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s'more's pov

neteyam's teeth sank into my bottom lip - my hips grinding against him. "I can not keep my hands off of you," he whimpered. he had been the touchiest he's ever been. since this morning he hadn't been able to keep his hands from off of me.

I pulled my lips away from his with a pout. "do you know noxta leaves in a few days?" it saddened me how I had just gotten so close with her - only for her to leave. neteyam sucked his teeth; looking up at me.

"aw, you'll miss your girlfriend?" he teased. I rolled my eyes as a laugh left my lips. he had still been teasing me about her crush on me. "maybe..." he trailed off. " can give her a goodbye kiss," his hands trailed up my thighs as he brought his lips closer to mine once more.

"oh yeah, you would like that wouldn't you?" my eyes lashes batted at him. his eyes were captivating, full of lust and hunger. "you should show me how much you-" but I was rudely interrupted.

"thats enough, lover birds," lo'ak came trotting in the hut with tsireya wrapped around his hip. his face was flushed - her hair partly undone. she bit her lip to contain her laughter as she looked between neteyam and i. but, my mind was stuck on what they had just done.

"where did you guys come from?" my eyebrows shot up, turning my attention toward them. tsireya swallowed the lump in her throat while lo'ak just had a smirk on his face. "oh my- you did not!" I squealed putting two and two together. "dirty," I laughed. neteyam rolled his eyes.

"you guys are too young to be doing such things," neteyam lifted himself up on his elbows since I was still on top of him.

"oh please, don't play big brother now," lo'ak groaned. "you're just mad cause I'm better at it then you-" neteyam hissed at him before he could finish his sentence. both tsireya and I broke into a fit of laughter at the feud between them.

"mhm, hence why her hair is a mess," I put my hand over my mouth to control myself. tsireya gasped as she heard what I had said and lifted her hand up to feel her hair. immediately giving lo'ak dagger eyes as she felt her braids almost coming completely undone.

"lo'ak," she scolded and ran out of the hut to fix her hair.

"tsire-" he tried to grab her but she escaped from him too fast. he rolled his eyes as he turned back to face us. "I find it quite disturbing that my brother does not have any bottoms on," he gagged himself. I gasped - I had totally forgot that we had been in the middle of something before lo'ak and tsireya interrupted us.

neteyam let out the loudest laugh as he saw me trying to find something to cover him up with. "get lost!" neteyam yelled - lo'ak snickered as he ran out of the hut to look for tsireya. once neteyam calmed down from his laughter he let out a low sigh. "ever since you got your avatar body. it seems like I can never get you alone," he muttered.

I rolled my eyes; laying my arms against his chest to get closer to him. "you think so?" he was simply over reacting since the night we mated he hadn't been able to free his hands from me. it made me laugh at how much more he thought he needed to be with me. "I'm with you all the time," I pecked his lips to reassure him.

he sucked in a harsh breath at the sensation of my mouth. "to you-" he paused. "no amount of time can measure up to the time I want to spend with you," his voice was soft and raspy. I bit my lip - shuttering at his words. he just had a way with words and it drove me completely insane.

"well, you already have me forever," I got up from his lap; fixing my outfit. I heard him huff from behind me.

"that's not enough time," I side eyed him as he talked. he got up to get dressed - not breaking eye contact. was he doing this to me on purpose? was he trying to make my knees go weak? he sighed. "I just could never get tired of you," and he put his hands up in defense once he was fully dressed.

I felt a smile appear onto my face. "and I could never get tired of you," wrapping my arms around his neck. "I love you," this was perfect - we were prefect. everything was as it should be. no drama, nothing to get in our way. this is what I wanted my life to consist of everyday. him, the sound of the ocean crashing against the shore. it was home and it was peaceful. I kissed his lips gently and his hands firmly gripped my waist as he deepened it.

"I love you," he mumbled against my mouth - not daring to break our kiss away. this kiss felt different; more passionate. he moaned into the kiss as his arms trailed up my body in attempt to pick me up. he was starving for me. it made me feel things in between my thighs that I did not want to feel at the moment. we had been laying in bed all day - I wanted to go out. so, I pulled my lips away from his.

"calm down horny boy, we can later," he licked his lips, trying to savor the taste of my mouth. I giggled making my way out of the hut to go and find kiri and noxta. I heard him groan from behind me - his footsteps being close behind.

abruptly, we found jake, neytiri, and tonowari having what looked to be a serious conversation. I looked at neteyam with doe eyes - wondering what they could be talking about. he shrugged his shoulders in confusion. "do you think its bad?" I asked. neteyam just looked down at his feet; not knowing the answer to my question.

and my heart churned as the three of them turned to us. neytiri had tears in her eyes. "sky people," she mouthed. my heart nearly beat out of my chest as I read her words. I started to hyperventilate - I had thought we were safe.

"cookie- calm down," neteyam had to grab onto me to hold me up. I was angery, sad, confused. why must this war continue to happen? I knew one thing though - if the sky people were coming here for jake's throat.

I would be coming for theirs - for my brother.


sorry i took so long to update, my work schedule is eating me up .. but it's okay i just put my 2 weeks in so we're good :)

anyway.. the thing where i said y'all might hate me if i put it in.. or whatever. ima do it because i've been thinking ab it and it just gets me SO excited. SO, you'll see soon. i'll put something at the top of that chapter so you'll know hehe...

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