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a/n; we are now halfway through the book. so, I thought I'd put some more song recommendations to read along with it...

cinnamon girl - Lana del rey

sad girl - Lana del ray

system - yeat

cry- cigarettes after sex

beautiful boy - John Lennon

the only exception - Paramore

limbo - Freddie dredd

the 1 - Taylor swift

it's time - LSD

cardigan - Taylor swift

set fire to the rain - Adele

fix you - cold play

all around me - flyleaf

Molly - mindless self indulgence

dirty Diana - Michael Jackson

one more hour - tame impala


fade into you - mazzy star


s'more's pov

I had eventually got the hang of riding an ilu and holding my breath for a long period of time. I had also scrapped my knee against a rock in the ocean when I had abruptly fell off of my ilu. "you'll be okay, just a tiny scratch," tsireya reassured me. I rolled my eyes. yes, it was tiny - but it hurt like hell.

"maybe it's infected," I said; referring to the pain. she just shook her head no. I sighed as I watched her patch my knee up. neteyam and noxta were racing each other on their ilu's which made me laugh. my eyebrows then furrowed as I saw lo'ak making his way away from us. "where's lo'ak going?" I asked making eye contact with tsireya once again. she looked up at me confused but then immediately turned her attention behind her.

she let out a low groan. "he keeps going to see payakan, he-" she stopped herself from talking. "you know what," she got up on her feet before helping me up. "this time were going to follow him," I let a smirk play on my lips at her impulsive decision.

that's a bit crazy," I teased.

"oh hush, he has been acting weird ever since he got left out by three brothers rock. I want to find out what he does with payakan..." her words trailed off. "... he knows that he is not allowed to bond with him. I am scared he might do just that," I could tell she was very concerned for him. as I was too, he was like my little brother. the way him and spider were so close - he practically was my built in sibling.

"you're right, let's go," I let my feet carry me to my ilu - that I named cookie. in honor of neteyam's nickname for me. I felt a smile creep onto my face at the thought. "neteyam, noxta, follow us," I ushered and they nodded - tsireya in the lead. "were going to spy on lo'ak," I informed them. neteyam chuckled as he made his way next to me.

"were going to spy on my baby bro? how boring," he sarcastically complained. I laughed at his joke.

"he's going to see payakan," I raised an eyebrow. neteyam seemed interested all of a sudden and we then continued to quickly make our way to wherever lo'ak had gone. we all dived under the current as we saw lo'ak ilu swimming around - which indicated that he was here, back at three brothers rock.

I rolled my eyes at his stupidity. all of us now fully summered in the water watched as lo'ak bonded with the tulkun; payakan. a smile crept onto my face when I finally saw how happy he was when he was with him. I turned to see neteyam's face and his face was just the same as mine. he was happy to be able to witness the pure happiness upon lo'ak's face.

tsireya looked at lo'ak with love - as if it was her very first time seeing him. "he's so cute," she signed to me. I shook my head with a smile before turning my attention back to lo'ak.

lo'ak suddenly got down from payakan's fin and made his way in front of his mouth. he shrugged his shoulders in confusion as he waited for payakan to do whatever he was going to do. my eyebrows furrowed in confusion - along with neteyam, noxta's and tsireya's. "what is he doing?" neteyam signed to tsireya. she just shrugged with a frown halfway displayed on her face.

I had a feeling she knew. she just didn't want to say anything. payakan's mouth opened widely - lo'ak entering it without hesitation. my eyes shot open in terror. was he going to eat him? I looked to neteyam once more in hopes he was thinking the same thing as me.

payakan's mouth then closed with lo'ak still inside. that's when neteyam and I without a second thought went to rush to his safety - but noxta and tsireya stopped us in our tracks. noxta put her hand up; indicating for me to stay back. was she crazy? my mind was going bonkers - trying to put together the pieces of what was happening. tsireya indicated us to swim back up to the top - to get back onto our ilu's. we all looked to payakan once more before agreeing and heading back up to the surface.

"what the hell was that?" I questioned - all of us properly on our ilu's. tsireya just sighed.

"he has bonded with payakan," she murmured. she said it so quiet she probably had hoped we didn't hear her.

neteyam's facial expression dropped."he will be in so much trouble," he took a breath. "and I will have to take the blame for it-" I put my hand up to get him to stop his sentence. I would not let neteyam get the scolding for lo'ak's decisions. lo'ak would own up to his actions and serve his punishment as he rightfully should.

"no- lo'ak will be responsible for his own actions," I pursed my lips; making eye contact with neteyam. he took in a deep breath before gently nodding at my statement.

"what- are we gonna tell on him or something?" noxta butted in.

tsireya shook her head. "no..." she was stressed over the situation. I could tell part of this would back fire on her as well - just by the way she rapidly blinked every time she said something related to the topic. "...he will tell them himself," she looked between all of us.

we all nodded and made our way back to the village. I was scared for lo'ak but even more scared on how this would effect everyone else.

especially tsireya.

a/n; ya know, i lowkey would pay someone to sketch/ draw my version of smore, like i wanna see the real her... with her red eyes and everything. x if you draw... lmk 😼

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