Student Information

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"Are you feeling alright today?", asked Ganyu as she sat beside Venti in the class momentarily

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"Are you feeling alright today?", asked Ganyu as she sat beside Venti in the class momentarily.
And with a smile on his face Venti replied to her- "I am just fine. Ehe-"

"Were you sick?",asked Hu Tao.

"Kind of. A slight fever you can say. But I feel as fresh as an apple today."

When Kazuha came in the class, he simply wished everyone a good morning and quitely sat down on his seat. That was not very unusual of him so no one questioned him. But Venti knew that yesterday's events might've been a reason for his silence.

"But even Xiao was not present in school yesterday. I wonder if he'll be absent today again. Its almost time for school to start. You think he'll come?", said Aether to Venti.

Venti awkwardly answered Aether- " I don't know... maybe"

But Xiao did not come.

The entire day, whenever Xiao was brought up in their conversation, Venti felt a bit awkward.

But when Xiao had been absent from school for three days already, everyone got worried.

"Guys... do you think he's really unwell?", asked Hu Tao.

His absence was starting to make Venti uncomfortable.
Was this his fault?

That conversation they had that night on the day of the Windblume festival was very awkward and there was a tense atmosphere around them. And Venti knew that it was mostly his own fault since he had been childishly avoiding Xiao that day.

But was Xiao really absent from school for three days straight because of that?

Later that day after his school ended, he headed straight to Yae Miko's office.

*knock knock*

"Who is it?",asked a familiar voice from behind the door.

"Its me Principal Yae", he said

"Come inside"

Venti slowly opened the door and went in. Yae Miko was sitting on her desk and seemed busy in doing paper work. But even while working, she asked Venti about the purpose of his visit.

"I... I umm... was..."

"Calm down. And speak"

Venti took a moment to take a deep breath.

"Principal Yae, a new student was admitted in my class about 2 months ago. His name is Xiao Alatus."

"Hmm? Xiao was it? I do remember him for he was an exceptional transfer student with good academic performance. And I remember walking into you two. That was quite a while ago though. So, what is it about him?", she asked as she put her pen down and looked straight at Venti.

"He has been absent from school for three days now. I think... maybe he is not doing very well. So I was wondering-"

"You want me to show you the student information file?", Yae Miko said and Venti nodded. "I can certainly not do that", she said. Venti looked at her with pleading eyes and was about to say something when she got up from her seat and walked over to him. "Although, I can and will give you only Xiao's information paper. You want his address, don't you?"

Venti looked so grateful. He thanked her as she handed over the papers to venti. Yae Miko kept her hand on his head. "Have you been doing well?", she asked with pale eyes.

Venti gave a little rusty smile. "I am. Although recently a few things happened... I've been doing well."

"Have your scars faded?"

"Not yet... I don't think they-"

"They will heal"


"Did you get his address?", she said and changed the topic. Venti handed the papers back to Yae Miko. "Yes. Thank you very much"

He almost immediately ran out of her office.

He was in a hurry since Qiqi and Paimon were waiting for him. Yae knew that alreday. A sad expression on her face was something no one had ever seen. But she had it as she remembered certain incidents from the past.

"Freedom is just a wishful illusion.", she said and got back to doing her paperwork.

Meanwhile Venti headed back home, did his chores and made dinner.
Ever since he had gotten sick, Qiqi did not let him do all the housework by himself and helped him everyday. Even Paimon helped them in whatever way she could.

"Brother? Who are you making this lunch box for?", Paimon asked as she observed Venti carefully place the food inside the box.

"For Xiao. I will visit him once today ", he replied.

"Xiao? And sister and me?"

"You want to come along with me?"

"Nope! Paimon would rather watch T.V", she said and went out if the kitchen.

After all the work was done at around 7 p.m, he informed Qiqi and Paimon and went out of his house.

Surprisingly, they did not live very far away. Venti tried calling Xiao. He did not just want to go to his house completely uninvited. But Xiao's phone was switched off. He wondered why.

And in a while, he was standing in front of Xiao's house. He looked at the nameplate again and again to make sure that he was not standing in front of some stranger's house.

That was when he had a nervous breakdown. He felt so awkward to ring the bell. What if the one who opened the door was not Xiao? What should he say? How should he introduce himself?

Before, Venti had never felt so nervous about anything. He had always been social and easy to talk to. So why now?

But he took a deep breath and calmed himself. And the moment he was about to knock on the door, the door opened!


A/N: short chapter (929 words) but ya... ngl, I think this is the least impactful part I have ever written. I will do better for the next chapter!

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