His Part Of The Tale

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"Why!? Why do you have to go!?"

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"Why!? Why do you have to go!?"

Kazuha yelled as the boy in front of him smiled.

"Don't... Don't smile like that..."

The boy turned around and started walking away.

"Don't go! Don't leave me alone!"

The boy did not turn back.

"Tomo! Please!"

But Tomo never turned back. Neither did he ever came back.


"Men! Set the sails higher! We must reach Danzig before dawn!", Beidou commanded.

"Captain! We've spotted a drowning boy!"

"What?", Beidou immediately went to the edge of her ship and saw the drowing boy, Kazuha.

"Quick! Prepare the boat!", she shouted.

Kazuha had stopped struggling all together.

Before his eyes, the images of Tomo flashed as the waters engulfed him.

But a hand reached out and pulled the boy out from the cold waters.

The hand of Beidou.

Kazuha was saved by Beidou.

"So tell me lad, how did you end up here in the middle of the ocean?", Beidou asked as she aggressively dried Kazuha's hair with a warm cloth.

"I... was searching for someone", Kazuha replied.

"Searching? In the middle of the ocean?"

"He told me that... he was heading towards the horizon..."

Beidou wrapped Kazuha in a warm blanket and made him sit in front of a fire. Then she smoked  a huge cloud as she said,"Say boy... you know what lies beyond that horizon?"

Kazuha looked at her. "What is there? All I know is that... there's a place where we must not go to beyond that"

Beidou suddenly started laughing. "That's right boy. Beyond that horizon, lies hell"

Kazuha looked at the fire burning splendidly as Beidou continued with a more serious tone,"Lad... this ship is currently heading towards that very hell. And if your friend went there, I don't have very high expectations "

"... I tried to stop him... but he never looked back ...",Kazuha said as tears filled his eyes. "Save people?... why would he sacrifice himself for others!? Why..."

"Hmm... Maybe this friend if yours had an ambition greater than any of us", Beidou said as she looked up at the stars. "Forgive me lad... but the crux fleet never turns back. As such, you will have to head to Danzig along with this ship."

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