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my feet kicked lightly in the water as the day had finally come to an end. neteyam and everyone else had already started laying down but i wanted some time to myself; to think. it was beautiful here, there was no denying that.

but i missed the forest. i might be human, but the forest was my home. me and spiders home. i missed him like no other, we were always with each other. the feeling of him being ripped away from me felt like a million daggers had stabbed me in the heart.

my toes circled around in the water as the moon was now reflecting off of me. my hair was down and curly; heart was sore. i wanted to cry. "hey," a calm voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

it had been the young girl that had spoke to me just a few hours ago. she had a soft smile spread across her face. "i saw you sitting here, thought i would join you," and she stuck her feet in the water with me.

i giggled. "yeah, just thinking," was all i said. i had no clue how to make conversation with new people. "thinking about what?" she questioned, keeping her eyes in front of her and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"home... my brother," i responded softly. she looked at me with sad eyes. "i am sorry," her voice was sincere and laced with positivity. i knew being around her could brighten my whole day just by her presence. she was just... kind.

"you're really nice, you know that?" i watched as her feet kicked in the water. "thank you, i actually don't get that a lot," she laughed. "we should be friends," her dimples were visible as she talked.

i just nodded. "yeah, that sounds nice," and we talked the rest of the night away; getting to know each other.

the next morning

i woke up to a rapid shaking of my body. "wake up, it's breakfast!" tuk exclaimed as she shook me. i groaned  and turned to look at her. "everyone is already there but i wanted to wait for you!"

i smiled at her, i found it quite sweet that she would hold back her breakfast just so i would have someone to go with. "aw, thank you tuk. i'm up now!" i laughed and stood to my feet.

"okay, take my hand and i will lead us there," she bossed, i found it funny how she was so needy about breakfast. i followed her over to the breakfast hut, where everyone including the metkayina na'vi sat.

my facial expression instantly dropped as i took notice that i actually was the only human here. "here," neteyam patted a spot next to him with a warm smile on his face. "goodmorning, ma s'more," he coo'd in my ear as i sat down. i let a teethy smile show as his words flew through my heart.

"morning, tate,"

"hey! i want to sit with s'more!" tuk pouted, neteyam sighed and rolled his eyes. "here-" i patted my lap. "i'm not that hungry, you can just sit with me," i assured her. tuk smiled and took a seat in my lap.

"crybaby," lo'ak snickered. "hey! i heard that," tuk snapped at him causing neteyam and i both to laugh.

kiri just rolled her eyes at their foolishness and continued to eat her food. i helped tuk cut her food into pieces so she could eat it easier. "i don't like this," she whispered to me. i laughed. "just put it to the side, don't eat it," she nodded and continued to eat her food; careful not to touch the weird red fruit.

sometime later

"so today, we are going to be helping you get ilu's," tsireya explained. "they're like your ikrans but nicer," her voice was soft as we all swayed in the water.

i felt left out, since i actually could never get an ilu. i never was even able to get an ikran. i just looked down at my feet through the water as she explained some basic rules. i didn't care to listen because obviously what would i be useful for? nothing.

i sighed; playing with the hem of my top to distract myself. "you can ride with me!" her voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "you can ride with me in my ilu," tsireya smiled.

i felt my heart grow light once again at her words. "thank you," my smiled returned to her. she put her hand on my shoulder; sensing my off attitude.

"do not put yourself down, you are just like the rest of us. just because you look different doesn't mean your heart is," her words hit me like a bus, it almost made me cry.

so i just took her in my arms and hugged her. she seemed caught off guard but she hugged me back. "i am your friend, so i care about you so that means i hate seeing you sad," she giggled; trying to lighten my mood.

"you're right, thank you." my smile was now sincere. i pulled away from her. "let's go, my ilu is waiting," and with that, i followed her lead and the rest of the day consisted of multiple fails and laughs.

authors note

tsireya and s'more... LOCKED INNN .. LIKE A BOOTYHOLE 🤭🤭

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