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"this is not a good idea," s'more was in the middle of scolding lo'ak and spider. they had dragged her, kiri, and tuk along to go see the old battlefield.

"it's fine, me and spider come here all the time," this made s'more throw dagger eyes at spider. spider slapped lo'ak in response.

tuk was running a little behind so s'more decided she would fall back so that she could stay close to her. "tuk keep up," lo'ak growled.

"why did we bring her anyway?" spider asked. kiri had picked tuk up so she wouldn't keep getting behind.

"she's such a cry baby. you're not supposed to go to the battle field, i'll tell mom if you don't let me come," he mocked tuk. tuk got down from kiri's arms and put both hands on her hip before sticking her tongue out at him.

which made s'more giggle. "do not pick on her," kiri warned. lo'ak just rolled his eyes and continued walking. eventually lo'ak had spotted footprints in the mud.

"big enough to be avatars but they're not ours," lo'ak examined. s'mores ears went down, as if she was part na'vi.

"we need to get out of here," s'more demanded. spider just snickered. "lo'ak, let's go investigate," lo'ak nodded and followed spider; towards the battleship.

"lo'ak!" kiri warned. she waved for tuk and s'more to follow her along with her brother. "dad is going to ground you!" lo'ak rolled his eyes at kiri and shushed her.

"for life!" she warned once more. lo'ak groaned. "can you stop?" he was being serious he hated how overprotective kiri was being. s'more watched as they bickered; spacing out. she didn't want to be here. she knew it would end bad but it was her duty to watch them since she was oldest. they had convinced her that if she go, they would stay out of trouble.

"bro that's where your dad and my dad fought," spider laughed. "that's your dads actual suit!" lo'ak was overly excited at the fact they were so close to fight that had taken place against the two human's father and Jake sully, also known as toruk makto.

lo'ak and spider had obviously lied about being able to come to the battleship. "lo'ak, spider, we need to leave-" her sentence was interrupted as she saw tall avatars appear in front of them exploring the old battleship. they were dressed from head to toe in armor and gear. they were definitely not on their side. "leave. now," s'more demanded standing up and grabbing tuk.

"hold on, I gotta call this in." with reason, s'more waited for lo'ak to call it in. "no, dude were gonna get in trouble-" spider tried to reason. "dad, this is eagle eye over," lo'ak talked into the ear set that his father had given him; ignoring spider.

"eagle eye, send your traffic,"

"I got my eye on some guys, they look like avatars but they're in full camo and carrying AR's," s'more and kiri could tell by lo'ak's face that they were gonna be in trouble. "eagle eye, what's your POS?" Jake had questioned through the ear piece. s'more frowned at the fact that the whole time Jake had not known where they gone. lo'ak and spider had lied to her. "lo'ak!" she scolded. he rolled his eyes.

"we're by the old pod, there's six of them." and with the words he had just spoken his face winced as he had just realized he told on himself. "who's we?" Jake questioned. s'more just crossed her arms over one another at how stupid lo'ak was being. lo'ak sighed before answering. "me, spider, kiri, s'more... and tuk," it was almost like s'more could hear Jake hiss over the line. she knew lo'ak was going to be in big trouble.

by lo'ak's face kiri could also tell that lo'ak was in trouble, "see," she scoffed and lo'ak just swatted her away. all s'more could think about was neteyam and what he was thinking about this whole situation. Jake sighed, "listen to me very carefully. I need you guys to pull back right now. do not make a sound and get the hell out of there!"

"yes sir," and with a motion the five of them scurried along trying their best not to make noise. kiri had a hold of tuk's hand In attempt to get them out of the forest faster. "you're going to be in so much trouble," kiri bickered. once again lo'ak rolled his eyes. "kiri, stop."

"guys, come on," spider tried to reason because obviously it was not the best time to argue. s'more huffed at their immatureness and continued walking. "guys, it's almost eclipse come on," tuk warned; knowing they had to be home before then.

but roughly; interrupting them. one of the avatars they had seen grabbed tuk by her queue; catching everyone off guard and causing tuk to scream. "TUK!" s'more yelled and leaped to grab her but to her disadvantage more avatars appeared and grabbed them all.

s'more and spider were grabbed by the same one, while the rest were left by themselves. "look quaritch, we've got ourselves an half breed," the name had rung a bell in s'more's head as the avatar held up kiri's hand. spider hissed at them as they did so. he hated people touching kiri, he wouldn't dare let anyone hurt her. "let her go!" he yelled.

s'more tried to calm him but it didn't work. while she was obeying, spider was tossing and turning trying to fight his way out of the grabbers reach. quaritch approached lo'ak. "show me your hands," referring to what he had seen on kiri's.

and with a smirk lo'ak slowly reached his hands up giving him his middle fingers. quaritch laughed. "you're his arent you?" and lo'ak just hissed. "yeah, you're his alright." and with a swift motion he grabbed lo'ak by his queue demanding him to tell him where Jake was. that's when it all hit s'more like a truck. this was their father. that was when quaritch pulled out a knife threatening him.

s'more for the first time raised her voice. "no, let him go!" she screamed. all eyes were now on her. quaritch turned his head towards the siblings.  "what's your names?" spider calmed down and looked to his sister. "s'more and spider," she complied and as if the words had any meaning quaritch took a step forward and ushered for the avatar to unhold them. "miles? emma?" spider looked to his sister once more and then back up to him.

"nobody calls us that," spider was stern with his voice. s'more was proud of him for using his voice in the correct manor but also furious as to how her father was back and she had hoped spider had caught on by now. on who quaritch was but she also could understand if he didn't, because he was too young to remember him.

"well, ill be damned, I would have thought they'd sent you guys back to earth." he knelt down.

with a snicker s'more and spider spoke at the same time. "you can't fly babies in crypto, dibshit,"

authors note

this was a shitty chapter but oh well.

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