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neteyam's pov

I splashed the pond water onto s'more in hopes to get some of the access clay off. after the clay had dried, we ate dinner - then decided to go to our spot to wash off. "the water is so warm," s'more sighed. she had been in complete relaxation as I rubbed my wet hands against her stomach. I loved doing this for her - to be able to touch her gently and feel the baby kick ever so often. "could you wash under my belly also? I can not reach," she nervously laughed and tucked some of her hair behind her ear. this made me smile.

"of course, anything for you," I agreed. I would never be able to say no to her ever again. now that she was carrying my child - I would do more than anything for her. to be honest, I wouldn't even be able to list all the things I would sacrifice for this woman. she meant the entire world to me and she gave me the gift of being able to be a father. what more could I ever want?

so, obviously obeying, I got some more water on my hand and started to rub away the clay that still sat on the bottom of her stomach. she was sitting on the edge of the pond meanwhile my entire body was inside of the water so that I would be In between her legs to clean her off. I didn't mind that I had gotten wet - come to think of it I technically was killing two birds in one stone - bathing the both of us. suddenly she reached for my hand; stopping me in the middle of my action. I raised an eyebrow - confused because I had just begun cleaning her off.

until she leaned her head down and kissed my lips ever so gentle. my eyes fluttered closed at the feeling of her lips - now I knew exactly what she wanted. what she had promised me earlier - she was now making sure I knew that she had kept her promise. our kiss deepened and my hands snaked up to her waist; my body still standing in between her legs. her smooth arms gently wrapping around my neck to pull my closer. it had felt like forever since we had done this and I was going to show her how much I had missed the feeling of her wrapped around me. "I need you," she mumbled against my lips and that was enough for me to pull her bottoms off.

I threw her bottoms behind me; into the water. she didn't seem to care as in response she just deepened the kiss. my hands then cupped her face - allowing me to slip my tongue into her mouth and she immediately moaned at the feeling. I could never get tired of her lips, her body, her. I could only ever picture myself along side her, anytime I would let my mind daydream about my future - all I would see was her. I pressed my length against her heat. I had yet to take off my bottoms but I still wanted her to feel the pressure she was building up inside me. I sank my teeth into her bottom lip and she did the same but her - she had became so infatuated with the idea that we were finally going to make love. she got caught up and bit a little too hard; drawing blood. I winced at the feeling but I didn't pull away. I actually was found of it - I enjoyed it.

"I'm sorry," she pulled away after she had ended up tasting the blood on my lip. I just shook it off,

"its okay, it felt... good," I reassured her. she just grinned before taking her tongue and slowly wiping it across the bottom of my lip; getting rid of the rest of the blood that sat on my lip. I growled under my breath. my length was practically begging to be let out - so I could finally feel her. so, I took my bottoms off and quickly placed my lips back onto hers. she moaned into the kiss - her legs wrapping around me to bring my length closer to her. I had enough, I wanted her, I needed her. so I pulled away from her lips and grabbed my member into my hands; aligning myself with her entrance. I gently grabbed onto her neck - wanting to see the look on her face as I enter her.

I pushed myself into her - her eyebrows furrowed at the feeling. a low moan was heard from her voice box but was unable to escape her mouth from my hand being wrapped around her neck. her mouth agape at the feeling; thrusting in and out of her. she couldn't help but throw her head back in ecstasy. I bit onto my own lip to contain my groans - the sight of her alone was enough to make me want to scream her name. her legs were spread wide - hands on my waist to pull me in closer; wanting me to go deeper. I could even feel her sweet spot just at the back of her which began to trigger my release. I sucked in a breath at the feeling - I wanted her to finish before me. so, I was trying my best to hold in my orgasm. "neteyam, don't stop," she cried out. I just nodded because if I were to open my mouth to say anything to her, it would result me screaming her name.

my hands moved to her hips so I could pick up the pace. my lips wrapping softly around the sweet spots on her neck, making sure to leave love bites. it was starting to become unbearable to hold my release. I could feel the bottom of my stomach begin to burn - I wanted her to finish but at the same time it was becoming too difficult to hold it. "mh, cookie, please, i'm about to-" I whined but It was no use - I had came inside her. I didn't mean to but it had just been too much pleasure all at once. I didn't know what to do with myself. this sent her over the edge though. she arched her back at the feeling of me filling her up and she then too released all over me. I felt a toothy grin appear onto my face at the sight of her.

her soft; sweaty hair stuck to her face only made her much more beautiful. still inside her, I began to thrust slowly into her again - trying to satisfy the both of us once more. she bit her lip as she looked into my eyes. her burning gaze almost set fire to my heart - her eyes red of love and lust. red was definitely my favorite color in the lifetime - and I guarantee it would be in all the other ones too. "you feel so good," she whimpered. my movements were slow but I knew she could feel everything. I could feel the tip of my length brush over her rigid walls with each movement and it made me wish I could stay inside her forever.

"I love you," I coo'd and got closer to her face; placing a small kiss against her lips. her hands grabbed onto the back of my neck to hold my lips against hers - I chuckled against her; pulling away. I wanted to continue but now it had begun to get too late and I wanted to make sure we got back to the hut before it became silent in the village.

she groaned at the absence of me inside her causing her to pout. "I love you too," she responded. I laughed once again at her small tantrum. she rubbed her hand over her belly as I went to fetch out undergarments. "do you know that sex is good for pregnancy?" she quizzed me. my eyes shot up at her - helping her put on her bottoms.

"oh really?" I teased. she nodded.

"yes, Jake told me," and I saw her mouth form the biggest smirk she had ever shown. I rolled my eyes.

"oh please, do not start," I jokingly laughed. I knew what she was trying to do and that was what I loved most about her - her sense of humor.

"kidding." she murmured. she let her hands tuck a piece of hair out of my face and behind my ear. "ma tate," she smiled at me. I felt blush arise in my cheeks. it had been a while since she called me my nickname and the way it rolled off her lips - it sounded like the very first time.

"ma cookie,"

authors note: don't mind spelling errors and sorry i'm late updating . i'm sick asf y'all like SICKKKKK DYING SICKKKKK

hehe smut , i love SMUT / LIVE LAUGH LOVE SMUT

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