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i'd never admit that it hurt me when neteyam would become silent toward me after a scolding from his father but i did understand why. he would always make it better though by telling me how much i'm not the problem, how he just likes his alone time after the feeling of having let down his father.

we were now laying down. everyone else had fallen asleep. spider had went back to the pod where all the other humans are so he could shower and sleep peacefully without an oxygen mask.

but i? i did not follow him. i stayed with neteyam. he needed me. after he had gotten patched up, he brought me to the side. he had asked if i could stay with him tonight.

and obviously i agreed. why wouldn't i? i'd do anything for him. "can you rub your hands through my hair?" he whispered just barley below a breath. his head was laid against my chest, his fingers playing with the hem of my top.

"sure, tate," tate had always been my nickname for him. ever since we were kids. neteyam would sometimes call me cookie but i had always told him i liked the nickname s'more better. but, he would call me "cookie" anyway.

i couldn't get over the fact he made up his own name for me. it made me feel even more for him.

"i can not sleep without you," he accent was prominent as he spoke. i just quietly giggled. it was true. anytime i would go back with my brother, neteyam would whine and beg me to stay with him. i would usually roll my eyes at his tantrum but as things have been progressing it had gotten harder to say no to him.

so i would just do all my duties that i had to do the next morning. "i can not sleep without you either," my fingers trailed to his ear; tugging it playfully. he shoved his face into my neck so that he could nip me with his teeth. I winced and swatted him. "hey!" I whisper yelled. he just chuckled under his breath and laid his head back down on my chest.

"i am glad you're okay after today," my words were quiet but he looked up at me, his tail lightly rubbing up against my legs. "i am too, i would not want you to be sad," he fake pouted. i just cheekily smiled at him.

"you are so full of yourself," i rolled my eyes and took my hand away from his head. he squinted his eyes at me, and squeezed my hip in comfort as he laid back down. "i also did not say to stop rubbing my head," he added on. i huffed and brought my hands back through his hair.

"skxawng," i murmured. he just laughed as we both fell asleep in each others arms.

next morning

i had made my way to the pod to meet with my brother. i had guessed he'd still be asleep since i had snuck out of the grasp of neteyam successfully without waking him.

but to my surprise lo'ak and kiri had beat me there. kiri was sitting down watching a video of her mother, and lo'ak was messing around with spider. kiri had been adopted by the sullys at a young age. her conception had been a total mystery.

i rolled my eyes at how sneaky they were being, they were here before sunrise had even started. "neytiri is going to claw your eyes out," i laughed, taking my oxygen mask off finally.

i rubbed my hands over my face trying to get used to the feeling of freedom. "no she won't, kiri is with us," lo'ak tried to reason. i just rolled my eyes again.

i approached kiri, putting my hands lightly on her shoulders. "can you take my braid out," i pouted. she laughed with a nod and turned around to unbraid my hair.

"so..." lo'ak started off. "who do you think knocked her up?" referencing toward kiri's mom. kiri gasped as she heard this and my eyes had just widened.

"you do not deserve to live," she stated. spider had just been laughing along with lo'ak. "i mean, i bet it was norm," he joked again.

"oh yeah totally, look. he's giving her looks," spider laughed; pointing to the video of her mother and norm.

"i would kill myself- i would drink acid," she was now joking along with them as i stayed silent. i had no time for childish games.

until spider looked down. "i mean, it's not so great to know who your father was," my eyes shot up at him as the words spilled out of his mouth.

we would never mention our father so when he said this it had caught me completely off guard. "spider!" i hissed. he looked at me then looked down again. "sorry," he said; blankly.

"no, spider-" lo'ak tried to comfort him but spider had just shrugged him off.

kiri had got done with my hair and made her way over to spider, making sure she held my hand as she did so.

she hugged us both. "you guys are not him," she reassured. i just smiled and leaned my body into my brother in hopes that his attitude would brighten up.

authors note:

i have no idea how this is not getting reads😭 i could have sworn my idea was unique enough to get some attention :((

any way
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