Departure and Arrival

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"Venti? Let's go back now. Hu Tao just messaged me and told us to come to lake Cider. It might be something urgent ", Xiao said as he gently held Venti's hand. The two got up together.

"Okay...", Venti said. He was still flustered about the kiss.

Venti's redness seemed cute to Xiao. He flicked Venti's forehead and gave somewhat of a satisfying smile.

They walked all the way back to the gates of Mondstad. Even amongst the crowd of people, Xiao did not let go of Venti's hand. Not even for a second.

The moment Hu Tao spotted them, Xiao gave her a thumbs up. Hu Tao's face immediately brightened up because it meant that things had worked out perfectly for Xiao and Venti.

"So are you two a thing now?", Aether spoke with a smirk.

"Of course they are!", shouted Lumine and pushed Aether away. "So, did you two kiss yet?"

"",Venti's eyes avoided Lumine's.

"Let's keep that a secret shall we?", Xiao said with a smug look on his face. The way he spoke made it quite obvious that the two did indeed share a kiss.

"Eh? So now you two are going to keep secrets huh?", Hu Tao said with a mischievous smile.

"Stop teasing them ", said Kazuha. "Also, Mr.Xiao, may I borrow your boyfriend for a bit?"

"For what?"

"Nothing much"

Venti himself pushed Xiao a but away and smiled. "I'll be right back",he said and almost ran away with Kazuha. Xiao looked at the two leave with a serious look on his face until Aether shook him.

"Don't give that death stare to Kazuha. He is not going to steal your boyfriend", he said.

Meanwhile Kazuha and Venti went to the bridge built across lake Cider from where Xiao could see them but not hear them.

"I am happy for you Venti", Kazuha said.

"I... I still don't know if things are going to work out or not. I've not yet concurred my fear of my uncertainty. But if I had lied... I would've hurt Xiao so much. I could not do that... not to someone I love so much. So I've decided that I will not be lying to Xiao anymore."

"Don't worry Venti. ", Kazuha said with a soothing look. "Not lying to Xiao is good. But as long as you don't lie to yourself, everything will work out just fine."

Kazuha's words gave Venti the courage to smile.

Later that day, after Ganyu joined them, Aether and Lumine Announced their departure.

Everyone was heartbroken to hear that. But to make their last week in Mondstad memorable, everyone threw them a party. A week after, they bid Aether and Lumine a tearful goodbye.

"Stop crying Hu Tao. You are going to make me cry as well. My foundation is so costly... I don't wanna ruin it ", Lumine said as the tears were becoming hard to hold back.

Aether on the other hand was crying like a baby.
"Venti! Kazuha! *sobs* Ganyu, Xiao, Hu Tao... I will never forget you all. No matter what, we will always be friends!"

"Wipe your running nose!", Lumine yelled and pushed Aether away.

"You two... come visit us often", Ganyu said with tears running down her face.

"If anything happens, contact us immediately. We will definitely be there for you two", said Kazuha with moisture in his eyes.

"Take this coupon... buy one for 70% extra price. Then you two will think 100 times at least before dying", said Hu Tao with a face full of tears.

"We are not dying you idiot", Lumine said. She hugged everyone one by one.

"Ew! Don't hug me with that runny nose", said Xiao when Aether came to hug him.

"We will miss you two very much ", said Venti as he gave the two his own handmade chicken skewers.

"Ahh! I will miss Venti's cooking so much!", yelled Aether.

And just like that, Aether and Lumine were gone from Mondstad. A sobbing farewell which would forever be a part of their memory.


"It's like all the cheerful people from our group are gone", said Kazuha as he sat down beside Xiao and Venti on their very first day of college.

Yes, it had been a little over a week since Aether and Lumine had left. And today was their very first day in Dawn college of Mondstad.

"Even Hu Tao is not coming to college. She is working hard so that she can take care of her family business", Venti said as he sighed.

"Ganyu is not in our major. But we will meet her during the lunch breaks at least...", said Kazuha.

It was awfully quite now.

In a while, a short and slender young man with pale skin and a golden diamond shaped mark at the center of his neck entered the room. His bright teal eyes has three dots in their irises in a pattern reminiscent of the design of an alchemy table.

Someone Venti was familiar with.


"A very good morning to everyone present here. I am professor Albedo. I will be the one taking your alchemy lessons. Let us all be familiar with each other for we will be seeing each other more often. ", Albedo said with a subtle smile.

"You know him?", questioned Xiao on seeing Venti so surprised.

"I do. Last year during Windblume, I met him. He is the older brother of Klee, the girl who was my helper in my flower shop."

"Also, he is the oldest son of the infamous kridzeprinze family, one of the richest noble families in Mondstad. Everyone knows him", said Kazuha.

Xiao was not originally from Mondstad so him not knowing Albedo was somewhat explainable.

In the midst of all these, a strange boy came inside the room with his casual smile and burgundy hair with a dark highlight, light olive green eyes and a mole below each eye. He looked at Albedo and said out loud,"Professor, sorry for being late today! Hopefully you will not mind "

Albedo surprisingly smiled and replied, "Nothing much I can say to you regarding that. The timing of your arrival does not bother me at all Heizou."

Heizou patted Albedo on his back, something that does not suit his student image.

"Please refrain from acting this casually when we are in the middle of our lectures. Please take your seat wherever it pleases you ", Albedo said this time with a little heaviness.

Heizou gave an awkward momentary glance at Albedo.

But the moment he turned around, his eyes wandered everywhere.

Where to sit?

Whom to befriend?

Whom to-

His eyes fell on Kazuha.


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