Klee or disaster

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"Are you perhaps Venti?", asked the boy with ash blond hair to Venti who approached them

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"Are you perhaps Venti?", asked the boy with ash blond hair to Venti who approached them.
"Yes I am", he replied.

The boy in front of him smiled. " Nice to meet you. I am Albedo. And this here is my sister Klee"

"Klee? Oh! You are the kid who was supposed to be in my shop!"

"I sincerely apologize for her late incoming to your aid. We had our own circumstances to deal with which resulted in our late arrival.", the boy said as he lowered his head.

"Oh no! Please don't lower your head before me for that!", said Venti all flustered.
The person in front of him seemed so modest. A bit too modest actually.

"I am Albedo kreideprinz."

The moment Albedo said that, Venti's jaw dropped on the ground.
Oh... so he is the son of one of the aristocrats of Mondstad.

Upon realizing that, Venti himself bowed before Albedo.
"I apologize if My behavior has been rude!", he yelled. But Albedo simply smiled.
"You don't have to do that. I am here to simply drop off my sister. I think I will enjoy the festival in the mean time.", he said and he started walking away.

Walking away?
Just like that!?

Venti stared at Klee and Klee stared back at him. Wow, that was awkward.

"So umm... your name is Klee?"

Klee looked up at Venti with a huge smile.
"That's right! I am Klee! Klee kreideprinz."

"So umm... would you like to help me in my flower shop?"

"That is why I am here instead of going fish blasting!"

"Fish...blasting?", Venti said with a nervous smile.

He had heard rumors about the daughter the kreideprinz family. Their daughter was notoriously famous for being an absolute menace. And the rumors were not far off.

The presence of Klee in his shop was an absolute nightmare and disaster combined with eternal calamity and followed by  complete chaos.

"Klee! Those flowers... were not the ones this person asked for..."

"No Klee! That Flower... you trampled on it..."

"Klee... why don't you take a break now... I can do this on my own", he said finally as he gave up on teaching Klee. Klee was a very sweet girl. And all the mistakes she did were definitely not intentionally done. On seeing Klee make a tearful face, Venti's inner big brother just jumped in.

"I know! Klee, let me take you to my friend's stores. We have alreday sold more that half of our flowers and its just noon right now. Come. I'll buy you something to eat as well", Venti said with a smile.

There were not many flowers left in his shop anyways because so many had been destroyed by Klee.

Klee happily agreed to go along with Venti forgetting all her sadness.

"What do you want to eat?"
"I want fish cakes! Or maybe... umm... sticky honey roast!", replied Klee.

And at that very moment he came across the Sticky honey roast stall! But the shop had a long line and was flooded with customers. But Venti was not going to back down.

He picked up Klee on his back so that she would not have to stand under the hot sun. And after about 20 minutes it was finally their turn to order!

"I would like to have 3 Sticky honey roasts please ", he said to the purple haired girl with pink eyes.

"Umm... by any chance... are you keqing?", asked Venti.

"Hmm? Yes I am"

"Oh! I remember you! Last year you won the best food stall award. And you recently stood up for my friends Hu Tao and Ganyu as well. I really wan-"

"You know Ganyu!?", suddenly Keqing interrupted Venti. Venti was visibly confused at that.

"Umm... Ganyu is my friend ", Venti replied.

"I.. I see...", said Keqing all flustered.

"Oh? Why is this sister so red Venti?", asked Klee out loud. Keqing turned even more red and embarrassed. She quickly packed the food for Venti, gave it to him and did not even look at him even once.

As he was eating the delicious food along with Klee who was hopping around as she ate, he thought- "Keqing sure is a bit different huh"

Next he went to Lumine's store where he found both Qiqi and Lumine working together and very hard.

"Qiqi, how are things going? Are you selling well?", he asked her as he went to their shop.


"Oh Venti! Unfortunately our sales are not as high but we will definitely sell everything by the end of tonight. These accessories that we are selling are very popular among the young girls afterall", said Lumine.

"I see. Klee. Do you want anything? I can buy you anything you want"

"Hmm? Then buy me this girl!", he said as she pointed towards Qiqi.

"Huh!!? Wha...what..."


Klee bursted into laughter.

"No. I was kidding!", she said. "I don't want anything if it does not explode", she continued.

Now this was definitely something more concerning.

Suddenly Venti felt a hand tap on his shoulder. He turned around.


It was Xiao standing behind him with desperate eyes.

"Venti... a few hours ago... why did you run away?"

Venti immediately stepped back a bit and gave an awkward smile as he became red in his ears.

"That... I was just in a hurry to open my shop... nothing else... and you too! Why did you never tell me that you were going to perform on stage? And you have become so good at playing the flute just within a month too! And I never knew."

"I wanted to surprise you", Xiao said as he looked down with sadness.

Venti was flustered. How was he supposed to reply to that?

"Don't get me wrong. It was definitely a pleasant surprise ", he replied as he smiled. Looking at Venti smile definitely put Xiao's mind at ease.

But suddenly he turned all red.

"Venti... I... I will see you later then! You will also have your lyre performance this evening... i will definitely be there!", he said and simply ran away.

"That bastard did not even greet me!", complained Lumine.

And Venti simply stood there as his heart beat faster than usual.


UNNOTICED 🌖 (Xiao×Venti)||Genshin ImpactWhere stories live. Discover now