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I felt warmth in-between my legs causing me to slowly awake. it felt amazing. my back arched at the wet feeling. "did I wake you?" neteyam brought his head up with a smirk. my hands snaked into his hair. "mhm, don't stop," I pushed his head back down. I heard him chuckle but he continued to pleasure me. i bit my lip in agony - his hands gripping onto my thighs roughly. he was bold to do this and I loved it. I loved him. he was so unpredictable; my favorite. I felt him sit up a bit to get his position to hover over me. I looked him in his yellow eyes. I would always be captivated by how beautiful his eyes were. so unique and glossy. I wished I could look at them every hour of the day. I felt two of his fingers enter me as he pulled my top up with his teeth before attaching his lips to my sensitive bud.

I sucked in a breath to contain my moans. I was still in awe how he had the guts to do this in the middle of the night while everyone was fast asleep. he curled his fingers ; picking up the pace. It took everything in me not to scream from pleasure. instead, quiet whimpers came from my mouth. "you have to be quiet, cookie," he murmured - bitting the skin on my breasts; gently. that was my last straw. my legs began to shake as the feeling in my stomach released. my eyes screwed shut as the warm liquid ran down between my legs. he took his fingers out slowly, licking the taste of me off of him. he hummed in response to the taste of me. "delicious,"

I pulled him into a loose hug. I loved the warmth of his body against mine. "I love you," I coo'd. I loved him more than myself. more than anything. whatever he'd want me to do, I'd do it. loving him would be the death of me. "let's go back to sleep, horny boy," he laughed and rested his head in the crook of my neck before falling asleep to the sound of my breathing. his snores were soft as one of his hands laid comfortably over one of my breasts. It was cute how he always had to be touching me in an overly close way. physical touch was our love language and I loved that for us.


the next morning


I rode on the back of tsireya's ilu as we made our way to their spirit tree. "this is our spirit tree," she coo'd. noxta, rotxo, neteyam, kiri, and tuk had all came along as well. tuk was paired with kiri and neteyam was paired with noxta. he had offered to pair with her since I had found out about how she had a crush on me. also giving the fact that I wanted to spend more time with tsireya as I had not gotten to do as much since noxta had been here. "its beautiful," kiri was in awe as she looked at the glowing water below her. it was pretty, maybe even better than our spirit tree back in the forest but that was pushing it.

we all got off the ilu's and into the water. I watched as everyone connected their queue's to it. I felt sad that I wouldn't get to experience this the same as them. since I was human and all. but neteyam stayed back with me - so I didn't feel left out. "are you okay?" he signed from next to me. I just nodded. I was okay now that neteyam had made sure I wasn't left out. he always cared about my needs more than his, but I also felt bad that he hadn't joined them but - I also knew he didn't mind.

the light from the spirit tree began to flicker; snapping me out of thought. in horror I watched as kiri's body began to seize. neteyam went into brotherly mode and hurrily grabbed kiri and pulled her away from the tree. once he did so, all the light from the tree died off. I found this strange but decided I had no time to question it since kiri had been unresponsive. we hurried up to the surface - neteyam throwing kiri onto his ilu trying to preform CPR. "is she breathing?" roxto asked. he had been scanning her face to see if there would be any sigh that she stopped breathing. so he asked again - being ignored by neteyam the first time. "is she breathing?" neteyam picked kiri up once more; getting her into a better position on his ilu.

"she had a seizure," and with that he cued everyone to follow him back to the hut. I hopped onto noxta's ilu since everyone else had left in a hurry - she was the only who had stayed to help me up. "come, we will catch up with them," she grabbed onto my hand and brought them around her waist. "hold on tight," and she ushered for her ilu to take off. I held onto her thin waist as we began gliding through the water. i could feel her body twitch at my touch. which made me silently giggle. eventually, we reached the hut. kiri had already been placed onto the floor as jake was trying to get in contact with norm and max. I was scared for her. she was like a sister to me and if anything were to happen to her. I wouldn't know what to do with myself - especially tuk.

neytiri was crouched over as she cried for kiri. I felt terribly bad. I wished I could wash all of their fear away and lift the pain from their shoulders. I watched as neteyam isolated himself in a corner; knees to his chest. my heart broke at the sight of him. I made my way quickly to him and immediately engulfed him into my arms. "she will be okay, " I coo'd trying my best to reassure him. I felt him nod against me before putting his head in the crook of my neck. I could feel wetness coat my shoulder - which is how I knew he was crying. I pulled him away from me and wiped his tears away with the pad of my thumb. "she will be okay." I said again. If there was anything I was going to make sure would happen, it would be to make sure my sister wakes up again.

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