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before she was able to speak - she was given the name; s,more. she was sweet on the inside and from the emotions that her face would make anytime something drastic would happen, you could tell she was also a tough kid.

the sully's had given her that name as she grew closer with the children, and she took the name with pride.

s,more not only being her name but it described her personality in a nut shell and that was only one small characteristic that she grew to love. not only that but she was also human. it was hard for her to truly bond with the sully family because of her slight disadvantage of not being able to breathe the pandora air.

she would find herself huffing and puffing at the fact she could never be able to become na'vi as she'd always hoped. also being an older sibling to no other than another human boy, his nickname being; spider.

she was determined to never take advantage of what she had in front of her. to even be provided the privilege to explore the forest of pandora and the extraordinary friendships she had with the sully kids.

now at the ripe age of eighteen and a na'vi boy just a year older than her, neteyam. the son of toruk makto, otherwise known as jake sully. the boy had had eyes for s'more for as long as he could remeber. he knew he could never fully commit his feelings because of their severe differences.

him being na'vi and her being a full blooded human. it just would never work.

but their friendship was another story. they were inseparable, conjoined by the hip; metaphorically. she would play with his hair to help him fall asleep and he would carry her on his shoulders as they would go on their daily walks throughout the forest so she could see the nature in a more efficient way.

they were like two peas in a pod. although s'more was related to spider, neteyam wasn't to found of him. anytime s'more and spider would bicker, neteyam would be there to save her. everytime. "spider, cut it out," he'd hiss and eventually spider would back down and continue being a trouble maker along with lo'ak.

the rest of the sullys were like her family, not to mention she was absolutely oblivious on how neteyam felt for her but she couldn't deny and say she didn't feel the same way as he did.

but she knew better than to try anything. not because she didn't want to but because it was just simply impossible for a na'vi to love a human. they could never mate, their height difference was a huge bump in the road. over all they were an entirely different species.

the boys mother; neytiri. she hated the sky people but she loved s'more; like her own. it was just hard not to love her. she put everyone before her own needs, made sure everyone had a good day before she even got a chance to yawn. she was just a kind hearted being.

"spider, you look quite foolish trying to paint yourself blue," s'more was helping kiri put blue paint onto him. "it will not make you look like a na'vi,"her expression was blank as she finished her part of painting his body.

"do not be mean!" kiri whined; still continuing to paint him. s'more rolled her eyes. "yea, don't be mean!" spider had mimicked kiri; taking her side.

there was not a rational reason for him to paint himself but she let it slide. although she thought it was quite cringe that he would want to do so, she also could not say much since she dressed like a na'vi.

her long hair reaching just above her knees, long and curly at that. kiri also helped her maintain it whether it was just one long braid, or two pig tail braids. either one was her go to.

with her warm brown hair and her clothes almost identical to what kiri would wear; hence, kiri had helped her put her outfit together. she felt that she had been fitting in quite well.

"i do this because the animals don't even think of me as human," spider added on. s'more laughed. "uh, you're human?" kiri acted surprised which made spider splash a bit of paint onto her.

"the war party is back!" tuk came running in. "come on!" she grabbed onto s'mores hand after making sure kiri and spider were following along.

s'more was just excited to see neteyam, praying that he was okay. she hadn't talked to him all day. she saw jake carrying him on his ikran causing her eyebrows to furrow in confusion.

but her facial expression didn't last long as she saw neteyam and lo'ak line up with sorrow planted on their faces.

"skaxwngs," she murmured under her breath; approaching them. she quickly took neteyam's face into her hand to check and see if he had any wounds upon it.

"i let you two geniuses fly a mission and you disobey direct orders!" jake was stern with his voice. neteyam moved his face away from her stepping forward.

"i'm sorry sir i take full respons-"

"yeah you do! cause you're the older brother. you gotta act like it!" jake interrupted. s'more rolled her eyes at jake. she couldn't believe he was being so rude noticing the fact that neteyam had a big gash across his chest.

kiri soon stepped over analyzing her brother. jake sighed. "kiri, s'more, can you go help your grandmother with the wounded?" kiri looked up at him. "my brother is wounded."

s'more huffed, and moved some of neteyams hair out of the way to analyze his chest wound. s'more wanted to wince just by seeing how big it was. she wanted to take all his pain away and give it all to her. that's how much she cared about him.

"neteyam.." she whimpered, gliding her finger across the wound with care. "it's-it's fine," he looked down.

"tuk, go with them! kiri, s'more. now!" kiri and s'more rolled their eyes at jake and walked off to go help.

neytiri approached behind neteyam making sure to give him a quick glance. "ma jack, your son is actually bleeding," she sighed. jake now took a good look at neteyam and stepped back an inch.

"fine. go get patched up. you are dismissed!" and neteyam walked off with his mother. jake turned to lo'ak, his head was down waiting for the scolding of his father. "you do understand that you almost got your brother killed?"

lo'ak slightly looked up at him. "yes sir," he knew what was coming so he was just ready for the words to come pouring from his fathers mouth. "you're grounded. no flying for a month." lo'ak just nodded. "see to the ikran's," and jake walked off leaving lo'ak there with his thoughts.

s'more watched as neteyam made his way over to get patched up. she gave him a warm smile and he immediately returned one back. "are you okay?" she asked, she stood up to greet him.

he pulled her into a side hug watching his wounds carefully. "i am okay, thank you," she smiled at his words and went to help kiri with the yahnabark.

authors note
there will be different POVS in the story .

such as

her- 3rd person
s'more- pov

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