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I twirled my feet in the pond water. It was before sun rise - I couldn't sleep so I decided to come to me and neteyam's spot. although this time had consisted of no neteyam. the water was warm against my skin. it felt amazing. my thoughts were interrupted as I heard foot steps creeping toward where I was seated. which revealed a tired looking neteyam. I rolled my eyes. I had come here for some alone time and he had followed me here. "thought i'd find you here, cookie," I sighed at the nickname. it never got old, it never could. but it hurt to hear at the moment. he probably had a nickname for noxta by now.

"cookie," I mocked him. not noticing I did so, I pursed my lips in a thin line in hopes he didn't hear me. I heard him sigh. "I'm sorry about yesterday, I didn't know what to say-" I looked up at him which made him stop talking. "so you say that we are nothing? and even worse, you point out that we are two different species?" I could feel tears brim my eyes just by thinking of what had happened yesterday. so I turned away from him; swallowing the lump in my throat. "like I said, I do not wish to speak to you," my voice cracked as I spoke. he ignored me and took a seat next to me. I wanted to punch him for being so stubborn. why was he still here? "cookie, I love you," his voice sent vibrations through my body. I hated the effect he had on me, just by the simple tone of his voice.

I hated him for making me feel so strongly for him. "maybe your father was right. maybe it will never work," I avoided eye contact with him. I could feel his yellow gaze burning the side of my head. "because if you loved me, you would have not said those things to noxta," and I pursed my lips once more before standing to my feet. the sun had risen causing it to beam brightly against my skin. it felt refreshing. I had needed it since neteyam had came to sit next to me, making my skin ice cold. "you're right," I heard him speak up. "someone who loves you, wouldn't do that," he stood up and walked in front of me. now I had to look him in the eyes. beautiful as always. I wished I could take a picture of him and tape it to the back of my mind, so I could never go with out his handsome face. how could I still be mad at him. neytiri had said this was the first step to real love, this was only the beginning.

"do you like noxta?" I questioned. his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "what? no," he was honest. so it made me wonder why he had lied to her yesterday. I sucked in a breath. "then why did you lie?" his eyes scanned my face for answers but he didn't find any - he saw nothing. "because I was scared to say the wrong thing. I didn't know whether to say yes or no because I didn't know if you felt the same way," he was soft spoken. I rolled my eyes. "why would I not feel the same?"

"I do not know," he sighed; pinching the bridge of his nose. I finally let a laugh erupt from my lips. he pulled his hand away from his face letting a smile creep onto his face. "you are so stupid," I teased. a sigh of relief left his lips as he saw the weight being lifted off my shoulders from the built up tension. I gently punched his shoulder but winced in return since I had forgotten I punched a mirror just last night. he took my hands in his as he analyzed them. "what happened?" he looked at me with concern. I laughed to myself at how stupid it was going to sound and also the fact I was going to have to tell tsireya I broke the mirror out of pure rage and sadness. "I punched a mirror and cut my hand," he pursed his lips together in a thin line before kissing them gently.

"you skxawng," he murmured with a chuckle. I felt butterflies erupt in my stomach by the touch of his lips. he pulled me into a hug - kissing the top of my head. "I dreamt of you," he coo'd. "oh yeah, what about?" his hands rubbed up and down my back; warming me up. "you and I in paradise, happy." he pulled away from me. "you are my paradise," he lifted my mask up half way so that he could place a small kiss against my lips. I smiled. he was my paradise as well.

we were interrupted by a panicked aonung. neteyam wiped his head around to face him. "what is it?" neteyam walked up to him. "I thought I'd find you here-" he took a breath. "I-i would have thought he'd been back by now," neteyams eyes shot open as aonung spoke. "what do you mean, he?" aonung swallowed a lump in his throat - scared to tell neteyam whatever it was he needed to know. "I took lo'ak outside the reef and left him there-" I let out a gasp. "you did WHAT?!" neteyam shouted. I had never heard him get so loud and angry before. my heart sunk. I know how much lo'ak meant to him, including me. neteyam stormed up to him and grabbed him roughly by the back of his hair.

"you're gonna tell my father of this," and he yanked him away as I followed closely behind. arriving at the hut neteyam pushed aonung toward Jake - almost making him stumble over. " tell him what you told me!" anger was laced in his eyes. aonung slapped neteyam's hand away in attempt to balance himself. "I-i," he couldn't get the words out and It was making neteyam frustrated. "say it," he spit. Jake looked at his son in disbelief. he had never seen him so angry before. "I took lo'ak outside the reef with my friends and we left him there as a joke but I would have thought he'd be back by now," the look on jakes face as aonung spoke of his youngest son turned into pure rage. I had never seen someone's face change so fast just by a sentence.



the time period in my story is super long, like their gonna be here a couple years before they even fight lol - long..

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