Dinner At Home

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Knowing who Heizou really was, it was a bit of a mixture of feelings for everyone

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Knowing who Heizou really was, it was a bit of a mixture of feelings for everyone. Afterall, he had been acting childishly since the time they had met.

"You sure don't act like a detective ", suddenly said Kazuha.

"Ehh?", Heizou's eyes started glowing. "This is the first time today that you've started the conversation with me and not me with you!"

Xiao simply sighed. "He is hopelessly in mad love "

For the entire day Heizou sat beside Kazuha in class. Kazuha did not seem to mind. He simply did all his classes attentively while Heizou wasted the entire day admiring Kazuha.

"Dude, why did a genius like you decide to study any further? I mean you are clearly not studying at all.", a random boy went ahead and said this to Heizou. His tone was rude. Something that displeased even Xiao who did not even like Heizou to begin with.

Heizou stood up in the middle of the room and started laughing menacingly. "Why? The very first thing you say to me is you trying to look down on me? Well clearly you are trying to do that. What? Your mommy teach you that?"

"Hey! Mind your tongue!", the boy yelled and held Heizou's collar. But the smile never left Heizou's face.

The fight stopped automatically when Professor Raiden came in the class. No further discussions were made about it later.

After the day's end and everyone's departure, Xiao decided to go along with Venti to his home. Venti was not sure why but he had no will or reason to deny Xiao. The two walked together not for too long.

The one who greeted the two boys first on entering was Hu Tao. Now why was Hu Tao even in Venti's house you may ask.

The reason was simple.

"Thank you so much for bringing Qiqi and Paimon back from school today Hu Tao", Venti said as he kept his and Xiao's bags aside.

"Don't mention that. I can do this everyday! During this time of the day I am usually free afterall", Hu Tao replied with a smile.

"Welcome back brother!", yelled Paimon as she ran out of her room on hearing her brother's voice.

"I am back", Venti said and picked Paimon up for a tight hug.

"Qiqi went out a while ago with her friends.", Hu Tao said suddenly.

"Out? With whom?", Venti questioned.

"Heh... don't tell me that you always thought that Qiqi had no friends "

"Why would i think that!? I was just... I mean she has never talked about going ouy before... I don't mind obviously. Mondstad... is a safe place", Venti looked a bit solemn as he said the last few words.

"Brother! Since sister is out will you play with me?", Paimon asked with an irresistible smile.

"Umm... What about dinner then? I will have to make that you know... we can play! But after I am done with everything alright?"

UNNOTICED 🌖 (Xiao×Venti)||Genshin ImpactWhere stories live. Discover now