimentations and with no regard for them as fellow humans.

Despite all of that, She kept Venti safe. Safe from all harm possible. She would take all kinds of humiliation and do anything for her child. "Please... Venti... be happy", this was all she wished for. And once she had Qiqi, she had the same wishes for her as well.

Qiqi was born in the cold cloudy night. Yet she guarded both her children from the cold using her own warmth.

"Mother... please... wake up"

But she did not. She had a little girl in her hand wrapped tightly to her chest. It was Paimon who was just 1 month old at that time. Her eyes were wide open and they seemed to look at Venti so lovingly.

And with the death of his mother, Venti's misery began.

A three year old Girl and a 1 month old infant. All under the care of a 8 year old boy.

A boy who was yet unaware of his fate.

It all began with Paimon getting sick. Venti was unable to feed her well and keep her safe. The sickness had gotten worse enough for Paimon to not wake up for more than an entire day. She was just a 4 month old girl.

"Brother... I am... hungry", Qiqi said as she fell asleep on the hard ground beside Paimon.

"What... am i supposed to do?... Mother...", Venti asked helplessly as he watched both his sisters slowly dying of hunger and illness. He had no one to help him. Everyone else at Danzig were in no better situation. He had no other choice but to find money.

He wandered the streets. He wandered around the ships. He walked all around the place. And just as he was about to give up, he encountered two guys.

He had bumped into them mistakenly. He had no strength left in him to run away as they grabbed him.

But he stopped struggling all together when they said,"We'll give you money if you do whatever we ask you to do"

The girls never knew anything about that. Venti would everyday leave in the morning and return after the sunset with food. Paimon eventually became better and Qiqi as well. But they never knew what went on behind the scenes.

Until one day Venti returned back after the sunset with blood dropping down from his legs and hands.

"Brother...", Qiqi approached Venti slowly. "Why are you... bleeding...?"

Venti gave a slight smile as he kept his hand on Qiqi. "I am alright. And here is your bread..."

This continued for so many days that Venti had alreday lost count. And just like that, months went by followed by years.


"Brother... Your condition keeps on becoming worse and worse... what is it that you do... what is it that you keep on hiding from us!?", Qiqi asked one day as Venti had yet again returned with fresh wounds all over him.

But Venti had not replied. But when he saw Qiqi cry, he realized something very important. "I ... am sorry qiqi... I won't be going there anymore... I can't... take it anymore... I am sorry.. for making you worry Qiqi"

Venti had decided that it was not the correct way to live.

He had stopped going out everyday. Instead he tried his best to gather food from people at the port. Most of them were unkind. No one cared. No one bothered.

But Venti tried his best each day. He would work for them. Do whatever they asked for. At most they would give him apples or bread. But he had sworn to never go back there to them anymore.

He had... and yet...


"Did you really think that you could escape from us?"


"I... was forced to return back to that hell. I used to let them do whatever they pleased to do with me. They used to beat me around for fun... collect blood from me and sell it... and... force themselves on me... and I used to let them do it... all of it... just to get food for my sisters and me",Venti said as his hands were shaking. "I had decided that I was not going to let that continue anymore... But those people found me again... and this time... they really did whatever pleased them. They left me half dead by the edge if the port. I had lost all my strength to walk back to Qiqi and Paimon... and that was when I was rescued... rescued by Kazuha"

Venti stopped speaking and looked at Xiao. "Xiao... I...", he continued with tears dropping down,"Xiao I... have been toyed around with so much... I am dirty... And I could... never gather the courage to tell that to you... I am sorry. Please forgive me for hiding so much from you... I-"

Before Venti could finish, Xiao tightly hugged Venti and embraced him in his warmth. "Don't ever say that you are dirty... Don't ever say that"

"Xiao... I am really glad that I found someone like you... but I am so sorry that you found someone like me", Venti could not hold back his tears. His past ... he had finally said it all to Xiao. All of it.

And Xiao had accepted it all. Venti could not stop crying. And Xiao did not let go of him. "That's not true Venti", he said as he wiped Venti's tears.

"I am so sorry... for hiding this from you for so long...",Venti's voice was starting to break.

"Shh- its alright. I am here... right by your side", Xiao whispered as he tightly held Venti close to him. "I'll be here... with you"

"Xiao... You... don't hate me even after I told that to you..?"

Xiao looked into Venti's eyes and held his face closer to Venti's. "Not you... but myself "


"I hate myself... for not being there for you... For making you remember all those horrible incidents... for making you say it all", He gently kissed Venti's moistered eyes and continued, "I will love you Venti... forever and ever. In doing so, I will start to love myself again as well."


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