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my body was bare as the warm water ran down my back. i had asked tsireya where the best place to bathe was, she had pointed out a water fall just a couple minutes from the main village. so i took the time to come her, by myself, to think.

i had waken up before anyone else, the sun was just now rising. it was peaceful, the sounds of ilu swimming around me. i closed my eyes at the sounds of calmness around me, i'd wish i could stay here forever. i was left wondering what all happened the day before, how neteyam and lo'ak apologized to aonung and his friends. i knew they had done it just for the simple fact that they did not want to disappoint their father. but at the same time, it made me sad. it made it seem like they had technically let aonung know it was okay to pick on people.

"cookie!" i heard a familiar voice call out to me. and obviously it had been neteyam, no one else had ever called me by that nickname other than him. i smiled as i looked up at him; jogging towards me. then my eyes panicked at the fact that i was still completely naked. i immediately tried my best to cover myself up with my hands but to my intention, it didn't work.

i mean he had already touched me so what was the use to even try and cover myself. and also it was his fault for coming here while i am bathing. "hi," i murmured. my eyes analyzed his face as he looked at me.

mouth agape, not knowing what to say at the sight of me. "you look beautiful," his hand lightly brushed the top of my collar bone. i could feel the blush from my cheeks getting hotter and hotter just by the subtle touch of his fingers. how could a tall blue na'vi boy have this much of an affect on me? "join me," i insisted, moving over a bit so we could share the warmth of the water fall.

i had thought it was peaceful before but now that he was here, i had decided this is what i want my life to look like everyday. with him. "yes, of course," and he quickly took his bottoms off; throwing them next to my clothes that laid on a rock nearby. i giggled at how eager he was to be naked next to me. it felt so right, it wasn't awkward, or uncomfortable. it felt like home. he was home, anywhere was home as long as he could be there with me.

he put his hands over his private part in attempt to hide it from me but i just laughed. "oh please, i will see it eventually," my small hands reached for his; slowly removing them away from himself. he sucked in a breath at the touch of my hands against him. i had barley touched him and he his heart was already beating out of his chest. "you-you drive me crazy," his eyes were pierced into mine.

if looks could kill, i would be six feet under. the way his gaze was so dominant against mine. i could only imagine the day when he gets angry with me. i wouldn't know whether to be mad at him or kiss him.

my hands rubbed against his chest, and washing the dirt off of him. and to be honest i just wanted to feel his body against the palm of my hands. i trailed my hands up to his face, my thumb lightly swiping across his bottom lip. i let out a soft breath, "i love you," his gaze softened at my words. i had not ever pictured myself being so in love as i am right now. especially with an entire different species. i mean jake and neytiri had done it, so why couldn't we?

his thumb rubbed over the lobe of my ear. "i love you," he coo'd back. i put his hands up to my chest, so he could feel the rapid beat of my heart. "i am yours, neteyam," i could tell his mind was running wild. the look on his face played of lust, love, and admiration. and a sly smile crept onto his lips as he trailed his hands to touch my breasts. i rolled my eyes playfully. he was always trying to touch me, i didn't mind but he knew i had wished he would stop teasing me.

he began massaging my chest and in an instant i let out a hitched breath. the feeling of his touch sent a thousand fireworks through my body, i could even feel a heart beat in between my legs. my gaze turned into lust as i kept feeling his thumb casually rub over my sensitive nub ever so often. "neteyam." i warned. he was torturing me.

"what?" he snickered. "i'm just washing you off," he knew what he was doing, he knew he was driving me crazy. but he didn't care, he just enjoyed the look on my face as i tried my hardest not to whimper for him. i let out a huff, i had - had enough. i walked closer to him, lifting my leg up his waist; indicating for him to pick me up. and he did so without question.

i took in a deep breath and quickly took my mask off, dropping it lightly below our feet so it wouldn't break. he held me up with one arm as if i weighed nothing to him. and without a second thought i attached my lips to his. i could never get tired of them. they were the softest thing i had every felt in my entire life.

i could feel his tail slowly wrapping its way around my ankle and leading up to my thigh. he was definitely dying to have me. my hands pulled his face closer to mine; deepening the kiss. both of his hands holding me up by my butt, i wanted to feel the rest of him.

i could practically already feel the tip of him grazing over my entrance, which made me quietly moan into his mouth. i pulled my lips away from his and reached down to grab onto his length. i wanted to at least feel some of it, if i couldn't have all of it. he understood what i was trying to do and without hesitation he gently lowered me down onto him.

i gasped at the feeling. granted it felt like i was being ripped apart but i didn't care, it was him. i was feeling more of him. and that's all i had ever asked for. i was still holding my breath at this moment, i had genuinely forgotten i even had to breathe. i was so distracted by him. it had felt natural to hold my breath for this long.

he slowly started moving me up and down, the tip just slowly entering in and out of me. he laid his forehead in the crease of my neck; whimpers escaping his mouth. my head was thrown back as i was in a mixture of lust and pain. i was biting onto my lips so hard, trying to secure my moans from escaping my mouth. but it was no use, you could still hear it coming from my throat.

his nails dug into the side of my hips as he picked up the pace. "you feel amazing," he whined. his lips roughly attached to my neck, immediately placing love bite upon it.

i was in a state of ecstasy, crying out for him. but sadly, his movements started to slow down, as the feeling of his mouth started to fade away. i looked down to him as my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "wake up," he murmured.

"what?" i was confused. why would i wake up? until my eyes shot open, i was in the hut, laying closely to tuk. while neteyam was shaking me awake. i could genuinely feel my heart break at the fact that non of that was real. it was a dream.

neteyam stiffened a laugh as he saw my state of just waking up out of my dream. little did he know it was a wet one and one about him. "you okay?" he asked. i just sighed and plopped back down on the bed.

i just wanted to go back to sleep to continue my dream. i could feel the heart beat in between my legs still strongly present. "i just had a really good dream," i groaned. i heard him sigh. he felt guilty he had woken me up from my peaceful sleep.

"i'm sorry," he rubbed his hand against my arm in attempt to comfort me. i smiled at him, letting him know it was okay. i mean at least i still had a chance at doing what i did in my dream. and that was my number one priority now.


lol a filler, not it being a dream 😩😩🤭

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