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her pov

s'more had made it her duty to pay a visit to noxta once more - to introduce the new life she and neteyam had created. s'more's feet were covered in the sand below her. she hadn't seem noxta in months - she felt guilty for it but it had just been so hard for her to gain the courage to see her again. she held baby nox'wa in her arms as she waited for noxta's arrival at the edge of the ocean - where they had first met. s'more's lips were pursed into a thin line, heart racing, eye lashed franticly batting with anticipation.

"hey, you," noxta spooked her from behind. s'more gasped before turning around to see noxta's bright green eyes staring into her red ones. "miss me?" she showed a toothy smile. s'more returned one in awe of what she saw in front of her. noxta was glowing - her hair was longer; fuller. she looked alive.

s'more brushed the thoughts away from her head. "I have someone for you to meet," she murmured and removed the blanket that covered over nox'wa's face. noxta's eyes widened at the sight of her and she immediately went to touch her but backed away; looking to s'more for approval. s'more nodded - why wouldn't she? this was her miracle child, her gift from eywa. "you can hold her- if you'd like..." s'more muttered. so without another thought noxta went to pick nox'wa up - her small figure fitting perfectly into her arms.

"she has neteyam's eyes..." noxta giggled. "... and hints of your human ones," she looked up to s'more in disbelief. noxta moved some of nox'wa's hair out of the way - that she had been blessed with a full set of. "what is her name?" noxta didn't take her eyes away from the child; captivated by her. s'more sighed happily at the sight of them.

"tsireya actually named her," noxta's eyes shot up to s'more's. "she named her nox'wa..." s'more coo'd; tears in her eyes. noxta pursed her lips before pulling s'more into the side of her - hugging her.

"do not cry..." she leaned her head against s'more's. noxta put a finger between nox'wa's hands so that she could grab onto it. both s'more and noxta felt at peace - silence surrounded them as they simply admired the life in front of them.

"I don't mean to interrupt but I thought I'd finally pay a visit to my favorite sea monkey," a voice caused them to look up - only to reveal neteyam. s'more smiled up at him as she saw him walking toward them. noxta had tears in her eyes at the sight of him. she quickly handed nox'wa over to s'more before running to neteyam and engulfing him in her arms.

noxta cried into his shoulder - it had been a whole year for him to finally get the courage to finally see her. and, to be quite frank - her death affected him more than anyone knew. he had wanted to see her sooner but the pain in his heart was simply too much to bare. "you skxawng! you just now come see me?!" she laughed sadly; hitting him in his arm.

"I'm sorry..." his voice was muffled as his chin laid on her shoulder - still in her arms. he finally pulled away from her, so he could look at her facial features for the first time in almost a year. his breath hitched at the sight of her - she had been the same noxta he remembered only brighter; happier. he felt a toothy grin come onto his face - happy to finally see her In front of him. "I am a father now," he tilted his head.

"yes... and s'more is a mother," she stated in a duh tone. s'more approached them finally - once she felt they had gotten their emotions out.

"and he does an amazing job," s'more backed him up - she knew how happy he had been since nox'wa had been born. it was all he could talk about. neteyam smiled down at her and placed a kiss against her lips. she hummed against his lips in satisfaction. noxta rolled her eyes at the two love birds.

"I hate to be such a downer... but, I think its best I let you guys go," noxta said. she knew they couldn't stay here forever - although she wished they could. but she knew in her heart that they would be back to see her eventually, even if it took them months to get the energy to do so again. "you know where to find me when you do," she looked down to nox'wa; placing a chaste kiss against her small forehead. "see you later?" she murmured. nox'wa just coo'd back to her in response. s'more giggled at the interaction - neteyam stood with a sly smile.

then, noxta pulled s'more's face to hers ; kissing her gently onto her cheek. "my girl.." s'more whimpered. noxta just nodded. she would always be her girl - just like she was before her death. "bye..." and with that s'more and neteyam disconnected their cues from the spirit tree before swimming back to the top where kiri held nox'wa above water. "thank you , kiri- for waiting," she gave a small smile.

"always.. how was it?" she asked. she felt saddened that hadn't been able to see noxta because of her condition but she knew in another lifetime they would meet again. neteyam got onto his ilu before helping s'more onto the back of it so she could hold nox'wa in her arms.

"it was... extraordinary," s'more spoke softly - with a heavy heart. she didn't know when she would return to see noxta because every time she left she'd wish she could stay there forever. she held nox'wa in her arms as she laid her head against neteyam. she could feel his warm skin against her face - it reminded her of the time she flew on the back on his Ikran when they were only just arriving to the metkayina clan. she felt a small smile form on her lips at the thought.

everything felt like a dream to her. neteyam took off on his ilu; making their way back to the village. once they arrived - kiri close behind them. they hopped off only to be met with Jake holding a camera. s'more laughed at him. "come on, smile," Jake insisted. neteyam rolled his eyes - he had remember this back at the forrest when his father forced them to take a picture.

"fine, fine," neteyam laughed. s'more held nox'wa in her arms as neteyam threw an arm around her shoulder. "smile!" he chuckled and formed a grin. they smiled at the camera and s'more could feel her heart flutter as the flash went off.

"perfect!" spider clapped from the side of them. s'more rolled her eyes at her brother.

"skxawng," she laughed. she analyzed spider and it reminded her of when she had been human. she smiled at the thought. s'more looked down at nox'wa once more - her eyes always becoming more beautiful every time she saw them. she felt nox'wa wrap her fingers around her pinky so, she pulled neteyam in for a kiss - jake snapped another picture of them as they were in the moment and that's when she knew.

she might of been na'vi now - but her heart would always be human.


authors note: yall, i am crying making this chapter because it is the last chapter — and it makes me sad :( i love this book yall, and all the love it had gotten: i appreciate it soooo much you don't even know .

95k reads ???! like be soo frl! i might make a epilogue though, because i know that you guys prolly wanna see nox'wa all grown up or ya know, talking , at least
i love y'all

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