No More Panic

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"Yesterday was a long day! But today just goes away so quickly!", yelled Aether as he was eating his lunch

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"Yesterday was a long day! But today just goes away so quickly!", yelled Aether as he was eating his lunch.

Half of the school day was already gone by and time seemed to fly away.

"Don't yell while eating. Your food is gonna get all over me!", complained Lumine as she hit his hand.

Lunch break was the only time when Lumine sat together with Aether, Venti, Ganyu, Hu Tao and Xiao. Yet she seemed to get along with everyone easily.

Hu Tao suddenly pulled Venti and whispered into his ears, " What about Qiqi? Lets Talk with Ganyu and Lumine as well about it."

"Ya... Ganyu, Lumine, can I ask you both to come with me for a while?", asked Venti.

"Hmm? Sure...", replied Ganyu.

"Of course", replied Lumine.

"Ahem! Boys, mind leaving us behind for a while?", said Hu Tao.

"Huh? Why?", asked Aether.

"Cause we are gonna have some girl talk now", replied Hu Tao with a grin.

"Heh? And why is Venti a part of your girl talk?"

Xiao suddenly got up, grabbed Aether and said," Why do you ask so many questions? Lets just leave them."

Aether did not say anything anymore. He got up as well and quietly walked away with Xiao to the other bench in the cafeteria. Kazuha also walked off with them.

"Now then, what is it?", asked Lumine.

"Qiqi... she had her first period yesterday ", said Venti.

"Oh? Really?", Lumine said with her brows twisted. "Isn't she like 10?"

"No... she is 12", said Venti.

"12?... that's still...a bit early right?"

"I thought so too...", said Venti.
Seeing the worried look on Venti Ganyu spoke up.

"Don't worry Venti. It depends from person to person. I was really young when I first had mine as well. I was just 10."

"And I had mine when I was 13", said Hu Tao.

"It was late for me. I was 14", said Lumine.

"So don't worry. Her having her 1st when she is 12 is not a big deal. And she will be 13 soon too right?", said Ganyu.

"Ya... after 2 months", replied Venti.

"So what do you want to know from us? About how to take care of her?", asked Lumine.

"Ya... but it would have been good if Qiqi could have heard alongside me. Well, tell me for now. ", said Venti.

The girls told Venti a lot on how to take care of Qiqi and even told him how Qiqi should manage and take care of herself.

"Did she bring sanitary pads with her to school today?", asked Ganyu.
Venti nodded.
"Then I am going to her class once. I will see if she is doing alright and help her change if she hasn't already", said Ganyu. She left alone. Venti felt relaxed after hearing everything from the girls.

"Jeez- you girls don't get enough credit for going through this every month", he said to Hu Tao and Lumine. Both of them gave a warm smile.

"You know Venti, both Qiqi and Paimon are really lucky to have you as their brother", said Lumine .


"I can easily imagine any other boy completely freaking out at the sight of the blood. I doubt that anyone else would have been able to calmly handle the situation like you.", said Lumine.

The compliment made venti feel a bit embarrassed.

"You even hand washed her blood stained clothes right? That's not something I can ever imagine anyone doing for me. Except for my mother that is.", said Hu Tao.

Venti sat with a silent smile on hearing Hu Tao.
"Our mother was a really sweet person... but it is so unfair... Paimon does not even remember what she looked like and Qiqi hardly has any fond memories of her... Paimon was just a month old and qiqi was hardly 5 when mother passed away. They did not get the love of our mother as much as I did... its so unfair... so if I can become that same mother figure for them, I would do it everyday and everytime."

Both Hu tao and Lumine did not say anyting. Hu Tao slightly patted his back with a soft smile on her face.

That was when the bell rang and all of them got up to leave for the next class.

"Umm... is it okay for us to join you guys now?", asked Aether as he walked a bit behind Venti. Venti turned around and said with a smile," Yes! It is quite alright now"

And so Kazuha, Aether and Xiao joined them and all of them went to class together. While walking Venti suddenly slowed down to match Xiao's pace and once he was beside Xiao,he whispered into his ears,"Thank you"

Xiao looked at Venti with a confusing expression. But Venti just smiled at him.
"Why are you thanking me..?", he asked.

"Hmm? A lot of reasons... to be honest, talking with you yesterday had calmed me down a lot. And today too you understood the situation and calmly took Aether with you.", Venti said with a grateful tone.

"You don't have to thank me for any of that. ", Xiao replied.

And as he said his words, all of them reached the class.
"It is Mr.kaeya's maths class now.", said Hu Tao.
"I see. I have Miss.Nilou's dance lessons today.", said Lumine.
"Oh, we have it tomorrow ", said Venti.

Lumine left for her class and the rest of them seated themselves.

"Where is Ganyu?", asked Kazuha.
"She went to Qiqi's class", said Venti.
"Oh... I see", Kazuha said.

Ganyu came back to class in a while and gave a "it all worked out" kind of a look to both Venti and Hu Tao.
From behind she whispered into Venti's ears,"Qiqi is doing just fine. Don't worry"

Venti felt a burden lifted from his chest and gave a big smile.


A/N: I am honestly too tired to write more rn so this is it for today. Also, I bet none of ya'll expected this whole period thing. I added this part to establish Venti's character a bit more(you know... to show how responsible he is). It also shows how much he cares and loves his sisters.
Next chapters will focus on Xiao so stay tuned.

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