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s'more's pov

six months later...

"ao'nung, can you please pass me the molding paste?" tsireya was practically begging for him to participate. tsireya was currently making a belly cast for me, so that I could have remembrance of my pregnancy after birth. "ao'nung!" she finally caught his attention.

"why must I get it? you are the one that-" he tried to complain but tsireya was NOT having it.

"ao'nung, I will not ask again," she folded her arms over one another. neteyam chuckled at tsireya being so bossy. she had been super over protective over me ever since my stomach started to show - like the best aunt she could be. ao'nung rolled his eyes and went to go get the paste. "I am sorry about him," she apologized; rubbing in the paste that was already against my stomach.

"do not worry, I think it is funny," I giggled. neteyam sat on the side - watching us in awe, giving me quick pecks on my lips ever so often.

"do you have any names picked out yet?" tsireya asked. I immediately pursed my lips. I had not been thinking of baby names - it would stress me out too bad to come up with one. so, I just looked to neteyam in hopes he had thought of any.

he sighed. "I- I don't know," he defended himself. I sighed also - this was very immature of me, not thinking of names. and, I only had two months left to come up with one or even sooner.

tsireya lightly smiled; realizing the sudden silence. "could I pick the name?" she asked; looking up at me. I turned to neteyam with raise eyebrows. I mean tsireya had been my right hand since I had been here - not the mention I knew I wouldn't be able to come up with a name in enough time. neteyam nodded and so did i. tsireya squealed as she pulled me into a hug. "amazing, I won't let you down," she bit her lip to contain her excitement. neteyam and I just laughed in response.

"I am back," ao'nung groaned; handing tsireya some more paste - rotxo and kiri had joined him also.

"thank you brother," tsireya teased. neteyam shook his head at them bickering. it reminded him of lo'ak. "oh, and hi rotxo and kiri," tsireya greeted them as she applied more molding paste to my belly.

"hello, sisters," kiri greeted us both. I smiled at the fact she called us her sisters. "lo'ak did not care to join us... he is too busy arguing with tuk," kiri let out a laugh. tsireya groaned at the information.

"that boy will be the death of me," she mumbled. "but I love him so-" tsireya tried to comply with lo'ak's bad decisions.

"yuck! you love him?" neteyam teased. I elbowed him in his arm for interrupting tsireya. she just rolled her eyes at him with a giggle. neteyam put his arms up in defense. "I guess my brother is pretty lovable," neteyam tried to save himself. I laughed. lo'ak and neteyam had gotten closer to one another - bonding more as brothers and to be honest they had even began to spend more time together then neteyam and I did. not that I cared - I actually adored it because I knew they had - had some rough patches. they were finally the brothers that they needed for each other.

"dinner is starting soon," spider poked his head into tsireya's hut to inform us. "aw, are you doing a belly cast?" he asked as he realized what was going on. I nodded; waving my hand for him to come close. I smiled up at him as I saw him walking toward me. he had been making sure that every morning I would drink a full cup of a fruit smoothie - to make sure the baby stayed strong and healthy. he had yet to miss a day. it made me all the more grateful that I was even granted the privilege call spider my brother.

"she is getting big," I coo'd; helping tsireya rub in some paste. spider nodded; agreeing.

"she is getting big... and strong," he added.

"yea- strong like her father," neteyam butted in - he lifted his arms up; flexing his muscles. I rolled my eyes at his foolishness. ever since he had found out he was going to be a dad - he had been acting exactly the part. such as, cracking dad jokes, teasing randomly, and saying the most cheesy - cringe things. it made my heart happy.

"you skxawng," I pushed him; playfully. spider just shook his head as he laughed at the two of us.

"all done, now just let it dry," tsireya snapped us out of our playful banter. "and I am going to find lo'ak as you do so," she quickly smiled before running out of her own hut.

"she is crazy about that boy," rotxo blurted - finally saying something since he had been here. kiri elbowed him.

"she is in love, leave her alone," she hissed. rotxo put his arms up in defense. kiri huffed. "I am going to get dinner, later," and she left before anyone could say anything to her. rotxo stiffened a laugh before following behind her also.

"that's my cue too," ao'nung said and left quickly after. they were all scattering away in a rush for dinner - or perhaps they were just growing bored. I rolled my eyes at their actions.

"I guess I have to sit here and wait," I groaned. my stomach felt twice as heavy and I was starving - it was totally the wrong time to do this.

"I will wait with you, cookie," neteyam put his hand on my knee. I smiled up at him - his touch being soft against me.

"I hate to be a party pooper also but I am going to eat dinner," spider chuckled and got up to leave.

"loser!" I teased; watching him walk out of the hut.

once everyone was gone I felt the tension between neteyam and I change. I turned to look at him - his eyes already on mine. "I love you," he murmured; kissing my ear ever so gentle. my tail wagged in excitement. come to think of it - it had been all too long since we had touched one another with lust. I had wanted to for a while but I had been so tired and warn out - I just never had the energy. of course he understood, he was a gentleman so he never tried to push me.

"I love you too," I murmured back. his lips traveled to my neck before lightly sucking on my sweet spot. I whimpered lightly before pushing him back. "not right now," I pointed to my belly. it would be too difficult to engage in any sort of sexual activity since the belly cast. he groaned; raising a brow.

"later?" he pouted.

I giggled and kissed his lips. "later. promise."

i love this book sm, especially since you guys have showed so much support .. i'm great ful!

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