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the sun beamed down on them as they flew over the new clan they had discovered; the metkayina. s'more held on tight to neteyam as they began to angle their ikrans downward, preparing for landing.

"what if they-" neteyam stopped her before she could say another word. "do not think negative. i am here, nothing can harm you," his words were laced with reassurance. s'more just lightly smiled to at him after feeling some of her worry wash away.

she had just waken up from her nap against neteyams back. her nerves were over the roof, she was frightened about how the metkayina would react to her being human. she was also scared that no matter what she'd do to fit in, they would never except her.

"i am just scared that they will treat me differently," she murmured. he sighed as they began to take their landing. "who cares what they think? you are kind and strong, that's all that matters," he rubbed his hand against her knee that hung off of the ikran.

she relaxed under his touch. his touch sent a thousand butterflies through her stomach, which now immediately gained all her focus on how to get rid of them instead of what she was previously worried about.

they finally made their landing, tuk was tired from the long ride and the look of kiri's face was more than enough evidence to show that she hated they were doing this. "for the love of eywa," she growled under her breath in hopes to restrain her annoyance.

"kiri, come," neytiri ushered her to stand. kiri drug her feet as she made her way to stand by her. all of them now in a group, becoming slowly surrounded by the clan of metkayina.

"everyone be nice," jake warned. he was scared to make a bad impression, more importantly scared neytiri would lash out since she hadn't taken leaving her home too kindly.

neytiri went to grab her bow that her father had given her as he laid his head dying. "leave it," her husband ordered. she groaned at his words but decided to leave it anyway.

s'more made sure to hide behind neteyams back. "i am scared," she whimpered. neteyam just grabbed onto her hand to comfort her.

the leader of the metkayina made his way towards the sullys, in attempt to figure out why they had come. "what's brings you forest na'vi to us?" he questioned. jake took a deep breath as he looked around at his family. "i'm here seeking sanctuary for my family,"

ronal; the metkayina's tsahik, approached in a judging stare. "sanctuary?!" she gasped. she walked around the family as she observed every flaw upon them. "you cannot bring your war here," tonowari stated as he watched his wife walk around the group of dark blue na'vis. jake shook his head and stepped closer to him.

"i'm done with war, i just want my family to be safe-"

"they have DEMON BLOOD!" ronal interrupted, revealing kiri's hands that held five fingers instead of four. "they are not even true na'vi,"

kiri snatched her hands away from her. "yes we are!" ronal then walked up to lo'ak, which was uncomfortably close to neteyam and s'more, causing s'more to get more and more nervous; seeing how she had just reacted to kiri having five fingers.

"their arms are thin, tails are weak," she continued to tease. s'mores heart rate grew faster as she got closer. neteyam could feel her nails digging into his side, so he pursed his lips together to help himself from wincing in pain. he knew s'more was anxious at the moment so he was willing to take the pain if that meant s'more would feel better.

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