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s'more, tsireya, and kiri were all gathered in a circle, as some would call it; having a girls night. "have you ever thought about cutting your hair?" tsireya began to ask s'more.

and like they were twins kiri and s'more both gasped at the fact she would even suggest that. "what?! no way, never," s'more laughed. "it took me eighteen years to grow this out,"

"i feel like short hair would compliment your face," tsireya continued to insist. kiri rolled her eyes at her. "then who's hair would i be able to braid?" she questioned.

s'more nodded; agreeing with her. tsireya put her hands up in defense. "i was just saying," her smile was small. "yeah, and neteyam would die if he saw your hair short," kiri teased.

with a groan s'more smacked her arm, "he would not, he probably wouldn't even notice a difference," she was trying to deny the fact that her and neteyam had something going on.

"yeah, okay," kiri sarcastically snickered. "i'm serious, there is nothing-" s'more tried to get out.

"please, it's like looking through a glass window... it's more than obvious that my alien of a brother likes you," kiri continued. tsireya laughed. "is this a bad time to say that i like your brother also? uh- lo'ak that is," she teased.

kiri groaned. "ew! what is so special about my brothers?!" and they all laughed. as kiri and tsireya continued talking, s'more couldn't help but let her mind wonder to neteyam.

would he actually didnt notice if she cut her hair? she was now in a state of deciding whether or not to cut it. first, it was hard to maintain and second, she would finally be able to get rid of the headaches that came from her having such long hair.

"you know what, let's cut my hair," she blurted. kiri's eyes shot open at her words. "s'more-" kiri couldn't even find the words to say at this moment. she was stunned at the fact this was even an option to her.

"say no more!" tsireya was too excited about this and immediately hopped up from her seat and walked over to s'more. she grabbed a sharp dagger that sat near her and put it up to her hair that was held loosely in a braid. "no going back now," and without a second thought tsireya sliced her hair off not even giving s'more a chance to back down.

smore gasped at the sudden movement. "oh my god," her eyes brimmed with tears. not because she regretted it but because it was a big step to take. tsireya showed smore her braid that had been freshly chopped off. "you still look beautiful, don't worry," she coo'd in reassurance.

"oh gosh, neteyam is going to freak out!" kiri panicked playfully. s'mores mind was running in circles thinking about how neteyam would react, even thinking about how neytiri would react. it was one of the small things neytiri loved about her. when she was younger neytiri would tell her that "hair is one of the main characteristics of beauty," but to also not let it define her.

so she didn't, her hair was still her beauty. it may have been short now but that didn't change the fact that she was beautiful. her warm brown eyes, and skin slightly tanned. she was the definition of beautiful.

if only she had been na'vi she could express her beauty in a whole different way. there was also no hiding the fact that her and neteyam were in love, everyone could see it. and if kiri could choose anyone to be neteyams lover it would be smore ten times over, what better person to choose for him.

they might have been different on the outside but on the inside their hearts were conjoined as one. "don't over think it so much, smore. i'm just kidding," kiri snapped her out of her daze. "neteyam will love-"

"you guys talking about-"

they all snapped their heads to the entrance of tsireya hut; revealing a sleepy eyed neteyam. but before anyone could say anything he had already stopped in his tracks at the scene he was encountering.

tsireya had s'mores dead braid in her hand, smore had dry tears running down her face. then kiri just had a surprised look on her face as if she was pretending she didn't know what was going on either. "you- your hair..." he murmured almost speechless.

her curly hair now just reached barley above her shoulders which actually proved tsireya right. it did defined s'mores face better. smore just looked down at her hands as she felt neteyams stare burn into her. "i like it!" his voice caught her off gaurd and she shot back up to look at him.

"you do?" her brown eyes gazed at him. tsireya giggled at the interaction and kiri just rolled her eyes. "yuck! get a room," and she stood up. "i'm going to bed, goodnight," kiri walked past neteyam making sure to give him a glare before disappearing into the darkness.

neteyam laughed. "yeah i do, it suits you," he ignored kiri. smore let out a sigh of relief. "thank you..." with a smile neteyam walked into tsireyas hut to grab s'mores hand.

"let's head to bed so tsireya can get some sleep," she just nodded and followed neteyam. "goodnight, reya!" she shouted as neteyam drug her out from tsireyas eye sight.

"night!" smore heard her call from a distance and just like kiri they made their way to bed.

authors note:

this is kinda a filler chapter but i felt like the hair cutting was a big step in this story. also,

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