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her pov

s'more walked hand in hand with tuk as she led her to the tree of souls. this is where the big surprise neytiri had planned for her would be located. s'more's heart rate was sky rocketing through the roof - she had yet to know what was to come. "don't be nervous, it is going to be great," tuk reassured her. she had known about the surprise and was overly excited to see how this was going to affect her - in a good way that is. s'more took a breath as they approached the tree, everyone from the metkayina clan was gathered as they waited for her arrival.

now s'more was scared out of her mind. what was so important that the whole village had to be present? - she thought. "okay, get on my ilu with me," tuk mutter to s'more and she complied. everyone sat on their ilu waiting for her to approach with smiles spread across their face.

"happy birthday," they all greeted her. ronal sat in the middle of the group along with Jake, neytiri, and tonowari. neytiri had the biggest smile across her face - happy she could do this for her. s'more was like a built in daughter, although she had came with a different blood type and different features she was just as part of the family as everyone else. s'more smiled at neytiri as she felt incredibly special. she had never had a birthday this memorial and she probably wouldn't for a while.

"thank you, neytiri," s'more coo'd as she moved her position closer to her. she didn't know what the surprise was still but she knew it was going to be good.

neteyam watched s'more in awe - he knew what was to come also. this was going to be the best day of his life. it was going to change his life for the better - for her. "now,"neytiri started to speak. "if you are not comfortable with this, you do not have to," her eyes lingered on s'more face; analyzing her facial expression. "but I think you will love this," her voice was soft as she spoke and with a quick glance to Jake - neytiri nodded to ronal.

ronal nodded back in response and moved the glowing leaves away from in front of the base of the tree - revealing a forest avatar that looked quite similar to s'more. she had yet to notice what was going on - having a hard time putting together the pieces. "I had norm and max put this together for you," Jake coo'd. s'more heart skipped a beat as she now put everything together.

"oh my eywa," she was speechless. "are you for real?" she could feel happy tears pouring from her eyes - the metkayina people cheering for her. neytiri held a hand over her mouth in attempt to hide the smile that was forming - she could see how much this meant to s'more and it made her feel complete.

"are you ready?" ronal asked; reaching out to take her hand. s'more just nodded - she was speechless. she was going to transfer her body into her avatar one. ronal took s'more's hand and led her under the water. "feel eywa, connect with her," ronal signed. s'more took a deep breathe before removing her oxygen mask with a nod. the spirit of eywa taking s'more under with her to allow her to transfer.

ronal and the rest of the clan chanting to fasten to process. neteyam was at the edge of his seat eager to see what color s'more's eyes would be and how she'd look once she was in full form. his heart was beating out of his chest. all the thoughts of finally being able to mate with her would now be able to come true. to finally kiss her without the risk of her not being able to breathe. his heart was full - full of love. he was now going to be looking at a whole new s'more.

the lights from the spirit tree flickered as things got more intense. Jake held up s'more's mask; in remembrance of her human body - like a flick of a flame everything went silence. all that could be heard was the sounds of light waves crashing and small breathing as everyone waited for s'more to wake up.

neteyam grew nervous as a few minutes had passed and there was still no sign of life from her avatar. "maybe we did-" noxta tried to say something but as eywa had answered their prayers many times before. the spirit tree lit up again and s'more eyes shot open with a gasp.

everyone cheered as they saw her get down from the tree. neteyam though - he could take his eyes away from off of her. her eyes matched his now. only hers were red - red like his heart. red like love. red was now his new favorite color. he didn't think he could fall even more in love with her than he already had but he was oddly mistaken.

he never imagined she could get even more beautiful. she slowly swam to him - she didn't care about anything else right now; only him. she was finally in her true form, what she had been destined to be since she as born. "hi," she coo'd - her red eyes meeting his yellow ones.

he had no words to speak - he was in awe by her beauty. the way her freckles glistened in the moonlight to the way her hair fell just past her shoulders ; complimenting her face just right. "happy birthday," his voice was soft. she reached up to grab onto him; lifting herself up onto his ilu.

"you should kiss me now," their noses touched for the first time as she leaned in. this was the best moment of her life. finally being able to touch him - all of him, without worry. she had kept her promise. she would wait for him as long as her human heart was beating.

but now, her heart didn't consist of human- it was na'vi. they had found their way back to each other - just like she had hoped. s'more's heart was now at peace. neteyam's yellow eyes gazed into her red ones - almost as if he was stuck in a trance.

"I see you," he murmured. her lips curved into a smile before gently placing her lips onto his. this was now her home - him and the sea.

"I see you, ma tate," and they pushed their noses together once more - their love only just beginning.


ya, ate them tf up. just wait for her war arch 😩😩 anyway... do u guys think turning her into an avatar was a good idea orrr i've had the thought and i just had to do it!! ilyyy

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