Music Lesson

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It was the third period of the day- Music Lessons

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It was the third period of the day- Music Lessons.
In Freedom Academy, children are given lessons on singing and dancing besides education. Something like a singing lesson was new to Xiao.

"Have you all prepared the music relating to the theme that I had provided to you last week?", asked Diluc to the entire class.

What followed was silence.

"I see.", sighed Diluc as he could tell by the expression on everyone's face, no one had prepared the music which he had asked them to prepare.

But in the midst of all the silence, a hand was raised followed by another and by another.

"Venti, Kazuha and Ganyu.", Diluc said with a gladness in his voice.

"Hump! As expected of 'MOdeL StuDEnTS'"
"Its because of people like them that we get punished"

These whispers in the class were lound and clear and everyone could hear them.

"Silence", commanded Diluc. "As punishment for not doing what was given to the rest of you, prepare the piece of music right now. If anyone of you fails to do so, I will make sure that you complete it by staying back in class after school"

Hu Tao gave a long deep sigh beside Venti. "Venti... Help me~~",She whispered.
Venti winked at her as a sign of yes.
Aether was in a similar situation. "Should have completed my work on time", was all he could think.
Kazuha and Ganyu gave a reassuring pat on his back. "Don't worry. We'll help you out", said Kazuha.

But Venti saw Xiao beside him sitting with no clue about what was going on in the class.
He stood up in the middle of the class and said," Mr.Diluc! Xiao here is a new student in class. He-"

"I am well aware of that", replied Diluc. "Do not worry. And you may sit down now. As for Xiao, may I ask you if you have any experience in playing any musical instrument? Or singing songs perhaps?"

Xiao stood up and replied," No. I have never had any music lessons before. Nor do I know how to play any musical instrument."

"Hmm. I see. So then, why don't you be the audience for today?"

"Umm... what?"

"Venti, Kazuha and Ganyu. Venti plays a lyre. Kazuha plays the violin and Ganyu sings. But before that, all the other students in the class will also be showcasing their produced music right now. You may have the privilege to listen to them today and decide on what you want to pursue. You may sit down now."

"Ehh!? But we just started making our songs!", complained a boy from the back of the class to which Diluc paid no attention.

"Let's start with you then, helen"
"Umm... okay..."

She played the violin. But it did not make Xioa feel anything. The emptiness in his heart somehow felt more hollow than usual as he heard each of the students perform one by one.

"Now then, the class will end soon. A lot of students are yet to play their songs. All of you who are yet to must stay back after school. Now then,Kazuha, would you?"
"Yes, Mr.Diluc ", he said and stood up. With the violin in his hand he played a beautiful melody. Xiao could feel its deepness and liked it a lot more than anything else he had heard so far.

"Wonderful job, Kazuha. You will get primogems for your excellent performance.", Diluc said. "Ganyu, can we have your song next?"

Ganyu stood up with quietness but as she opened her throat to sing, everyone in the class admired her- even those who hated her could not disagree with the fact that she was a talented singer. Xiao found it beautiful to listen to.

"Excellent performance. Ganyu, you will receive primogems as well. Now then, finally we have Venti. "

"Yes", said Venti with a smile and stood up quickly.
He took the lyre in his hand and started playing a very subtle tune. It was a very different feel from anything else. As Xiao heard the melody, he felt relieved for some reason. It was not just beautiful to listen to. But before he knew it, he started craving for it more and more.
That was when Venti ended his performance.

"Venti, the theme of today's class was ancient tales", said Diluc." May I know the reason for your choice of tune?"

Venti once again gave a smile, this time, a warm one. "The melody I played represented the ancient tales of the long forgotten gods who once protected Mondstad from the evil. It is a sad but happy tune representing the grievances that the gods went through and the fact that they never regretted their decisions of protecting our holy land. "May the winds guide your souls", is what Lord Barbatos might have said to them as he took over to make Mondstad the City of Freedom."

The entire class became silent.
Xiao looked up at Venti with admiration.

"Venti. You've truely done a splendid work. I will make sure that your tune is heard all around Mondtsand in the upcoming festival."
"And my Primogems!?", Venti asked with his greenish blue eyes glowing.
Diluc gave a very subtle smile.
"Do not worry. I will handsomely reward you for your melody. With primogems that is. As for Xiao, have you decided on what you want to do?"

"May I... continue to be a listener?", asked Xiao. It was an answer that no one, not even Venti or Diluc could have anticipated.

But Diluc replied," This is the second semester of your final year in Freedom Academy. Which means that you will be a school going student for just about 5 more months. Granted that the time which you're left with is not enough to properly master any musical instrument or vocalization, I cannot simply allow you to be a listener."
Xiao thought for a while and replied," Then... a flute maybe..."

Diluc was well satisfied with his answer. "Excellent choice. I will help you master the flute within 5 months"

That was when the bell rang and the class was over. Diluc went out of the class.

"Man... both me and Hu Tao will have to stay back today!", complained Aether.
"I did help you a lot. You just have to perform and leave. Don't worry ", said Kazuha.
Hu Tao was also done with her work thanks to Venti.
"You did a wonderful job today,Venti" said Aether as he gave a hard punch on his back.
"Thank you", said Venti.
Hu Tao, Kazuha and Ganyu were also really proud of him. But Xiao seemed to be unusually quite.
"Umm... Xiao? Did you perhaps not like anyone's performance?", questioned Aether.
"The Lyre..."
"If possible ... i want to hear more of it..."

Venti looked at the slightly blushing face of Xiao and gave a big smile.
"Sure! I will play for you whenever you want me to!", he said with a gratitude intermixed with joy in his voice.


A/N: I know I am making the starting of the story a bit too slow... please forgive me. I will make the pacing better soon. Please trust me😭

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